Beispiel #1
        private bool CheckVersionRequirements(ProfileManifest16 manifest, out IList <StatusReportItem> problems)
            List <StatusReportItem> report = new List <StatusReportItem>();

            if (manifest.VersionsRequired == null)
                problems = report;
            foreach (VersionRequired versionRequired in manifest.VersionsRequired)
                if (!FetchVersion(versionRequired.Product, out Version version))
                    report.Add(new StatusReportItem
                        Status =
                            $"Helios does not recognize product '{versionRequired.Product}' which is required by this archive",
                        Recommendation =
                            "find a version of this archive for the Helios distribution that you have or manually edit the archive contents at your own risk",
                        Severity = StatusReportItem.SeverityCode.Warning,
                        Flags    = StatusReportItem.StatusFlags.ConfigurationUpToDate
                if (versionRequired.Minimum != null && version < versionRequired.Minimum)
                    report.Add(new StatusReportItem
                        Status =
                            $"This archive requires {versionRequired.Product} version {versionRequired.Minimum} or higher. You have version {version}.",
                        Recommendation =
                            $"upgrade {versionRequired.Product} or find a version of this archive for the {versionRequired.Product} version you have",
                        Severity = StatusReportItem.SeverityCode.Warning,
                        Flags    = StatusReportItem.StatusFlags.ConfigurationUpToDate
                if (versionRequired.Maximum != null && version > versionRequired.Maximum)
                    report.Add(new StatusReportItem
                        Status =
                            $"This archive requires {versionRequired.Product} version {versionRequired.Maximum} or lower. You have version {version}.",
                        Recommendation =
                            $"find a version of this archive for the {versionRequired.Product} version you have",
                        Severity = StatusReportItem.SeverityCode.Warning,
                        Flags    = StatusReportItem.StatusFlags.ConfigurationUpToDate

            // return success only if we reported nothing
            problems = report;
Beispiel #2
        private bool ShowWelcome(IInstallationCallbacks2 callbacks, ProfileManifest16 manifest)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest.Description) && (manifest.Info == null || !manifest.Info.Any()))
                // nothing to present, continue

            List <StructuredInfo> info = new List <StructuredInfo>();

            // add info that has its own properties
            if (manifest.Authors != null)
                info.AddRange(manifest.Authors.Select(manifestAuthor => new StructuredInfo("Author", manifestAuthor)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest.License))
                info.Add(new StructuredInfo("License", manifest.License));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest.Version))
                info.Add(new StructuredInfo("Version", manifest.Version));

            // gather structured info
            if (null != manifest.Info)

                       $"{ArchivePath} Installation",
                       $"Helios is about to install: {manifest.Description ?? ArchivePath}",
                       new List <StatusReportItem>()) == InstallationPromptResult.Ok);
Beispiel #3
        public InstallationResult Install(IInstallationCallbacks2 callbacks)
            ProfileManifest16 manifest = null;

                using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.Open(_archivePath, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                    ZipArchiveEntry manifestEntry = archive.Entries.FirstOrDefault(entry =>
                                                                                   entry.FullName.Equals(MANIFEST_PATH, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                    if (manifestEntry != null)
                        manifest = LoadManifest(manifestEntry);
                        if (manifest == null)
                            // this cannot happen because we would get a parse failure?  maybe empty file?
                            throw new Exception($"JSON manifest {MANIFEST_PATH} could not be parsed");

                        // see if we are allowed to install this package
                        if (!CheckVersionRequirements(manifest, out IList <StatusReportItem> problems))
                            if (RunningVersion.IsDevelopmentPrototype ||
                                ConfigManager.SettingsManager.LoadSetting("ArchiveInstall", "VersionOverride", false))
                                InstallationPromptResult result = callbacks.DangerPrompt($"{ArchivePath} Installation",
                                                                                         "Installation requirements are not met.  Do you want to install anyway?", problems);
                                if (result == InstallationPromptResult.Cancel)
                                callbacks.Failure($"{ArchivePath} cannot be installed", "Installation requirements are not met", problems);

                        // present welcome screen, if applicable
                        if (!ShowWelcome(callbacks, manifest))
                            callbacks.Failure($"{ArchivePath} installation canceled", "Installation canceled by user", new List <StatusReportItem>());

                        // process selection and build exclusion list
                        foreach (Choice choice in manifest.Choices)
                            // filter options based on version requirements
                            List <StatusReportItem> details = new List <StatusReportItem>();
                            foreach (Option option in choice.Options)
                                if (!CheckVersionRequirements(option, out IList <StatusReportItem> optionDetails))
                                    // this option is not allowed
                                    option.IsValid           = false;
                                    option.ValidityNarrative = "Version requirements not met";

                            // check if we still have viable choices
                            if (!choice.Options.Any())
                                callbacks.Failure($"{ArchivePath} cannot be installed", "None of the options for a required choice are valid for your installation.", details);

                            // fix up dialog if not specified
                            choice.Message = choice.Message ?? "The Profile Archive being installed contains multiple versions of some of its files.  Please choose one version to install:";

                            // wait for response
                            Option selected = PresentChoice(choice);

                            // check if dialog closed or canceled
                            if (selected == null)

                            // process results
                            if (selected?.PathExclusions != null)
                                foreach (string path in selected.PathExclusions)

                    // first check if we have a whole lot of writable files, in which case ask the user if the overwrite strategy should be changed

                    // now unpack everything
                    IList <StatusReportItem> report = archive.Entries
                                                      .Where(item => item != null)

                    callbacks.Success($"Installed {ArchivePath}",
                                      $"Files were installed into {Anonymizer.Anonymize(ConfigManager.DocumentPath)}", report);

            catch (Exception ex)
                callbacks.Failure($"Failed to install {ArchivePath}",
                                  $"Attempt to install Helios Profile from '{Anonymizer.Anonymize(_archivePath)}' failed",