Beispiel #1
        public DataTable Get供应商存货价格(string sVenCode, string sInvCode)
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and cVenCode = '" + sVenCode + "' ");
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and cInvCode = '" + sInvCode + "' ");
            DataTable dt供应商存货价格 = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

Beispiel #2
        private void SetValue()
            string sSQL = @"
select cast(0 as bit) as 选择, cVenCode as 供应商编码,cVenName as 供应商名称 
from @u8.Vendor  
where 1=1
order by cVenCode";

            if (radio采购.Checked)
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and cVenDepart = '4'");
            if (radio委外.Checked)
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and cVenDepart = '905'");
            if (radio未设置.Checked)
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and isnull(cVenDepart,'') = ''");
            DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            gridControl1.DataSource = dt;

            sSQL = @"
select * 
from UFDLImport..杜乐公告 a inner join UFDLImport..杜乐公告明细 b on a.GUID = b.GUID 
where a.GUID = '111111'
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sGuid);
            dt   = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            txt主题.Text         = dt.Rows[0]["标题"].ToString().Trim();
            richTextBox内容.Text = dt.Rows[0]["内容"].ToString().Trim();
            txt制单人.Text        = dt.Rows[0]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
            date制单日期.Text      = dt.Rows[0]["制单日期"].ToString().Trim();
            txt发布人.Text        = dt.Rows[0]["发布人"].ToString().Trim();
            date_发布日期.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["发布日期"].ToString().Trim();

            for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.RowCount; i++)
                string s供应商编码 = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridCol供应商编码).ToString().Trim();
                for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                    string s供应商编码2 = dt.Rows[j]["供应商编码"].ToString().Trim();

                    if (s供应商编码 == s供应商编码2)
                        gridView1.SetRowCellValue(i, gridCol选择, true);
Beispiel #3
        private void Frm杜乐公告供应商查看Edit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string sSQL = @"
select *
from UFDLImport..杜乐公告 a inner join UFDLImport..杜乐公告明细 b on a.GUID = b.GUID
where a.GUID = '111111' and 供应商编码 = '222222'
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sGuid);
                sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", sVenCode);
                DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

                txt阅读人.Text        = dt.Rows[0]["阅读人"].ToString().Trim();
                txt制单人.Text        = dt.Rows[0]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
                txt主题.Text         = dt.Rows[0]["标题"].ToString().Trim();
                richTextBox内容.Text = dt.Rows[0]["内容"].ToString().Trim();
                date阅读人.Text       = dt.Rows[0]["阅读日期"].ToString().Trim();
                date制单日期.Text      = dt.Rows[0]["制单日期"].ToString().Trim();
            catch (Exception ee)
                MessageBox.Show("加载窗体失败\n" + ee.Message);
Beispiel #4
        private void LoadVenLists()
                string    sSQL = "select vendCode,cVenName from UFDLImport.._vendUid left join @u8.Vendor on @u8.Vendor.cVenCode = vendCode where uid = '" + FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid + "'  and accid = 200 and accyear = " + FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName.Substring(11, 4) + " ";
                DataTable dt   = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

                txtVenCode.Properties.ReadOnly = false;
                if (FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid == "admin" || dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    txtVenCode.Enabled = true;
                    if (dt.Rows[0]["vendCode"].ToString().Trim() == string.Empty)
                        txtVenCode.Enabled = true;
                        txtVenCode.Enabled = false;
                    txtVenCode.Text = dt.Rows[0]["vendCode"].ToString().Trim();
                    txtVenCode_Leave(null, null);
            catch (Exception ee)
                MessageBox.Show("加载窗体失败!\n\t原因:" + ee.Message);
Beispiel #5
 private void radioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (radioButton1.Checked)
         string sSQL = "select a.MoCode,b.SortSeq,b.SoCode,b.SoSeq,b.InvCode,e.cInvName,e.cInvStd,d.InvCode as cInvCode,c.AllocateId,b.Qty,b.QualifiedInQty, b.Qty - isnull(b.QualifiedInQty,0) as UnQualifiedInQty " +
                       "from @u8.mom_order a inner join @u8.mom_orderdetail b on a.MoId = b.MoId inner join @u8.mom_moallocate c on b.MoDId = c.MoDId inner join @u8.bas_part d on c.ComponentId = d.PartId inner join @u8.Inventory e on e.cInvCode = b.InvCode " +
                       "where d.InvCode = '" + sInvCode + "' and b.Status = 3 " +
                       "order by a.MoCode";
         DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);
         gridControl1.DataSource = dt;
Beispiel #6
        private void SetValue()
            string sSQL = @"
select cast(0 as bit) as 选择, *
from UFDLImport..InventoryHC
where 1=1
order by cInvCode";

            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and cInvCode = '" + scInvCode + "'");
            DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtcInvcode.Text                   = dt.Rows[0]["cInvCode"].ToString().Trim();
                txtcInvName.Text                   = dt.Rows[0]["cInvName"].ToString().Trim();
                txtcInvAbbName.Text                = dt.Rows[0]["cInvAbbName"].ToString().Trim();
                txtCreateUid.Text                  = dt.Rows[0]["CreateUid"].ToString().Trim();
                txtcInvStd.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["cInvStd"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark1.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["Remark1"].ToString().Trim();
                lookUpEditcVenCode.EditValue       = dt.Rows[0]["Remark2"];
                txtRemark3.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["Remark3"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark4.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["Remark4"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark5.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["Remark5"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark6.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["Remark6"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark7.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["Remark7"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark8.Text                    = dt.Rows[0]["Remark8"].ToString().Trim();
                txtUpdateUid.Text                  = dt.Rows[0]["UpdateUid"].ToString().Trim();
                lookUpEditInvcodeClassHC.EditValue = dt.Rows[0]["cInvCCode"].ToString().Trim();

                if (dt.Rows[0]["CreateDate"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    dtmCreate.Text = dt.Rows[0]["CreateDate"].ToString().Trim();

                if (dt.Rows[0]["UpdateDate"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    dtmUpdate.Text = dt.Rows[0]["UpdateDate"].ToString().Trim();
        private void SetValue()
            string sSQL = @"
select cast(0 as bit) as 选择, *
from UFDLImport..VendorHC
where 1=1
order by cVenCode";

            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and cVenCode = '" + sVenCode + "'");
            DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtcVencode.Text    = dt.Rows[0]["cVencode"].ToString().Trim();
                txtcVenName.Text    = dt.Rows[0]["cVenName"].ToString().Trim();
                txtcVenAbbName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["cVenAbbName"].ToString().Trim();
                txtAddress.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString().Trim();
                txtCreateUid.Text   = dt.Rows[0]["CreateUid"].ToString().Trim();
                txtcVenPerson.Text  = dt.Rows[0]["cVenPerson"].ToString().Trim();
                txtcVenPhone.Text   = dt.Rows[0]["cVenPhone"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark1.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark1"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark2.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark2"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark3.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark3"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark4.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark4"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark5.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark5"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark6.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark6"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark7.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark7"].ToString().Trim();
                txtRemark8.Text     = dt.Rows[0]["Remark8"].ToString().Trim();
                txtUpdateUid.Text   = dt.Rows[0]["UpdateUid"].ToString().Trim();

                if (dt.Rows[0]["CreateDate"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    dtmCreate.Text = dt.Rows[0]["CreateDate"].ToString().Trim();

                if (dt.Rows[0]["UpdateDate"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    dtmUpdate.Text = dt.Rows[0]["UpdateDate"].ToString().Trim();
Beispiel #8
        private void btnSEL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sSQL = "select *,cast(null as varchar(50)) as 采购评审,cast(null as varchar(50)) as 锁定 from XWSystemDB_DL..订单评审运算1 where 帐套号 = '" + (FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName.Substring(7, 3)).Trim() + "' and isnull(审核人,'') <> '' and isnull(关闭人,'') = '' ";

            if (dtm单据日期1.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 制单日期 >= '" + dtm单据日期1.DateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
            if (dtm单据日期2.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 制单日期 < '" + dtm单据日期2.DateTime.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' ";
            if (lookUpEdit销售订单号1.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 销售订单号 >= '" + lookUpEdit销售订单号1.EditValue + "' ";
            if (lookUpEdit销售订单号2.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 销售订单号 <= '" + lookUpEdit销售订单号2.EditValue + "' ";
            if (lookUpEdit外销订单号1.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 外销订单号 >= '" + lookUpEdit外销订单号1.EditValue + "' ";
            if (lookUpEdit外销订单号2.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 外销订单号 <= '" + lookUpEdit外销订单号2.EditValue + "' ";

            if (lookUpEdit客户订单号1.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 客户订单号 >= '" + lookUpEdit客户订单号1.EditValue + "' ";
            if (lookUpEdit客户订单号2.Text.Trim() != "")
                sSQL = sSQL + " and 客户订单号 <= '" + lookUpEdit客户订单号2.EditValue + "' ";
            //if (radio未下达.Checked)
            //    sSQL = sSQL + " and isnull(下达人,'') = '' ";
            //if (radio已下达.Checked)
            //    sSQL = sSQL + " and isnull(下达人,'') <> '' ";
            if (iType == 1)
                sSQL = sSQL + " and isnull(下达请购人,'') <> '' ";
            if (iType == 2)
                sSQL = sSQL + "  and isnull(下达委外人,'') = '' ";
            if (iType == 3)
                sSQL = sSQL + "   and isnull(下达生产人,'') = '' ";
            if (iType == 11)
                sSQL = sSQL + " and isnull(下达请购人,'') = '' ";
            if (iType == 12)
                sSQL = sSQL + " and isnull(维护审核人,'') <> '' ";
            if (iType == 13)
                sSQL = sSQL + " and isnull(维护审核人,'') <> '' ";
            if (iType == 4)
                sSQL = sSQL + "  ";

            if (radio未评审.Checked)
                string s子件属性 = "";
                if (iType == 1)
                    s子件属性 = "采购";
                if (iType == 2)
                    s子件属性 = "委外";
                if (iType == 2)
                    s子件属性 = "自制";

                sSQL = sSQL + " and 销售订单ID in (select 销售订单ID from XWSystemDB_DL..订单评审运算3 where 帐套号 = '" + (FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName.Substring(7, 3)).Trim() + "' and isnull(回签人,'') = '' and 子件属性 = '" + s子件属性 + "' and isnull(本次下单数量,0) <> 0) ";

            sSQL = sSQL + " order by 销售订单号";

            DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            for (int i = dt.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string s回签人    = "";
                string s锁定人    = "";
                string s销售订单ID = dt.Rows[i]["销售订单ID"].ToString().Trim();
                sSQL = "select distinct 回签人,锁定人 from XWSystemDB_DL..订单评审运算3 where 子件属性 = '采购' and 帐套号 = '" + (FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName.Substring(7, 3)).Trim() + "' and 销售订单ID = " + dt.Rows[i]["销售订单ID"];
                DataTable dtTemp = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);
                for (int j = 0; j < dtTemp.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (dtTemp.Rows[j]["回签人"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                        s回签人 = s回签人 + dtTemp.Rows[j]["回签人"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (dtTemp.Rows[j]["锁定人"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                        s锁定人 = s锁定人 + dtTemp.Rows[j]["锁定人"].ToString().Trim();
                dt.Rows[i]["采购评审"] = s回签人;
                dt.Rows[i]["锁定"]   = s锁定人;

            gridControl1.DataSource = dt;
Beispiel #9
        private void SetValue()
            string sSQL = @"
select a.* ,b.*,c.cVenName
from UFDLImport..询价单 a inner join UFDLImport..询价单供应商 b on a.GUID = b.GUID 
    left join @u8.Vendor c on b.供应商编码 = c.cVenCode
where a.GUID = '111111'

            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sGuid);
            DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0)

            labeliID.Text = dt.Rows[0]["iID"].ToString().Trim();

            string sVenCode = "";
            string sVenName = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (sVenCode == "")
                    sVenCode = dt.Rows[i]["供应商编码"].ToString().Trim();
                    sVenName = dt.Rows[i]["cVenName"].ToString().Trim();
                    sVenCode = sVenCode + "," + dt.Rows[i]["供应商编码"].ToString().Trim();
                    sVenName = sVenName + "," + dt.Rows[i]["cVenName"].ToString().Trim();

            label供应商.Text   = sVenCode;
            txtVenCode.Text = sVenCode;
            txtVenName.Text = sVenName;

            sSQL = @"
select a.*,b.附件名 as 下载附件 ,cast(null as varchar(200)) as 上传附件
from UFDLImport..询价单物料列表 a left join UFDLImport..询价单附件 b on a.GUID物料 = b.GUID物料
where 1=1 
order by a.iID
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and a.GUID = '" + sGuid + "'");
            DataTable dt物料列表 = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            gridControl2.DataSource = dt物料列表;

            txt主题.Text               = dt.Rows[0]["标题"].ToString().Trim();
            richTextBox备注.Text       = dt.Rows[0]["备注"].ToString().Trim();
            dtm截止.Text               = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["截止日期"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            lookUpEditTime.EditValue = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["截止日期"]).ToString("HH:mm");
            txt终止日期.Text             = dt.Rows[0]["终止询价日期"].ToString().Trim();
            dtm单据日期.DateTime         = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["单据日期"]);
            txt制单人.EditValue         = dt.Rows[0]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
            date制单日期.Text            = dt.Rows[0]["制单日期"].ToString().Trim();
            txt发布人.EditValue         = dt.Rows[0]["发布人"].ToString().Trim();
            date_发布日期.Text           = dt.Rows[0]["发布日期"].ToString().Trim();
            if (txt发布人.Text.Trim() != "")
Beispiel #10
        private void SetValue()
            string sSQL = @"
select * ,getdate() as 当前时间
from UFDLImport..询价单 a inner join UFDLImport..询价单供应商 b on a.GUID = b.GUID 
where a.GUID = '111111' and b.供应商编码 = '222222'

            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", sGuid);
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("222222", lookUpEditcVenCode.EditValue.ToString().Trim());
            DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0)

            DateTime d截止时间 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["截止日期"]);
            DateTime d终止时间 = Convert.ToDateTime("2099-12-31");

            if (dt.Rows[0]["终止询价日期"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                d终止时间 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["终止询价日期"]);
            DateTime d当前时间 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["当前时间"]);

            if (d当前时间 > d终止时间 || d当前时间 > d截止时间.AddHours(2))
                gridView2.OptionsBehavior.Editable = false;
                btn撤销.Enabled = false;
                btn提交.Enabled = false;
                gridView2.OptionsBehavior.Editable = true;
                btn撤销.Enabled = true;
                btn提交.Enabled = true;

            sSQL = @"
select a.iID, a.[GUID], a.自定义物料, a.物料编码, a.数量 as 要求数量, a.送样周期 as 要求送样周期, a.备注1, a.备注2, a.备注3, a.GUID物料
	, b.单价, b.供应商编码, b.提交人, b.提交时间, b.供应商备注 as 供应商备注,b.数量,b.送样周期
    ,c.附件名 as 下载附件
from UFDLImport..询价单物料列表 a left join UFDLImport..询价单供应商报价 b on a.GUID物料 = b.GUID物料 and b.供应商编码 = '111111'
    left join UFDLImport..询价单附件 c on c.GUID物料 = a.GUID物料
where 1=1
order by a.iID

            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("111111", lookUpEditcVenCode.EditValue.ToString().Trim());
            sSQL = sSQL.Replace("1=1", "1=1 and a.GUID = '" + sGuid + "'");
            DataTable dt物料列表 = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL);

            gridControl2.DataSource = dt物料列表;

            txt主题.Text               = dt.Rows[0]["标题"].ToString().Trim();
            richTextBox备注.Text       = dt.Rows[0]["备注"].ToString().Trim();
            dtm截止.Text               = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["截止日期"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            txt终止日期.Text             = dt.Rows[0]["终止询价日期"].ToString().Trim();
            lookUpEditTime.EditValue = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["截止日期"]).ToString("HH:mm");
            dtm单据日期.DateTime         = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["单据日期"]);
            txt制单人.EditValue         = dt.Rows[0]["制单人"].ToString().Trim();
            date制单日期.Text            = dt.Rows[0]["制单日期"].ToString().Trim();
            txt发布人.EditValue         = dt.Rows[0]["发布人"].ToString().Trim();
            date_发布日期.Text           = dt.Rows[0]["发布日期"].ToString().Trim();

            txt提交人.EditValue = dt物料列表.Rows[0]["提交人"].ToString().Trim();
            txt提交日期.Text     = dt物料列表.Rows[0]["提交时间"].ToString().Trim();