Beispiel #1
        public static bool ValidateBlogUrlName(this IGstoreDb db, GStoreData.ControllerBase.BaseController controller, string urlName, int storeFrontId, int clientId, int?currentBlogId)
            string nameField = "UrlName";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlName))
                string errorMessage = "URL Name is required \n Please enter a unique URL name for this Blog";
                controller.ModelState.AddModelError(nameField, errorMessage);
            if (urlName.Trim().ToLower() == "all")
                string errorMessage = "URL Name cannot be 'All'\n Please enter a unique URL name for this Blog";
                controller.ModelState.AddModelError(nameField, errorMessage);

            Blog conflict = db.Blogs.Where(p => p.ClientId == clientId && p.StoreFrontId == storeFrontId && p.UrlName.ToLower() == urlName && (p.BlogId != currentBlogId)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (conflict == null)

            string errorConflictMessage = "URL Name '" + urlName + "' is already in use for Blog '" + conflict.Name + "' [" + conflict.BlogId + "] in Store Front '" + conflict.StoreFront.CurrentConfig().Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + conflict.StoreFrontId + "]. \n You must enter a unique URL Name or change the conflicting Blog URL Name.";

            controller.ModelState.AddModelError(nameField, errorConflictMessage);
Beispiel #2
        public static bool MoveStoreFrontFolders(this StoreFrontConfiguration config, string applicationPath, HttpServerUtilityBase server, string oldFolder, BaseController controller)
            string oldFolderToMap = config.ClientVirtualDirectoryToMapToStoreFronts(applicationPath) + "/" + oldFolder;
            string newFolderToMap = config.StoreFrontVirtualDirectoryToMap(applicationPath);
            string oldFolderPath = server.MapPath(oldFolderToMap);
            string newFolderPath = server.MapPath(newFolderToMap);

            //default behavior is to move the old folder to the new name
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(oldFolderPath))
                    System.IO.Directory.Move(oldFolderPath, newFolderPath);
                    if (controller != null)
                        controller.AddUserMessage("Store Front Folder Moved", "Store Front folder was moved from '" + oldFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "' to '" + newFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "'", UserMessageType.Success);
                    return true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (controller != null)
                        controller.AddUserMessage("Error Moving Client Folder!", "There was an error moving the client folder from '" + oldFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "' to '" + newFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "'. You will need to move the folder manually. Error: " + ex.Message, UserMessageType.Warning);
                    return false;
                    bool result = config.CreateStoreFrontFolders(applicationPath, server);
                    if (result)
                        if (controller != null)
                            controller.AddUserMessage("Folders Created", "Store Front folders were created in : " + newFolderToMap.ToHtml(), UserMessageType.Info);
                        return true;
                    return false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (controller != null)
                        controller.AddUserMessage("Error Creating Store Front Folders!", "There was an error creating the Store Front folders in '" + newFolderToMap.ToHtml() + "'. You will need to create the folders manually. Error: " + ex.Message, UserMessageType.Warning);
                    return false;
Beispiel #3
        public static bool SendOrderReceipt(this Order order, BaseController controller, out string userMessage, string orderEmailHtmlPartialViewName, string orderEmailTextPartialViewName, string emailAddressOverride = null, string emailNameOverride = null)
            if (controller == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("controller");
            if (order == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("order");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderEmailTextPartialViewName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("orderEmailTextPartialViewName");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderEmailHtmlPartialViewName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("orderEmailHtmlPartialViewName");

            Client client = controller.CurrentClientOrThrow;

            string emailName = order.FullName;
            string emailAddress = order.Email;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailNameOverride))
                emailName = emailNameOverride;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddressOverride))
                emailAddress = emailAddressOverride;
            string subject = order.ReceiptSubject(controller.CurrentStoreFrontConfigOrThrow);

            string orderEmailHtml = null;
                orderEmailHtml = controller.RenderPartialView(orderEmailHtmlPartialViewName, order);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error running order email HTML partial view: " + orderEmailHtmlPartialViewName, ex);

            string orderEmailText = null;
                orderEmailText = controller.RenderPartialView(orderEmailTextPartialViewName, order);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error running order email Text partial view: " + orderEmailTextPartialViewName, ex);

            bool emailResult;
                emailResult = controller.SendEmail(emailAddress, emailName, subject, orderEmailText, orderEmailHtml);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (controller.CurrentUserProfileOrNull != null && controller.CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    controller.AddUserMessage("Email failed", "Order Email failed with exception: " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.ToString(), UserMessageType.Danger);
                emailResult = false;

            IGstoreDb db = controller.GStoreDb;

            db.LogUserActionEvent(controller.HttpContext, controller.RouteData, controller, UserActionCategoryEnum.Orders, UserActionActionEnum.Orders_ReceiptSentToEmail, "Order Receipt", emailResult, orderNumber: order.OrderNumber);

            if (emailResult)
                userMessage = "Receipt for Order #" + order.OrderNumber + " was emailed to " + emailAddress;
                if (!Settings.AppEnableEmail)
                    userMessage = "Sorry, we cannot Email an order receipt because Email is not enabled for this server.";
                    return false;

                if (!client.UseSendGridEmail)
                    userMessage = "Sorry, we cannot Email an order receipt because Email is not enabled for this store front.";
                    return false;
                userMessage = "There was an error emailing receipt for Order #" + order.OrderNumber + " to " + emailAddress + ". Please Contact us if you do not receive it.";
                return false;

            return emailResult;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses controller for StoreFrontConfig, AddUserMessage, and UserProfile, and GStoreDb
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart"></param>
        /// <param name="controller"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ActionResult ProcessOrderAndPayment(this Cart cart, BaseController controller, string orderEmailHtmlPartialViewName = "_OrderEmailHtmlPartial", string orderEmailTextPartialViewName = "_OrderEmailTextPartial")
            //process order
            if (controller == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("controller", "controller needed to process an order and payment.");
            if (cart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cart");
            if (cart.OrderId.HasValue)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.OrderId.HasValue is set. This cart already has been processed and converted into an order. Order Id: " + cart.OrderId.Value);
            if (cart.StatusPlacedOrder)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.StatusPlacedOrder = true. This cart already has been processed and converted into an order.");

            StoreFrontConfiguration config = controller.CurrentStoreFrontConfigOrThrow;
            IGstoreDb db = controller.GStoreDb;
            UserProfile userProfile = controller.CurrentUserProfileOrNull;

            Payment payment = null;
            if (config.PaymentMethod_PayPal_Enabled)
                    payment = cart.ProcessPayPalPaymentForOrderAndSavePayment(config, db);
                catch (PayPalExceptionOAuthFailed exOAuth)
                    string message = "Sorry, this store's configuration for PayPal OAuth is not operational. Please contact us for other payment options."
                        + (exOAuth.IsSandbox ? "\nError in Sandbox Config." : "\nError in Live Config");
                    controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Error", message, UserMessageType.Danger);

                    if (userProfile != null && userProfile.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        string adminMessage = exOAuth.ToString()
                            + "\n\nHTTP Response:\n" + exOAuth.ResponseString
                            + "\n\nHTTP Headers:\n" + exOAuth.ResponseHeaders;
                        controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);

                    cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed = false;

                    return controller.RedirectToActionResult("PaymentInfo", "Checkout");
                catch (PayPalExceptionCreatePaymentFailed exPaymentFailed)
                    string message = "Sorry, there was an error sending your order to PayPal for payment. Please contact us for other payment options."
                        + (exPaymentFailed.IsSandbox ? "\nError in Sandbox." : "\nError in Live Site.");

                    controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Error", message, UserMessageType.Danger);

                    if (userProfile != null && userProfile.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        string adminMessage = exPaymentFailed.ToString()
                            + "\n\nHTTP Response:\n" + exPaymentFailed.ResponseString
                            + "\n\nHTTP Headers:\n" + exPaymentFailed.ResponseHeaders;
                        controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);

                    cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed = false;

                    return controller.RedirectToActionResult("PaymentInfo", "Checkout");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = "Sorry, there was an error starting starting your order with PayPal. Please contact us for other payment options.";
                    controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Error", message, UserMessageType.Danger);

                    if (userProfile != null && userProfile.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        string adminMessage = "Exception: " + ex.ToString();
                        controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);

                    cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed = false;

                    return controller.RedirectToActionResult("PaymentInfo", "Checkout");

                if (payment.PaymentFailed)
                    //fire the user back to "enter payment info"
                    cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed = false;

                    controller.AddUserMessage("Payment Failed!", "Sorry, there was a problem processing your payment with PayPal. Please try again or contact us if you continue to get this error.", UserMessageType.Danger);

                    if (userProfile != null && userProfile.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                        string adminMessage = "PayPal Payment Failed see JSON\n" + payment.Json;
                        controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);
                    return controller.RedirectToActionResult("PaymentInfo", "Checkout");
                //no payment method in store, continue with pay after order flow

            Order order = cart.CreateOrderFromCartAndSave(config, payment, db);
            cart.OrderId = order.OrderId;
            cart.StatusPlacedOrder = true;
            cart = db.Carts.Update(cart);

            if (payment != null)
                payment.OrderId = order.OrderId;
                payment = db.Payments.Update(payment);

            Discount discount = cart.Discount;
            if (discount != null)
                discount = db.Discounts.Update(discount);

            db.LogUserActionEvent(controller.HttpContext, controller.RouteData, controller, UserActionCategoryEnum.Checkout, UserActionActionEnum.Checkout_PlacedOrder, "", true, cartId: cart.CartId, orderNumber: order.OrderNumber);

            db.CreateNewOrderNotificationToOrderAdminAndSave(config, userProfile, order, controller.Url);

            string userMessage;
            bool emailResult = order.SendOrderReceipt(controller, out userMessage, orderEmailHtmlPartialViewName, orderEmailTextPartialViewName);

            if (emailResult)
                controller.AddUserMessage("Your Order is Placed!", userMessage, UserMessageType.Info);
                controller.AddUserMessage("Your Order is Placed", userMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);

            return new RedirectResult(controller.Url.Action(actionName: "View", controllerName: "OrderStatus", routeValues: new { id = order.OrderNumber, Email = order.Email }));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrates anonymous orders to a new user profile; used when user signs up to bring their anonymous orders with them
        /// saves changes when done
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storeFront"></param>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        /// <param name="userProfile"></param>
        /// <param name="controller"></param>
        public static void MigrateOrdersToNewProfile(this StoreFront storeFront, IGstoreDb db, UserProfile userProfile, BaseController controller)
            if (storeFront == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFront");
            if (userProfile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userProfile");
            if (controller == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("controller");

            List<Order> orders = storeFront.Orders.Where(o => o.UserProfileId == null && o.Email.ToLower() == userProfile.Email.ToLower()).ToList();
            foreach (Order order in orders)
                order.UserProfileId = userProfile.UserProfileId;
            if (orders.Count != 0)
                controller.AddUserMessage("Orders Available", "Your orders (" + orders.Count.ToString("N0") + ") are now available on your profile page.", UserMessageType.Info);
Beispiel #6
        public static StoreBinding CreatAutoMapStoreBindingToCatchAll(this IGstoreDb storeDb, BaseController baseController)
            UserProfile profile = storeDb.SeedAutoMapUserBestGuess();
            StoreFrontConfiguration storeFrontConfig = storeDb.SeedAutoMapStoreFrontConfigBestGuess();

            IGstoreDb systemDb = storeDb;
            systemDb.UserName = profile.UserName;
            systemDb.CachedStoreFront = storeFrontConfig.StoreFront;
            systemDb.CachedUserProfile = profile;
            string urlStoreName = baseController.RouteData.UrlStoreName();
            StoreBinding binding = systemDb.CreateSeedStoreBindingToCatchAll(storeFrontConfig, urlStoreName);

            HttpRequestBase request = baseController.Request;

            StoreFrontConfiguration config = binding.StoreFront.CurrentConfigOrAny();
            string storeFrontName = config == null ? "No config found for Store Front Id " + binding.StoreFrontId : config.Name;

            string message = "--Bindings Catch-All auto-mapped to StoreFront '" + storeFrontName + "' [" + binding.StoreFront.StoreFrontId + "]"
                + " For HostName: " + request.BindingHostName() + " Port: " + request.BindingPort() + " RootPath: " + request.BindingRootPath() + " UrlStoreName: " + request.BindingUrlStoreName()
                + " UseUrlStoreName: " + binding.UseUrlStoreName.ToString() + " UrlStoreName: " + binding.UrlStoreName
                + " From RawUrl: " + request.RawUrl + " QueryString: " + request.QueryString + " ContentLength: " + request.ContentLength
                + " HTTPMethod: " + request.HttpMethod + " Client IP: " + request.UserHostAddress;


            EventLogExtensions.LogSystemEvent(systemDb, baseController.HttpContext, baseController.RouteData, baseController.RouteData.ToSourceString(), SystemEventLevel.Information, message, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, baseController);
            return binding;