Beispiel #1
        public void PopulateDataTable(GPXAnalyzer frm, int Trackidx)
            if (Trackidx >= 0)
                trkType track = gpxInfo.trk[Trackidx];
                trksegType seg = track.trkseg[0];
                wptType wpt, wptPrev = null;

                double legLength;
                decimal ele;
                double speed = 0D;
                string name;
                decimal total_ascent = 0;
                decimal total_descent = 0;
                double total_distance = 0D;
                decimal ele_diff = 0;
                TimeSpan elapsedTime = new TimeSpan(0L);
                TimeSpan legTime = new TimeSpan(0L);

                for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < seg.trkpt.Length; iPoint++)
                    wpt = seg.trkpt[iPoint];
                    if ( == null ||"")) name = "WP:" + iPoint; else name =;

                    legLength = distances[iPoint];
                    total_distance += legLength;

                    ele = wpt.ele;

                    if (wptPrev != null)
                        legTime = wpt.time - wptPrev.time;
                        elapsedTime += legTime;
                        speed = legLength / legTime.Seconds; // in metres/sec
                        speed = (legTime.Seconds * 1609.344) / (legLength * 60.0); //in minute miles

                      //  if ((total_distance / 1609.344))

                        ele_diff = wpt.ele - wptPrev.ele;
                        if (ele_diff < 0) total_descent += -ele_diff;
                        else total_ascent += ele_diff;

                        legLength, ele, wpt.time, speed,
                        total_ascent, total_descent, total_distance, elapsedTime);
                    frm.DGVDataEntry_addRow(name,, wpt.lon);

                    wptPrev = wpt;
               //     frm.dgvData_addRow
Beispiel #2
        public PointF[] GenerateTrackGraphic(GPXAnalyzer frm, int Trackidx, int width, int height, int borderWidth)
            PointF[] Points = new PointF[0];
            if (!ValidTrack(Trackidx)) return Points;

            if (gpxInfo != null)
                // Compute scale factor
                double dlat = (double)(trackBounds.maxlat - trackBounds.minlat);
                double dlon = (double)(trackBounds.maxlon - trackBounds.minlon);
                double xScale = (width - 2 * borderWidth) / dlon;
                double yScale = (height - 2 * borderWidth) / dlat;
                xScale = Math.Min(xScale, yScale);
                yScale = xScale;

                trkType track = gpxInfo.trk[Trackidx];
                trksegType seg = track.trkseg[0];
                Points = new PointF[seg.trkpt.Length];
                wptType wpt;
                for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < seg.trkpt.Length; iPoint++)
                    wpt = seg.trkpt[iPoint];
                    PointF pt = frm.LatLonToScreen((double), (double)wpt.lon,
                        (double)trackBounds.minlat, (double)trackBounds.minlon, xScale, yScale);
                    Points[iPoint] = pt;

            return Points;
Beispiel #3
        public void DisplayTrack(GPXAnalyzer frm)
            int nTracks = 0;


            if (gpxInfo.trk != null)
                // populate tracks listbox
                nTracks = gpxInfo.trk.Length;
                foreach (trkType track in gpxInfo.trk)
            /*       if (nTracks > 0)
                       // Select the first track
                       // This raises the SelectedIndexChanged event.
                       frm.lblTracks.SelectedIndex = 0;
                   } */
            frm.SetTrackText(string.Format("{0} Tracks in {1}", nTracks, Text));
Beispiel #4
        public PointF[] GenerateElevationGraphic(GPXAnalyzer frm, int Trackidx, int width, int height, int borderWidth)
            trkType track = gpxInfo.trk[Trackidx];
            trksegType seg = track.trkseg[0];
            wptType wpt;
            wptType wptPrev = seg.trkpt[0];
            double runningDist = 0;
            PointF[] Points = new PointF[seg.trkpt.Length];

            // Compute scale factor
            // Determine elevation difference.
            double dele = maxEle - minEle;
            double xScale = (width - 2 * borderWidth) / totalDist;
            double yScale = (height - 2 * borderWidth) / dele;

            // Calculate graphics code
            for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < seg.trkpt.Length; iPoint++)
                wpt = seg.trkpt[iPoint];
                runningDist += distances[iPoint];    //stored geo calc
                PointF pt = frm.DistEleToScreen(runningDist, (double)wpt.ele, minEle, xScale, yScale);
                Points[iPoint] = pt;
                wptPrev = wpt;
            // Draw the lines between the points
            return Points;
Beispiel #5
        // Fills the Points list box with the track points
        // from the selected track and computes totals for the track.
        public void DisplayPoints(GPXAnalyzer frm, int whichTrack)
            if (whichTrack < 0) return;
            trkType track = gpxInfo.trk[whichTrack];
            if (track == null) return;
            trksegType seg = track.trkseg[0];
            wptType wpt;
            wptType wptPrev = null;

            SetupTrackData( whichTrack );
            frm.SetPointsText(string.Format("{0} Points", seg.trkpt.Length));

            for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < seg.trkpt.Length; iPoint++)
                wpt = seg.trkpt[iPoint];
                string spt;

                if ( != null && !( == string.Empty))
                    spt = string.Format("{0,-5} {1}", iPoint + 1,;
                    spt = string.Format("{0,-5} {1}", iPoint + 1,
                      GPXUtils.LatLonToString((double), (double)wpt.lon));

                wptPrev = wpt;