Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transform">Transform</param>
 /// <param name="t">Localized Time</param>
 /// <param name="interpolationType">Interpolation type to use from this keyframe to the next</param>
 public gxtKeyframe(gxtAnimationPose pose, float localTime, gxtAnimationInterpolationType interpolationType = gxtAnimationInterpolationType.SMOOTH_STEP)
     LocalTime = gxtMath.Saturate(localTime);
     AnimationPose = pose;
     InterpolationType = interpolationType;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pose"></param>
 /// <param name="localTime"></param>
 /// <param name="interpolationType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int CreateKeyframe(gxtAnimationPose pose, float localTime, gxtAnimationInterpolationType interpolationType = gxtKeyframe.DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_TYPE)
     gxtKeyframe kf = new gxtKeyframe(pose, localTime, interpolationType);
     return AddKeyframe(kf);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs linear interpolation between two keyframes at the given indices and a value of t
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tweenT">T</param>
        /// <param name="keyFrameIndexA">Index A</param>
        /// <param name="keyFrameIndexB">Index B</param>
        private void Interpolate(float tweenT, int keyFrameIndexA, int keyFrameIndexB)
            poseA = keyframes[keyFrameIndexA].AnimationPose;
            poseB = keyframes[keyFrameIndexB].AnimationPose;

            if (keyframes[keyFrameIndexA].InterpolationType == gxtAnimationInterpolationType.SMOOTH_STEP)
                // smooth step
                tmpPosition = gxtMath.SmoothStep(poseA.Translation, poseB.Translation, tweenT);
                tmpRotation = gxtMath.SmoothStep(poseA.Rotation, poseB.Rotation, tweenT);
                tmpScale = gxtMath.SmoothStep(poseA.Scale, poseB.Scale, tweenT);
                if (poseA.InterpolateColorOverlay)
                    tmpColor = gxtMath.SmoothStep(poseA.ColorOverlay, poseB.ColorOverlay, tweenT);
                    mesh.Material.ColorOverlay = tmpColor;
                if (poseA.InterpolateUVCoords)
                    gxtDebug.SlowAssert(poseA.UVCoordinates != null && poseB.UVCoordinates != null, "Cannot interpolate between null UV Coordinates!");
                    gxtDebug.SlowAssert(poseA.UVCoordinates.Length == poseB.UVCoordinates.Length, "Cannot interpolate between UV Coordinate arrays of different sizes!");
                    for (int i = 0; i < poseA.UVCoordinates.Length; ++i)
                        this.uvCoords[i] = gxtMath.SmoothStep(poseA.UVCoordinates[i], poseB.UVCoordinates[i], tweenT);
            else if (keyframes[keyFrameIndexA].InterpolationType == gxtAnimationInterpolationType.LERP)
                // lerp
                tmpPosition = gxtMath.Lerp(poseA.Translation, poseB.Translation, tweenT);
                tmpRotation = gxtMath.Lerp(poseA.Rotation, poseB.Rotation, tweenT);
                tmpScale = gxtMath.Lerp(poseA.Scale, poseB.Scale, tweenT);
                if (poseA.InterpolateColorOverlay)
                    tmpColor = Color.Lerp(poseA.ColorOverlay, poseB.ColorOverlay, tweenT);
                    mesh.Material.ColorOverlay = tmpColor;
                if (poseA.InterpolateUVCoords)
                    gxtDebug.SlowAssert(poseA.UVCoordinates != null && poseB.UVCoordinates != null, "Cannot interpolate between null UV Coordinates!");
                    gxtDebug.SlowAssert(poseA.UVCoordinates.Length == poseB.UVCoordinates.Length, "Cannot interpolate between UV Coordinate arrays of different sizes!");
                    for (int i = 0; i < poseA.UVCoordinates.Length; ++i)
                        this.uvCoords[i] = gxtMath.Lerp(poseA.UVCoordinates[i], poseB.UVCoordinates[i], tweenT);
                // smoother step
                tmpPosition = gxtMath.SmootherStep(poseA.Translation, poseB.Translation, tweenT);
                tmpRotation = gxtMath.SmootherStep(poseA.Rotation, poseB.Rotation, tweenT);
                tmpScale = gxtMath.SmootherStep(poseA.Scale, poseB.Scale, tweenT);
                if (poseA.InterpolateColorOverlay)
                    tmpColor = gxtMath.SmootherStep(poseA.ColorOverlay, poseB.ColorOverlay, tweenT);
                    mesh.Material.ColorOverlay = tmpColor;
                if (poseA.InterpolateUVCoords)
                    gxtDebug.SlowAssert(poseA.UVCoordinates != null && poseB.UVCoordinates != null, "Cannot interpolate between null UV Coordinates!");
                    gxtDebug.SlowAssert(poseA.UVCoordinates.Length == poseB.UVCoordinates.Length, "Cannot interpolate between UV Coordinate arrays of different sizes!");
                    for (int i = 0; i < poseA.UVCoordinates.Length; ++i)
                        this.uvCoords[i] = gxtMath.SmootherStep(poseA.UVCoordinates[i], poseB.UVCoordinates[i], tweenT);

            // set interpolated values
            node.SetAll(ref tmpPosition, tmpRotation, ref tmpScale);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Shallow copies keep the same collection of UV coords
 /// This can save a lot of space, especially for big meshes
 /// But the editor has to handle this optimization carefully
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static gxtAnimationPose ShallowCopy(gxtAnimationPose animPose)
     gxtDebug.Assert(animPose != null);
     gxtAnimationPose poseCopy = new gxtAnimationPose();
     poseCopy.Translation = animPose.Translation;
     poseCopy.Rotation = animPose.Rotation;
     poseCopy.Scale = animPose.Scale;
     poseCopy.ColorOverlay = animPose.ColorOverlay;
     poseCopy.InterpolateUVCoords = animPose.InterpolateUVCoords;
     poseCopy.UVCoordinates = animPose.UVCoordinates;
     poseCopy.InterpolateColorOverlay = animPose.InterpolateColorOverlay;
     return poseCopy;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animState"></param>
        /// <param name="numVertices"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsValid(gxtAnimationPose animPose, int numVertices)
            gxtDebug.Assert(numVertices < 3, "A mesh must have at least 3 vertices!");
            if (animPose == null)
                return false;
            if (animPose.InterpolateUVCoords)
                if (animPose.UVCoordinates != null)
                    return animPose.UVCoordinates.Length == numVertices;

            return true;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="animState"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsValid(gxtAnimationPose animPose)
     if (animPose == null)
         return false;
     if (animPose.InterpolateUVCoords)
         return animPose.UVCoordinates != null;
         return true;
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Same as shallow copy, but operates on a newly allocated copy of the UV Coordinates
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static gxtAnimationPose DeepCopy(gxtAnimationPose animPose)
     gxtDebug.Assert(animPose != null);
     gxtAnimationPose poseCopy = new gxtAnimationPose();
     poseCopy.Translation = animPose.Translation;
     poseCopy.Rotation = animPose.Rotation;
     poseCopy.Scale = animPose.Scale;
     poseCopy.ColorOverlay = animPose.ColorOverlay;
     poseCopy.InterpolateUVCoords = animPose.InterpolateUVCoords;
     poseCopy.InterpolateColorOverlay = animPose.InterpolateColorOverlay;
     if (animPose.UVCoordinates != null)
         Vector2[] uvCopy = new Vector2[animPose.UVCoordinates.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < uvCopy.Length; ++i)
             uvCopy[i] = animPose.UVCoordinates[i];
     return poseCopy;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            IsMouseVisible = true;
            camera = new gxtCamera(Vector2.Zero, 0.0f, 0.0f, false);
            gxtDisplayManager.Singleton.WindowTitle = "Animation Scene Graph Test";
            sceneGraph = new gxtSceneGraph();

            Texture2D grassTexture, metalTexture;
            bool textureLoaded = gxtResourceManager.Singleton.LoadTexture("Textures\\grass", out grassTexture);
            gxtDebug.Assert(textureLoaded, "Texture load failed!");
            textureLoaded = gxtResourceManager.Singleton.LoadTexture("Textures\\scratched_metal", out metalTexture);
            gxtDebug.Assert(textureLoaded, "Texture load failed!");

            parent = new gxtSceneNode();
            Vector2[] rectangleVertices = gxtGeometry.CreateRectangleVertices(150, 100);
            gxtDynamicMesh rectangle = new gxtDynamicMesh(rectangleVertices);
            gxtIMaterial rectangleMaterial = new gxtMaterial(true, Color.Yellow, 0.5f);
            rectangle.Material = rectangleMaterial;
            rectangle.ApplyTexture(grassTexture, gxtTextureCoordinateType.WRAP);

            child = new gxtSceneNode();
            child.Position = new Vector2(37.5f, 55.5f);
            Vector2[] rectangleVertices2 = gxtGeometry.CreateRectangleVertices(75, 175);
            gxtIMaterial rectangleMaterial2 = new gxtMaterial(true, Color.Blue, 1.0f);
            gxtDynamicMesh rectangle2 = new gxtDynamicMesh(rectangleVertices2);
            rectangle2.Material = rectangleMaterial2;
            rectangle2.ApplyTexture(metalTexture, gxtTextureCoordinateType.WRAP);


            gxtAnimationPose a0 = new gxtAnimationPose();
            a0.InterpolateUVCoords = true;
            a0.InterpolateColorOverlay = true;
            a0.UVCoordinates = rectangle.GetTextureCoordinates();

            gxtAnimationPose a1 = new gxtAnimationPose();
            a1.InterpolateUVCoords = false;
            a1.InterpolateColorOverlay = true;
            a1.ColorOverlay = Color.Red;
            a1.Translation = new Vector2(-150, -200);

            Vector2[] uvCoordsCopy = rectangle.GetTextureCoordinates();
            for (int i = 0; i < uvCoordsCopy.Length; ++i)
                uvCoordsCopy[i] += new Vector2(-0.75f);
            a1.UVCoordinates = uvCoordsCopy;

            gxtAnimationPose a2 = new gxtAnimationPose();
            a2.Translation = new Vector2(200, -225);
            a2.Rotation = gxtMath.PI_OVER_FOUR;
            a2.InterpolateUVCoords = false;
            Vector2[] uvCoordsCopy2 = rectangle.GetTextureCoordinates();
            for (int i = 0; i < uvCoordsCopy2.Length; ++i)
                uvCoordsCopy2[i] *= (1.0f / 1.5f);
                //uvCoordsCopy2[i] += new Vector2(-3.75f, 0.0f);
            a2.UVCoordinates = uvCoordsCopy2;

            gxtAnimationPose a3 = new gxtAnimationPose();
            a3.Translation = new Vector2(50, 200);
            a3.Rotation = gxtMath.DegreesToRadians(-235);
            a3.Scale = new Vector2(1.85f, 1.75f);

            gxtKeyframe k0 = new gxtKeyframe(a0, 0.0f);
            gxtKeyframe k1 = new gxtKeyframe(a1, 0.4f);
            gxtKeyframe k2 = new gxtKeyframe(a2, 0.65f);
            gxtKeyframe k3 = new gxtKeyframe(a3, 1.0f);

            gxtAnimationClip clip = new gxtAnimationClip(parent, rectangle);

            animClip = new gxtAnimation(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0), true, true, 1.0f);

            animController = new gxtAnimationController();
            animController.AddAnimation("default", animClip);
            gxtAnimationKeyFrame k3 = new gxtAnimationKeyFrame();

            parent = new gxtSceneNode();
            //gxtIDrawable rectangleDrawable = new gxtDrawable(Color.Yellow, true, 0.5f);
            gxtRectangle rectangle = new gxtRectangle(150, 100);
            gxtIMaterial rectangleMaterial = new gxtMaterial(true, Color.Yellow, 0.2f);
            rectangle.Material = rectangleMaterial;

            child = new gxtSceneNode();
            //gxtIDrawable childRectDrawable = new gxtDrawable(Color.Blue, true, 0.0f);
            gxtRectangle childRect = new gxtRectangle(75, 175);
            gxtIMaterial childRectangleMaterial = new gxtMaterial(true, new Color(0, 0, 255, 100), 0.0f);
            childRect.Material = childRectangleMaterial;
            child.Position = new Vector2(37.5f, 55.5f);



            initKeyframe = new gxtKeyframe(gxtNodeTransform.Identity, 0.0f);

            gxtNodeTransform midTransform = new gxtNodeTransform();
            midTransform.Translation = new Vector2(-185, -100);
            midTransform.Scale = new Vector2(-1.5f, 1.5f);
            midTransform.Rotation = gxtMath.DegreesToRadians(-25.0f);
            gxtKeyframe midKeyFrame = new gxtKeyframe(midTransform, 0.235f);

            gxtNodeTransform finalPose = new gxtNodeTransform();
            finalPose.Translation = new Vector2(100.0f, -200.0f);
            finalPose.Rotation = gxtMath.DegreesToRadians(90.0f);
            finalKeyframe = new gxtKeyframe(finalPose, 0.6f);

            gxtNodeTransform lastXform = new gxtNodeTransform();
            lastXform.Translation = new Vector2(100.0f, -200.0f);
            lastXform.Rotation = -6.0f * gxtMath.PI;
            lastXform.Scale = new Vector2(0.25f, 1.45f);
            gxtKeyframe lastKeyframe = new gxtKeyframe(lastXform, 0.85f);

            gxtTween tween = new gxtTween(parent);

            animClip = new gxtAnimationClip(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0));
            animClip.Loop = false;
            animClip.PlaybackRate = 1.0f;

            animController = new gxtAnimationController();
            animController.AddClip("default", animClip);

            gxtLog.WriteLineV(gxtVerbosityLevel.INFORMATIONAL, "Window Width: {0}", gxtDisplayManager.Singleton.ResolutionWidth);
            gxtLog.WriteLineV(gxtVerbosityLevel.INFORMATIONAL, "Window Height: {0}", gxtDisplayManager.Singleton.ResolutionHeight);
            //gxtSprite sprite = new gxtSprite(texture);
            //sprite.Depth = 0.0f;
            //sprite.Alpha = 100;