public static DirectXControllerFunction Create(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, Guid objectType, int objectNumber, JoystickState initialState)
            DirectXControllerFunction function = null;

            if (objectType == ObjectGuid.Button)
                function = new DirectXControllerButton(controllerInterface, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.Slider)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Slider, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.XAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.X, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.YAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Y, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.ZAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Z, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.RxAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rx, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.RyAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Ry, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.RzAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rz, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.PovController)
                function = new DirectXControllerPOVHat(controllerInterface, objectNumber, initialState);

            return function;
        internal List <DirectXControllerGuid> GetAvailableControllers(HeliosProfile profile)
            List <DirectXControllerGuid> controllers     = new List <DirectXControllerGuid>();
            List <DirectXControllerGuid> usedControllers = new List <DirectXControllerGuid>();

            foreach (HeliosInterface profileInterface in profile.Interfaces)
                DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface = profileInterface as DirectXControllerInterface;
                if (controllerInterface != null)

            IList <DeviceInstance> gameControllerList = DirectInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly);

            foreach (DeviceInstance controllerInstance in gameControllerList)
                DirectXControllerGuid joystickId = new DirectXControllerGuid(controllerInstance.ProductName, controllerInstance.InstanceGuid);
                if (!usedControllers.Contains(joystickId))

Beispiel #3
        public DirectXControllerAxis(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, AxisType type, int axisNumber, JoystickState initialState)
            _axisType   = type;
            _axisNumber = axisNumber;

            _value = new HeliosValue(controllerInterface, new BindingValue(GetValue(initialState)), "", Name, "Current value for " + Name + ".", "(0 - 65536)", BindingValueUnits.Numeric);
        public DirectXControllerAxis(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, AxisType type, int axisNumber, JoystickState initialState)
            _axisType = type;
            _axisNumber = axisNumber;

            _value = new HeliosValue(controllerInterface, new BindingValue(GetValue(initialState)), "", Name, "Current value for " + Name + ".", "(0 - 65536)", BindingValueUnits.Numeric);
        public override List <HeliosInterface> GetInterfaceInstances(HeliosInterfaceDescriptor descriptor, HeliosProfile profile)
            List <HeliosInterface> interfaces = new List <HeliosInterface>();

            foreach (DirectXControllerGuid guid in GetAvailableControllers(profile))
                DirectXControllerInterface newInterface = new DirectXControllerInterface();
                newInterface.ControllerId = guid;

        public override List<HeliosInterface> GetInterfaceInstances(HeliosInterfaceDescriptor descriptor, HeliosProfile profile)
            List<HeliosInterface> interfaces = new List<HeliosInterface>();

            foreach (DirectXControllerGuid guid in GetAvailableControllers(profile))
                DirectXControllerInterface newInterface = new DirectXControllerInterface();
                newInterface.ControllerId = guid;

            return interfaces;
        public DirectXControllerPOVHat(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, int povNumber)
            _lastPollValue = POVDirection.Center;
            _povNumber     = povNumber;
            _name          = "POV " + (_povNumber + 1);

            _value = new HeliosValue(controllerInterface, new BindingValue(-1d), "", _name, "Current state for " + _name + ".", "-1 = Centered, 0 = Up, 45 = Up and Right, 90 = Right, 135 = Down and Right, 180 = Down, 225 = Down and Left, 270 = Left, 315 = Up and Left", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);

            _centerEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "center", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the center position.");
            _centerExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "center", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the center position.");

            _rightEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "right", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the right position.");
            _rightExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "right", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the right position.");

            _leftEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "left", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the left position.");
            _leftExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "left", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the left position.");

            _upEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the up position.");
            _upExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the up position.");
            _upLeftEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and left", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the upper left position.");
            _upLeftExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and left", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the upper left position.");
            _upRightEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and right", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the upper right position.");
            _upRightExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and right", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the upper right position.");

            _downEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the down position.");
            _downExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the down position.");
            _downLeftEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and left", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the downper left position.");
            _downLeftExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and left", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the downper left position.");
            _downRightEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and right", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the downper right position.");
            _downRightExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and right", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the downper right position.");
        public DirectXControllerPOVHat(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, int povNumber)
            _lastPollValue = POVDirection.Center;
            _povNumber = povNumber;
            _name = "POV " + (_povNumber + 1);

            _value = new HeliosValue(controllerInterface, new BindingValue(-1d), "", _name, "Current state for " + _name + ".", "-1 = Centered, 0 = Up, 45 = Up and Right, 90 = Right, 135 = Down and Right, 180 = Down, 225 = Down and Left, 270 = Left, 315 = Up and Left", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);

            _centerEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "center", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the center position.");
            _centerExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "center", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the center position.");

            _rightEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "right", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the right position.");
            _rightExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "right", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the right position.");

            _leftEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "left", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the left position.");
            _leftExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "left", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the left position.");

            _upEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the up position.");
            _upExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the up position.");
            _upLeftEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and left", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the upper left position.");
            _upLeftExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and left", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the upper left position.");
            _upRightEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and right", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the upper right position.");
            _upRightExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "up and right", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the upper right position.");

            _downEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the down position.");
            _downExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the down position.");
            _downLeftEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and left", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the downper left position.");
            _downLeftExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and left", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the downper left position.");
            _downRightEnter = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and right", "entered", "Fires when hat enters the downper right position.");
            _downRightExit = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, _name, "down and right", "exited", "Fires when the hat leaves the downper right position.");
        public DirectXControllerButton(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, int buttonNumber, JoystickState initialState)
            _buttonNumber = buttonNumber;
            _name         = "Button " + (_buttonNumber + 1);
            _value        = new HeliosValue(controllerInterface, new BindingValue(GetValue(initialState)), "", _name, "Current state for " + _name + ".", "True if pressed, false other wise.", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);

            _press   = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, "", _name, "pressed", "Fires when " + _name + " is pressed.", "Always returns true.", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);
            _release = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, "", _name, "released", "Fires when " + _name + " is released.", "Always returns false.", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);


            _lastPollValue = GetValue(initialState);
        public DirectXControllerButton(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, int buttonNumber, JoystickState initialState)
            _buttonNumber = buttonNumber;
            _name = "Button " + (_buttonNumber + 1);
            _value = new HeliosValue(controllerInterface, new BindingValue(GetValue(initialState)), "", _name, "Current state for " + _name + ".", "True if pressed, false other wise.", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);

            _press = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, "", _name, "pressed", "Fires when " + _name + " is pressed.", "Always returns true.", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);
            _release = new HeliosTrigger(controllerInterface, "", _name, "released", "Fires when " + _name + " is released.", "Always returns false.", BindingValueUnits.Boolean);


            _lastPollValue = GetValue(initialState);
Beispiel #11
        public static DirectXControllerFunction CreateDummy(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, string type, int objectNumber)
            DirectXControllerFunction function = null;
            JoystickState             state    = new JoystickState();

            switch (type)
            case "X Axis":
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.X, objectNumber, state);

            case "Y Axis":
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Y, objectNumber, state);

            case "Z Axis":
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Z, objectNumber, state);

            case "X Rotation":
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rx, objectNumber, state);

            case "Y Rotation":
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Ry, objectNumber, state);

            case "Z Rotation":
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rz, objectNumber, state);

            case "Slider":
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Slider, objectNumber, state);

            case "Button":
                function = new DirectXControllerButton(controllerInterface, objectNumber, state);

            case "POV":
                function = new DirectXControllerPOVHat(controllerInterface, objectNumber);

Beispiel #12
        public static DirectXControllerFunction Create(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, Guid objectType, int objectNumber, JoystickState initialState)
            DirectXControllerFunction function = null;

            if (objectType == ObjectGuid.Button)
                function = new DirectXControllerButton(controllerInterface, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.Slider)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Slider, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.XAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.X, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.YAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Y, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.ZAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Z, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.RxAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rx, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.RyAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Ry, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.RzAxis)
                function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rz, objectNumber, initialState);
            else if (objectType == ObjectGuid.PovController)
                function = new DirectXControllerPOVHat(controllerInterface, objectNumber, initialState);

Beispiel #13
        protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Property == InterfaceProperty)
                DirectXControllerInterface oldInterface = e.OldValue as DirectXControllerInterface;
                if (oldInterface != null)
                    oldInterface.PropertyChanged -= new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(Interface_PropertyChanged);

                DirectXControllerInterface newInterface = e.NewValue as DirectXControllerInterface;
                if (newInterface != null)
                    newInterface.PropertyChanged -= new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(Interface_PropertyChanged);
                    newInterface.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(Interface_PropertyChanged);

        public static DirectXControllerFunction CreateDummy(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, string type, int objectNumber)
            DirectXControllerFunction function = null;
            JoystickState state = new JoystickState();

            switch (type)
                case "X Axis":
                    function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.X, objectNumber, state);
                case "Y Axis":
                    function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Y, objectNumber, state);
                case "Z Axis":
                    function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Z, objectNumber, state);
                case "X Rotation":
                    function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rx, objectNumber, state);
                case "Y Rotation":
                    function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Ry, objectNumber, state);
                case "Z Rotation":
                    function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Rz, objectNumber, state);
                case "Slider":
                    function = new DirectXControllerAxis(controllerInterface, DirectXControllerAxis.AxisType.Slider, objectNumber, state);
                case "Button":
                    function = new DirectXControllerButton(controllerInterface, objectNumber, state);
                case "POV":
                    function = new DirectXControllerPOVHat(controllerInterface, objectNumber);

            return function;
Beispiel #15
        void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DirectXControllerInterface dxInterface = Interface as DirectXControllerInterface;

            if (dxInterface != null && dxInterface.IsValid)
                JoystickState state = dxInterface.GetState();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectXControllerButton, ButtonIndicator> pair in _buttons)
                    pair.Value.IsPushed = pair.Key.GetValue(state);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectXControllerAxis, AxisBar> pair in _axis)
                    pair.Value.Value = pair.Key.GetValue(state);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectXControllerPOVHat, PointOfViewIndicator> pair in _povs)
                    pair.Value.Direction = pair.Key.GetValue(state);
 public DirectXControllerPOVHat(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, int povNumber, JoystickState initialState)
     : this(controllerInterface, povNumber)
     _lastPollValue = GetValue(initialState);
     _value.SetValue(new BindingValue((double)_lastPollValue), true);
Beispiel #17
        private void UpdateControllerDisplay()

            DirectXControllerInterface controller = Interface as DirectXControllerInterface;

            if (controller != null)
                foreach (DirectXControllerFunction function in controller.Functions)
                    DirectXControllerButton button = function as DirectXControllerButton;
                    if (button != null)
                        ButtonIndicator indicator = new ButtonIndicator();
                        indicator.Width  = 30;
                        indicator.Height = 30;
                        indicator.Label  = (button.ObjectNumber + 1).ToString();
                        indicator.Margin = new Thickness(2);
                        _buttons.Add(button, indicator);

                    DirectXControllerAxis axis = function as DirectXControllerAxis;
                    if (axis != null)
                        AxisBar bar = new AxisBar();
                        bar.BarWidth        = 30;
                        bar.Height          = 110;
                        bar.Label           = axis.Name;
                        bar.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1d);
                        bar.BorderBrush     = Brushes.DarkGray;
                        bar.Margin          = new Thickness(10, 2, 0, 2);
                        _axis.Add(axis, bar);

                    DirectXControllerPOVHat hat = function as DirectXControllerPOVHat;
                    if (hat != null)
                        PointOfViewIndicator pov = new PointOfViewIndicator();
                        pov.Width     = 60;
                        pov.Height    = 60;
                        pov.Direction = POVDirection.Center;

                        TextBlock label = new TextBlock();
                        label.Width = 60;
                        label.Text  = hat.Name;

                        StackPanel panel = new StackPanel();
                        panel.Margin = new Thickness(10, 2, 0, 2);

                        _povs.Add(hat, pov);

                if (_axis.Count > 0)
                    AxisGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    AxisGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

                if (_buttons.Count > 0)
                    ButtonGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    ButtonGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

                if (_povs.Count > 0)
                    POVGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    POVGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
 public DirectXControllerPOVHat(DirectXControllerInterface controllerInterface, int povNumber, JoystickState initialState)
     : this(controllerInterface, povNumber)
     _lastPollValue = GetValue(initialState);
     _value.SetValue(new BindingValue((double)_lastPollValue), true);