protected IEnumerator FindFlowersOverTime()
            //give ourselves a second before looking for a flower
            double waitUntil = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + 1f;

            while (WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime < waitUntil && !mDestroyed)
                yield return(null);

            while (!mDestroyed)
                while (RestingOnFlower)
                    //don't get a flower we're not resting on
                    yield return(null);

                while (WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime < StartleTimeEnd)
                    yield return(null);

                while (CurrentFlower == null)
                    //find something between the player and the critter, closer if it's friendlier
                    if (Plants.Get.NearestFloweringPlant(Player.Local.Position, 5f, LastFlower, ref CurrentFlower))                       //, mCurrentPosition, Friendly ? 0.1f : 0.8f), 4f, LastFlower, ref CurrentFlower)) {
                        mCurrentFlowerPosition = CurrentFlower.worlditem.Position;
                        mRandomFlowerPosition  = CurrentFlower.GetRandomFlowerPosition();
                        //wait by default, we'll find out if we can occupy it later
                        WaitingForFlower = true;
                        mMaxWaitTime     = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + (RestOnFlowerTime * 2);
                        waitUntil = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + 0.5f;
                        while (WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime < waitUntil && !mDestroyed)
                            yield return(null);

                while (WaitingForFlower)
                    if (CurrentFlowerHasMoved)
                        //whoops, we'll have to start over again
                        CurrentFlower    = null;
                        WaitingForFlower = false;
                        yield return(null);
                        //see if it's occupied
                        if (!CurrentFlower.IsOccupied)
                            CurrentFlower.OccupyingCritter = this;
                            WaitingForFlower = false;
                            yield return(null);
                            if (WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime > mMaxWaitTime)
                                WaitingForFlower = false;
                                CurrentFlower    = null;
                                waitUntil = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + (Random.value * 0.5f) + 0.1f;
                                while (WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime < waitUntil && !mDestroyed)
                                    yield return(null);

                waitUntil = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + 0.5f;
                while (WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime < waitUntil && !mDestroyed)
                    yield return(null);
                yield return(null);