/// <summary>
        /// Uaktualnia kierunek/predkosc na podstawie danych z myszki
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Czas od ostatniej klatki</param>
        /// <param name="dx">obrot w kierunku x</param>
        /// <param name="dy">obrot w kierunku y</param>
        /// <param name="dz">obort w kierunku z</param>
        /// <param name="strafeX">Strafe x</param>
        /// <param name="strafeY">Strade y</param>
        private void Update(float dt, float dx, float dy, float strafeSpeedX, float strafeSpeedY)
            //GM.GeneralLog.Write("xDelta:" + dx.ToString() + " yDelta:" + dy.ToString() + " dt:" + dt.ToString());
            float rotX = dy * dt;

            float rotY = dx * dt;

            angleX += rotX;
            angleY += rotY;

            if (angleX > 0.9 * Math.PI / 2)
                angleX = (float)(0.9 * Math.PI / 2);
            if (angleX < -0.9 * Math.PI / 2)
                angleX = (float)(-0.9 * Math.PI / 2);

            MyQuaternion qY = MyQuaternion.FromAxisAngle(-angleY, initialUp);
            MyQuaternion qX = MyQuaternion.FromAxisAngle(-angleX, initialRight);

            //player.CurrentCharacter.Orientation = initialOrientation * (qY);
            //orientation zostanie zmienione przez fizyke, jeœli ustawie odpowiednie AngularVelocity
            if (dt > 0)
                //float currentRotY = player.CurrentCharacter.Orientation.EulerAngles().Z/2;
                ////currentRotY *= (float)Math.PI / 180f;
                //player.CurrentCharacter.AngularVelocity = upVector * ((currentRotY-angleY) / 0.03f);
                //player.CurrentCharacter.AngularVelocity = upVector * ((-rotY) / 0.03f);

            lookVector = initialLook;
            rightVector = initialRight;
            //            character.LookOrientation = initialOrientation * (qY * qX);
            if (updateDirections)
                character.LookOrientation = initialOrientation * (qY * qX);
                character.WalkOrientation = initialOrientation * qY;

            //MyVector zVelocity = lookVector * (ship.Velocity.Dot(lookVector));
            ////MyVector xVelocity = rightVector * (ship.Velocity.Dot(rightVector));
            ////MyVector yVelocity = upVector * (ship.Velocity.Dot(upVector));
            //MyVector xVelocity = rightVector * strafeSpeedX * dt;
            //MyVector yVelocity = upVector * strafeSpeedY * dt;
            //MyVector tVelocity = ship.Velocity - zVelocity-xVelocity-yVelocity;

            //this.ship.Forces += Drag(tVelocity);
            ////this.ship.Velocity -= tVelocity;

            //if (zVelocity.Length > SetVelocity)
            //    this.ship.Velocity -= lookVector * Math.Min(zVelocity.Length - SetVelocity, dt * objectParameters.Acceleration);
            //else if (zVelocity.Length < SetVelocity)
            //    this.ship.Velocity += lookVector * Math.Min(SetVelocity - zVelocity.Length, dt * objectParameters.Acceleration); ;
            //if (xVelocity.Length > strafeSpeedX)

            if (updateDirections)
                if (Flying)

                    this.character.Velocity = SetVelocity * (lookVector) + strafeSpeedX * rightVector;
                    float yVelocity = character.Velocity.Dot(upVector);

                    this.character.Velocity = yVelocity * upVector + strafeSpeedX * rightVector -
                        SetVelocity * (rightVector ^ upVector);
        public bool IntersectMesh(out MyVector intersectionPoint, out MyVector intersectionNormal, out float collisionTime, MyVector startPoint, MyVector endPoint, float dt, CollisionMesh mesh)
            intersectionPoint = new MyVector();
            intersectionNormal = new MyVector();
            MyVector translate = (endPoint - startPoint);
            collisionTime = 0;
            int nPoints = 0;

            MyVector rVelocity=new MyVector();
            MyVector rMove = endPoint - startPoint;
            MyVector iPoint;
            MyVector n1, n2, n3;
            float dist, speed, d1, d2, d3;

            for (int v = 0; v < mesh.m_hardPoints.Length; v++)
                MyVector sPoint = startPoint + mesh.m_hardPoints[v];

                MyVector axis = mesh.MeshRotation;
                MyQuaternion rot = MyQuaternion.FromAxisAngle((dt * mesh.MeshRotation).Length, axis);

                //endPoint += relativeVelocity * dt;
                MyVector tmp=mesh.m_hardPoints[v];
                MyVector ePoint = startPoint + tmp + rMove;

                rVelocity = (ePoint - sPoint) / dt;
                translate = (ePoint - sPoint);
                for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Length; i++)
                    if ((ePoint - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]) * m_faces[i].n > 0)
                        //the line doesn't cross the triangle
                    dist = m_faces[i].n * (sPoint - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]);
                    speed = -dist / (m_faces[i].n * rVelocity);
                    if (speed < 0)
                        if (translate * (m_faces[i].n)<0)
                            if (dist < -0.5f)
                    iPoint = sPoint + speed * rVelocity;

                    //3 planes around triangle
                    n1 = ((m_vertices[m_faces[i].v2] - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]) ^ m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
                    d1 = n1 * (m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]);

                    n2 = ((m_vertices[m_faces[i].v3] - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v2]) ^ m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
                    d2 = n2 * (m_vertices[m_faces[i].v2]);

                    n3 = ((m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1] - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v3]) ^ m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
                    d3 = n3 * (m_vertices[m_faces[i].v3]);

                    float x1 = n1 * iPoint - d1;
                    float x2 = n2 * iPoint - d2;
                    float x3 = n3 * iPoint - d3;

                    if (x1 <= 0 && x2 <= 0 && x3 <= 0)

                        if (nPoints == 0)
                            nPoints = 1;

                            intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                            intersectionNormal = m_faces[i].n;
                            collisionTime = speed;
                        else if (speed < collisionTime)
                            nPoints = 1;

                            intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                            intersectionNormal = m_faces[i].n;
                            collisionTime = speed;
                        else if (speed == collisionTime && nPoints > 0)


            //for (int v = 0; v < m_hardPoints.Length; v++)
            //    //MyVector sPoint = -startPoint + m_hardPoints[v];
            //    //MyVector ePoint = -endPoint + m_hardPoints[v];
            //    MyVector sPoint = -startPoint + m_hardPoints[v];

            //    MyVector axis = -mesh.MeshRotation;
            //    axis.Normalize();
            //    MyQuaternion rot = MyQuaternion.FromAxisAngle((dt * mesh.MeshRotation).Length, axis);

            //    //endPoint.Rotate(rot);
            //    //endPoint += relativeVelocity * dt;
            //    MyVector tmp = m_hardPoints[v];
            //    tmp.Rotate(rot);
            //    MyVector ePoint = -startPoint + tmp - rMove;

            //    rVelocity = (ePoint - sPoint) / dt;
            //    translate = (ePoint - sPoint);
            //    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_faces.Length; i++)
            //    {

            //        if ((ePoint - mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v1]) * mesh.m_faces[i].n > 0)
            //        {
            //            //the line doesn't cross the triangle
            //            continue;
            //        }
            //        dist = mesh.m_faces[i].n * (sPoint - mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v1]);
            //        speed = -dist / (mesh.m_faces[i].n * (-rVelocity));
            //        if (speed < 0)
            //        {
            //            if (translate * (mesh.m_faces[i].n) < 0)
            //            {
            //                if (speed < -0.04)
            //                    continue;
            //            }
            //            else
            //                continue;
            //        }
            //        iPoint = sPoint + speed * (-rVelocity);

            //        //3 planes around triangle
            //        //plane1
            //        n1 = ((mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v2] - mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v1]) ^ mesh.m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
            //        d1 = n1 * (mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v1]);

            //        //plane2
            //        n2 = ((mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v3] - mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v2]) ^ mesh.m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
            //        d2 = n2 * (mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v2]);

            //        //plane3
            //        n3 = ((mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v1] - mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v3]) ^ mesh.m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
            //        d3 = n3 * (mesh.m_vertices[mesh.m_faces[i].v3]);

            //        float x1 = n1 * iPoint - d1;
            //        float x2 = n2 * iPoint - d2;
            //        float x3 = n3 * iPoint - d3;
            //        if (x1 <= 0 && x2 <= 0 && x3 <= 0)
            //        {

            //            if (nPoints == 0)
            //            {
            //                nPoints = 1;

            //                intersectionPoint = iPoint + startPoint;
            //                intersectionNormal = -mesh.m_faces[i].n;
            //                collisionTime = speed;
            //            }
            //            else if (speed < collisionTime)
            //            {
            //                nPoints = 1;

            //                intersectionPoint = iPoint + startPoint;
            //                intersectionNormal = -mesh.m_faces[i].n;
            //                collisionTime = speed;
            //            }
            //            else if (speed == collisionTime && nPoints > 0)
            //            {
            //                nPoints++;
            //                intersectionPoint.Add(iPoint + startPoint);
            //                intersectionNormal.Add(-mesh.m_faces[i].n);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            if (nPoints > 1)

            return (nPoints > 0);
        public bool IntersectSphere(out MyVector intersectionPoint, out MyVector intersectionNormal,
            out float collisionTime, MyVector startPoint, MyVector endPoint, float dt, CollisionSphere sphere)
            intersectionPoint = new MyVector();
            intersectionNormal = new MyVector();
            collisionTime = 0;
            MyVector rVelocity = (endPoint - startPoint) / dt;
            MyVector translate = (endPoint - startPoint);

            int nPoints = 0;
            //bool status = false;
            MyVector iPoint;
            MyVector n1, n2, n3;
            MyVector sPoint;
            MyVector ePoint;
            float dist, speed, d1, d2, d3;

            // check for face collision
            for (int i = 0; i < m_faces.Length; i++)

                sPoint = startPoint - m_faces[i].n * sphere.Radius;
                ePoint = endPoint - m_faces[i].n * sphere.Radius;

                if ((ePoint - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]) * m_faces[i].n > 0)
                    //the line doesn't cross the triangle
                dist = m_faces[i].n * (sPoint - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]);
                speed = -dist / (m_faces[i].n * rVelocity);

                if (speed < 0)
                    if (translate * (m_faces[i].n)<0)
                        if (dist < -0.5f)
                if (nPoints > 0 && speed > collisionTime)
                iPoint = sPoint + speed * rVelocity;

                //3 planes around triangle
                n1 = ((m_vertices[m_faces[i].v2] - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]) ^ m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
                d1 = n1 * (m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1]);

                n2 = ((m_vertices[m_faces[i].v3] - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v2]) ^ m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
                d2 = n2 * (m_vertices[m_faces[i].v2]);

                n3 = ((m_vertices[m_faces[i].v1] - m_vertices[m_faces[i].v3]) ^ m_faces[i].n).Normalize();
                d3 = n3 * (m_vertices[m_faces[i].v3]);

                float x1 = n1 * iPoint - d1;
                float x2 = n2 * iPoint - d2;
                float x3 = n3 * iPoint - d3;
                if (x1 <= 0 && x2 <= 0 && x3 <= 0)
                    //if (status == false)
                    //    status = true;
                    //    intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                    //    intersectionNormal = m_faces[i].n;
                    //    collisionTime = speed;
                    //else if (speed < collisionTime)
                    //    intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                    //    intersectionNormal = m_faces[i].n;
                    //    collisionTime = speed;
                    if (nPoints == 0)
                        nPoints = 1;

                        intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                        intersectionNormal = m_faces[i].n;
                        collisionTime = speed;
                    else if (speed < collisionTime)
                        nPoints = 1;

                        intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                        intersectionNormal = m_faces[i].n;
                        collisionTime = speed;
                    else if (speed == collisionTime && nPoints > 0)

            //if (nPoints > 1)
            //    intersectionPoint.Divide(nPoints);
            //    intersectionNormal.Divide(nPoints);

            //if (status == true)
            //    return true;

            //status = false;

            // no face collision
            //check for edge collision

            foreach (CEdge e in m_edges)
                MyVector DV, DVP;
                DV = m_vertices[e.v2] - m_vertices[e.v1];
                DVP = m_vertices[e.v1] - startPoint;
                double a = (double)DV.LengthSq * (double)rVelocity.LengthSq - (double)(DV * rVelocity) * (double)(DV * rVelocity);
                double b = -2 * (double)((double)DV.LengthSq * (double)(DVP * rVelocity) - (double)(DVP * DV) * (double)(rVelocity * DV));
                double c = (double)DV.LengthSq * (double)DVP.LengthSq - (double)(DV * DVP) * (double)(DV * DVP) - (double)(sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius) * (double)DV.LengthSq;
                double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
                if (delta >= 0)

                    double t;
                    if (a > 0)
                        t = (-b - Math.Sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
                        t = (-b + Math.Sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
                    if (t < -0.04)
                    if (nPoints > 0 && t > collisionTime)

                    iPoint = startPoint + (float)t * rVelocity;
                    iPoint.Add((DV ^ (DVP ^ DV)).Normalize() * sphere.Radius);
                    if ((iPoint - m_vertices[e.v1]) * DV >= 0 && (iPoint - m_vertices[e.v2]) * DV <= 0)

                        //intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                        //intersectionNormal = startPoint - intersectionPoint;

                        //status = true;
                        //collisionTime = t;
                        if (nPoints == 0)
                            nPoints = 1;

                            intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                            intersectionNormal = startPoint - intersectionPoint;
                            collisionTime = (float)t;
                        else if (t < collisionTime)
                            nPoints = 1;

                            intersectionPoint = iPoint;
                            intersectionNormal = startPoint - intersectionPoint;
                            collisionTime = (float)t;
                        else if (t == collisionTime && nPoints > 0)
                            intersectionNormal.Add((startPoint - intersectionPoint).Normalize());

            //if (status == true)
            //    return true;
            //status = false;
            //no edge collision
            //check for vertex collision
            for (int i = 0; i < m_vertices.Length; i++)
                MyVector DVP;
                DVP = m_vertices[i] - startPoint;
                double a = rVelocity.LengthSq;
                double b = -2 * (DVP * rVelocity);
                double c = DVP.LengthSq - (sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius);
                double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
                if (delta >= 0)

                    double t;
                    if (a > 0)
                        t = (-b - Math.Sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
                        t = (-b + Math.Sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
                    if (t < -0.04)
                    if (nPoints > 0 && t > collisionTime)
                    //if (status == false || (status == true && collisionTime > t))
                    //    intersectionPoint = m_vertices[i];
                    //    intersectionNormal = startPoint - intersectionPoint;
                    //    intersectionNormal.Normalize();

                    //    status = true;
                    //    collisionTime = (float)t;
                    if (nPoints == 0)
                        nPoints = 1;

                        intersectionPoint = m_vertices[i];
                        intersectionNormal = startPoint - intersectionPoint;
                        collisionTime = (float)t;
                    else if (t < collisionTime)
                        nPoints = 1;

                        intersectionPoint = m_vertices[i];
                        intersectionNormal = startPoint - intersectionPoint;
                        collisionTime = (float)t;
                    else if (t == collisionTime && nPoints > 0)
                        intersectionNormal.Add((startPoint - intersectionPoint).Normalize());
            if (nPoints > 1)

            return (nPoints > 0);
Beispiel #4
        static void Main()
            using (Framework.GM gmanager = new Framework.GM())
                using (Framework.FrameworkWindow form = new Framework.FrameworkWindow(true, AppConfig.WindowWidth, AppConfig.WindowHeight))
                    form.Text = "CastleButcher";

                    ///All resources that are allocated during OnCreate/OnResetDevice should be created
                    ///before InitializeGraphics(), so that when the device is created those resources
                    ///can be properly allocated. Creating resources after InitializeGraphics() can lead to
                    ///crashes because of unallocated resources(After InitializeGraphics() OnCreateDevice may not
                    ///be called).

                    MyVector up = new MyVector(0, 1, 0);
                    MyVector v = new MyVector(-21, -0.3f, 1.2f);
                    MyVector v2 = new MyVector(v.X, 0, v.Z);
                    MyVector right = v ^ up;

                    Matrix rot=Matrix.LookAtRH(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(v.X,v.Y,v.Z), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                    Matrix rot2=Matrix.LookAtRH(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(v2.X,v2.Y,v2.Z), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                    Quaternion q = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(rot);
                    MyQuaternion lookOrientation = (MyQuaternion)q;
                    Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(rot2);
                    MyQuaternion walkOrientation = (MyQuaternion)q2;

                    MyVector vp = new MyVector(0, 0, -1);
                    MyVector v2p = new MyVector(0, 0, -1);

                    //add guistyles/fonts
                    GM.GUIStyleManager.AddStyle(DefaultValues.MediaPath + "mystyle.xml");
                    GM.GUIStyleManager.AddStyle(DefaultValues.MediaPath + "PlayerInfoStyle.xml");

                    if (!form.InitializeGraphics())
                        MessageBox.Show("Unable to initialize DirectX");

                    //push some layers to display
                    form.PushLayer(new AppControl(form));

                    SoundSystem.SoundEngine.InitializeEngine(GM.AppWindow, 0, 0.05f, 1);
                    SoundSystem.SoundEngine.NameFinder.MusicDirectoryPath = GameSettings.Default.MusicPath;
                    SoundSystem.SoundEngine.NameFinder.SoundDirectoryPath = GameSettings.Default.SoundPath;

                    //SoundSystem.SoundEngine.ListenerUpVector = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                    //SoundSystem.SoundEngine.Update(new Vector3(10, -15, 12), new Vector3(0, 0, -1),new Vector3(0,1,0));
                    //SoundSystem.SoundEngine.PlaySound(SoundSystem.Enums.SoundTypes.fanfare1, new Vector3(10, -15, 12));
                    Application.Idle += new EventHandler(form.OnApplicationIdle);