Beispiel #1
        static async Task Main(string[] args)

            //Try to load configuration file
            Config = new ApplicationConfigurationLoader().BuildConfigFile();

            DbcTypeParser dbcTypeParser = new DbcTypeParser();


            //For each implement DBCType we should try to build a DBC file for it.
            foreach (Type dbcType in dbcTypeParser.ComputeAllKnownDbcTypes())
                string           dbcName  = dbcTypeParser.GetDbcName(dbcType);
                IServiceProvider provider = new CreateGDbcContainerServiceBuilder(Config, dbcType).Build();

                using (IServiceScope scope = provider.CreateScope())
                    IDbcTargetFillable fillable = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IDbcTargetFillable>();

                    if (fillable == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to load Fillable for Type: {dbcType.Name}");

                    await fillable.FillAsync();

                    using (Stream ms = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <Stream>())
                        //it is important to reset this position
                        //Since we're 20 bytes in after likely writing the header last
                        //Though the above statement could change, either way we want to be at the begining.
                        ms.Position = 0;

                        //It is possible nothing has been written, this is kinda hacky to put this
                        //and leak this in a couple places. But it means no entires were found.
                        if (ms.Length == 0)

                        //Once everything has been filled we should create the file
                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream($"G{Config.DbcOutputPath}/{dbcName}.gdbc", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                            await ms.CopyToAsync(fs);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished. Press any key!");
        public static void Test_DBC_File_Converts_To_Table_Back_To_Same_DBC_File(Type t)
            DbcTypeParser parser   = new DbcTypeParser();
            string        dbcType  = parser.GetDbcName(t);
            string        filePath = Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "DBC", $"{dbcType}.dbc");

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                Assert.Inconclusive($"No DBC file test into provided for Type: {t.Name}");

            ApplicationConfiguration config = new ApplicationConfiguration("test", true, LogLevel.Debug, Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "DBC"), "DBC_OUTPUT", "MPQ", "patch-6", "JSON");

            //If we have a DBC file then we should prepare the DBC to Database stuff
            //so we can create an in memory database
            using (MockCreateDatabaseContainerServiceBuilder databaseCreatorContainer = new MockCreateDatabaseContainerServiceBuilder(config, dbcType, filePath))
                IServiceProvider databaseCreatorServiceProvider = databaseCreatorContainer.Build();

                databaseCreatorServiceProvider.GetService <IDbcTargetFillable>().Fill();

                //At this point the inmemory database is filled.
                MockedCreateDbcContainerServiceBuilder dbcCreatorContainer = new MockedCreateDbcContainerServiceBuilder(config, t, databaseCreatorServiceProvider.GetService <DbContext>());

                IServiceProvider dbcCreatorServiceProvider = dbcCreatorContainer.Build();

                dbcCreatorServiceProvider.GetService <IDbcTargetFillable>().Fill();

                //At this point the DBC file should be in DbContext and the table should have
                //been loaded and turned back into a DBC file. Meaning we can now compare streams
                using (FileStream MockedFileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    using (BinaryReader binaryRead2 = new BinaryReader(dbcCreatorServiceProvider.GetService <Stream>()))
                        using (BinaryReader binaryRead1 = new BinaryReader(MockedFileStream))
                            binaryRead2.BaseStream.Position = 0;
                            binaryRead1.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                            byte[] originalBytes = binaryRead1.ReadBytes((int)MockedFileStream.Length);
                            byte[] outputBytes   = binaryRead2.ReadBytes((int)binaryRead2.BaseStream.Length);

                            Assert.AreEqual(originalBytes.Length, outputBytes.Length, $"Mismatch length on DBC to SQL to DBC for Type: {dbcType}");

                            for (int i = 0; i < originalBytes.Length; i++)
                                Assert.AreEqual(originalBytes[i], outputBytes[i], $"Mismatched value on DBC to SQL to DBC for Type: {dbcType} for Index: {i}");