 /// Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
 ///<param name="toObject">An object to compare to this instance.</param>
 ///<returns>true if toObject is a <see cref="VwInstituteDegreesBase"/> and has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
 public virtual bool Equals(VwInstituteDegreesBase toObject)
     if (toObject == null)
     return(Equals(this, toObject));
        /// Determines whether the specified <see cref="VwInstituteDegreesBase"/> instances are considered equal.
        ///<param name="Object1">The first <see cref="VwInstituteDegreesBase"/> to compare.</param>
        ///<param name="Object2">The second <see cref="VwInstituteDegreesBase"/> to compare. </param>
        ///<returns>true if Object1 is the same instance as Object2 or if both are null references or if objA.Equals(objB) returns true; otherwise, false.</returns>
        public static bool Equals(VwInstituteDegreesBase Object1, VwInstituteDegreesBase Object2)
            // both are null
            if (Object1 == null && Object2 == null)

            // one or the other is null, but not both
            if (Object1 == null ^ Object2 == null)

            bool equal = true;

            if (Object1.InstituteId != Object2.InstituteId)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.InstituteName != null && Object2.InstituteName != null)
                if (Object1.InstituteName != Object2.InstituteName)
                    equal = false;
            else if (Object1.InstituteName == null ^ Object1.InstituteName == null)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.Description != null && Object2.Description != null)
                if (Object1.Description != Object2.Description)
                    equal = false;
            else if (Object1.Description == null ^ Object1.Description == null)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.InstituteDean != null && Object2.InstituteDean != null)
                if (Object1.InstituteDean != Object2.InstituteDean)
                    equal = false;
            else if (Object1.InstituteDean == null ^ Object1.InstituteDean == null)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.InstituteStatus != Object2.InstituteStatus)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.DegreeId != Object2.DegreeId)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.DegreeName != null && Object2.DegreeName != null)
                if (Object1.DegreeName != Object2.DegreeName)
                    equal = false;
            else if (Object1.DegreeName == null ^ Object1.DegreeName == null)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.DegreesDescription != null && Object2.DegreesDescription != null)
                if (Object1.DegreesDescription != Object2.DegreesDescription)
                    equal = false;
            else if (Object1.DegreesDescription == null ^ Object1.DegreesDescription == null)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.Credithour != null && Object2.Credithour != null)
                if (Object1.Credithour != Object2.Credithour)
                    equal = false;
            else if (Object1.Credithour == null ^ Object1.Credithour == null)
                equal = false;
            if (Object1.DegreeStatus != null && Object2.DegreeStatus != null)
                if (Object1.DegreeStatus != Object2.DegreeStatus)
                    equal = false;
            else if (Object1.DegreeStatus == null ^ Object1.DegreeStatus == null)
                equal = false;