Beispiel #1
        // Handle ASCII file read
        private bool ReadNextAscii()
            // For ASCII files, we wrap file streams with file readers
            if ((object)m_fileReaders == null)
                m_fileReaders = new StreamReader[m_fileStreams.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < m_fileStreams.Length; i++)
                    m_fileReaders[i] = new StreamReader(m_fileStreams[i]);

            // Read next line of record values
            StreamReader reader = m_fileReaders[m_streamIndex];
            string       line   = reader.ReadLine();

            string[] elems = ((object)line != null) ? line.Split(',') : null;

            // See if we have reached the end of this file
            if ((object)elems == null || elems.Length != Values.Length + 2)
                if (reader.EndOfStream)

                throw new InvalidOperationException("COMTRADE schema does not match number of elements found in ASCII data file.");

            // Parse row of data
            uint sample = uint.Parse(elems[0]);

            // Get timestamp of this record
            Timestamp = DateTime.MinValue;

            // If sample rates are defined, this is the preferred method for timestamp resolution
            if (InferTimeFromSampleRates && m_schema.SampleRates.Length > 0)
                // Find rate for given sample
                SampleRate sampleRate = m_schema.SampleRates.LastOrDefault(sr => sample <= sr.EndSample);

                if (sampleRate.Rate > 0.0D)
                    Timestamp = new DateTime(Ticks.FromSeconds(1.0D / sampleRate.Rate * sample) + m_schema.StartTime.Value);

            // Fall back on specified microsecond time
            if (Timestamp == DateTime.MinValue)
                Timestamp = new DateTime(Ticks.FromMicroseconds(uint.Parse(elems[1]) * m_schema.TimeFactor) + m_schema.StartTime.Value);

            // Apply timestamp offset to restore UTC timezone
            if (AdjustToUTC)
                TimeOffset offset = Schema.TimeCode ?? new TimeOffset();
                Timestamp = new DateTime(Timestamp.Ticks + offset.TickOffset, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            // Parse all record values
            for (int i = 0; i < Values.Length; i++)
                Values[i] = double.Parse(elems[i + 2]);

                if (i < m_schema.AnalogChannels.Length)
                    Values[i] = AdjustValue(Values[i], i);
