Beispiel #1
        // Convert the provided rotation order in frame 1 to the rotation order
        // that would yield the same rotation in frame 2, given the direction
        // conventions
        internal static AxisSet ToEquivelentRotationOrder(AxisSet axes1, AxisSet axes2, AxisSet rotOrder)
            // State the axes to rotate about
            var r0 = rotOrder[0];
            var r1 = rotOrder[1];
            var r2 = rotOrder[2];

            // 1. Swap the rotation direction on each axis
            // based on each axis in the original frame

            // 2. Then convert the axis names into the new
            // frame and change rotation order based on that

            // Originally two operations
            // r0 = new Axis(, r0.negative != axes1[axes1[]].negative);
            // r0 = new Axis(axes2[axes1[]].name, r0.negative != axes2[axes1[]].negative);

            // Change the rotation direction based on the axis direction
            r0 = new Axis(
                (r0.negative != axes1[axes1[]].negative) != axes2[axes1[]].negative

            r1 = new Axis(
                (r1.negative != axes1[axes1[]].negative) != axes2[axes1[]].negative

            r2 = new Axis(
                (r2.negative != axes1[axes1[]].negative) != axes2[axes1[]].negative

            return(new AxisSet(r0, r1, r2, true));
        public static string ToRotationOrderFrameString(AxisSet axes, AxisSet rotOrder)
            string str = ToCoordinateFrameString(axes);

                   .Replace(" " + rotOrder[0].name, rotOrder[0].negative ? "-1" : "+1")
                   .Replace(" " + rotOrder[1].name, rotOrder[1].negative ? " -2" : " +2")
                   .Replace(" " + rotOrder[2].name, rotOrder[2].negative ? "-3" : "+3"));
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (ReferenceEquals(obj, null) || GetType() != obj.GetType())
            AxisSet other = (AxisSet)obj;

            return(_axes[0] == other._axes[0] && _axes[1] == other._axes[1] && _axes[2] == other._axes[2]);
Beispiel #4
        // Outputs euler angles in degrees
        // Extracts the rotation in Euler degrees in the
        // given order
        internal static EulerAngles ExtractEulerAngles(AxisSet order, Quaternion quat)
            AngleExtraction.EulerResult eu;
            EulerAngles res = extractionFunctions[order.ToString()](quat, out eu);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (order[i].negative)
                    res[i] *= -1;
Beispiel #5
        // Takes euler angles in degrees
        // Returns the rotation as a quaternion that results from
        // applying the rotations in the provided order
        // TODO: This function basically requires that angles be
        // in Unity's frame in order to really work, does it make sense to expose
        // it or use it?
        internal static Quaternion ToQuaternion(AxisSet order, EulerAngles euler)
            Quaternion res = Quaternion.identity;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Axis    axis   = order[i];
                Vector3 angles =;
                angles[axis.xyzIndex] = axis.negative ? -euler[i] : euler[i];

                // Unity's default rotation direction is negative
                angles *= -1;
                res     = Quaternion.Euler(angles) * res;

Beispiel #6
        public static EulerAngles ConvertEulerAngles(AxisSet axes1, AxisSet rot1, AxisSet axes2, AxisSet rot2, EulerAngles eulerAngles)
            // ToQuaternion doesn't know anything about the axis conventions
            // about which the the rotations order apply, so it assumes
            // XYZ are up right left. We use a consistent frame when converting
            // so the conventions when going back and forth are consistent

            // TODO: Should ToQuaternion be changed to account for this? At the
            // moment it assumes the Unity direction convention.
            // TODO: Using anything other than XY-Z (unity's frame) here causes
            // some oddities in the way rotations are applied
            AxisSet intermediateAxes = new AxisSet("XY-Z", false);

            AxisSet order1InInter = ToEquivelentRotationOrder(axes1, intermediateAxes, rot1);
            AxisSet order2InInter = ToEquivelentRotationOrder(axes2, intermediateAxes, rot2);

            Quaternion  intermediateQuat = ToQuaternion(order1InInter, eulerAngles);
            EulerAngles resultantAngles  = ExtractEulerAngles(order2InInter, intermediateQuat);

        // Draw the frame with the position and rotation order axes
        public static void DrawFrame(AxisSet axes, AxisSet rotationOrder, EulerAngles stAngles, EulerAngles endAngles, float scale = 1)
            DrawFrame(axes, scale);

            // Associate axes to the xyz index
            Vector3[] dir = new Vector3[] { Vector3.right, Vector3.up, -Vector3.forward };
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Axis rotAxis = rotationOrder[i];
                int  index   = axes[];
                Axis posAxis = axes[index];

                Gizmos.color = == "X" ? : == "Y" ? :;

                Vector3 center = dir[index];
                if (posAxis.negative)
                    center *= -1;

                DrawRotationDirection(center * (0.45f + i * 0.05f) * scale, dir[(index + 1) % 3], stAngles[i], endAngles[i], scale * 0.25f, rotAxis.negative);
        public static string ToCoordinateFrameString(AxisSet axes)
            string r = axes[0].negative ? " " : "-";
            string l = axes[0].negative ? "-" : " ";

            string u = axes[1].negative ? " " : "|";
            string d = axes[1].negative ? "|" : " ";

            string f = axes[2].negative ? " " : "/";
            string b = axes[2].negative ? "/" : " ";

            string template =
                "       U    \n" +
                "       u   B\n" +
                "       u b  \n" +
                " Llllll.rrrrr R\n" +
                "     f d    \n" +
                "   F   d    \n" +
                "       D    \n";

                   .Replace("R", axes[0].negative ? " " : axes[0].ToString())
                   .Replace("r", r)
                   .Replace("L", axes[0].negative ? axes[0].ToString() : " ")
                   .Replace("l", l)

                   .Replace("U", axes[1].negative ? " " : axes[1].ToString())
                   .Replace("u", u)
                   .Replace("D", axes[1].negative ? axes[1].ToString() : " ")
                   .Replace("d", d)

                   .Replace("F", axes[2].negative ? " " : axes[2].ToString())
                   .Replace("f", f)
                   .Replace("B", axes[2].negative ? axes[2].ToString() : " ")
                   .Replace("b", b));
Beispiel #9
        public static Vector3 ConvertPosition(AxisSet from, AxisSet to, Vector3 v)
            Vector3 res = new Vector3();

            // Iterate over right, then up, then forward
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                // Get the axis name associated with the
                // given direction
                int directionIndex = i; // the direction

                // Associated axes
                Axis fromAxis = from[directionIndex];
                Axis toAxis   = to[directionIndex];

                // The vector index to take the value out of
                // and put it in to
                int fromIndex = fromAxis.xyzIndex;
                int toIndex   = toAxis.xyzIndex;

                res[toIndex] = fromAxis.negative == toAxis.negative ? v[fromIndex] : -v[fromIndex];
 public CoordinateFrame(string rufAxes, string rotationOrder)
     _axes          = new AxisSet(rufAxes, false);
     _rotationOrder = new AxisSet(rotationOrder, true);
 // Draws the coordinate frame representing the provided axis set
 public static void DrawFrame(AxisSet axes, float scale = 1)
     DrawAxis(axes[0], Vector3.right * scale);
     DrawAxis(axes[1], Vector3.up * scale);
     DrawAxis(axes[2], -Vector3.forward * scale);
 public static void DrawFrame(AxisSet axes, AxisSet rotationOrder, float scale = 1)
     DrawFrame(axes, rotationOrder, new EulerAngles(0, 0, 0), new EulerAngles(120, 120, 120), scale);
Beispiel #13
        public static EulerAngles ConvertEulerOrder(AxisSet from, AxisSet to, EulerAngles eulerAngles)
            Quaternion quat = ToQuaternion(from, eulerAngles);

            return(ExtractEulerAngles(to, quat));