Beispiel #1
        public Object Clone()
            FilterEngine fe_new = new FilterEngine(this.labelingpos, this.dist);

            fe_new.FilterParameters = this.FilterParameters;
            fe_new.ReferenceAtoms   = this.referenceAtoms;
            fe_new.AVGridParameters = this.avparam;
        protected override void DoJob()
            // preparations
            int nfinal = this.StatesToFilter == null ? -1 : this.StatesToFilter.Length;
            int chunk  = Math.Max(nfinal / 400, 1);
            int njobs  = Math.Min(this.NThreads, nfinal);
            CancellationToken ctoken = cts.Token;

            FilterEngine[] jobslocal  = new FilterEngine[njobs];
            Task <int>[]   taskslocal = new Task <int> [njobs];
            for (int i = 0; i < jobslocal.Length; i++)
                jobslocal[i] = (FilterEngine)FilterPrototype.Clone();

            // main loop
            int  currentstructure = 0;
            int  completedtaskindex;
            bool alltasksinitialized = false;

                while (this.StructuresDone < nfinal)
                    // try to find a task that never ran
                    alltasksinitialized = Array.TrueForAll(taskslocal, t => t != null);
                    if (!alltasksinitialized)
                        completedtaskindex = Array.IndexOf(taskslocal, null);
                    // something done, save and reuse this task
                        completedtaskindex = Task.WaitAny(taskslocal, ctoken);
                        StructuresDone    += taskslocal[completedtaskindex].Result;
                        this.OnProgressChanged(StructuresDone, nfinal);

                    // restart
                    if (currentstructure < nfinal)
                        taskslocal[completedtaskindex] = Task.Factory.StartNew <int>(p =>
                            var ptyped = p as Tuple <FilterEngine, int, int>; // job, start, stop
                            int i      = ptyped.Item2;
                            for (; i < ptyped.Item3; i++)
                                ptyped.Item1.CalculateChi2(ref this.StatesToFilter[i]);
                            return(i - ptyped.Item2);
                                                                                     new Tuple <FilterEngine, int, int>(jobslocal[completedtaskindex], currentstructure, Math.Min(currentstructure + chunk, nfinal)),
                        currentstructure += chunk;
                    // almost done, queue nothing
                        taskslocal[completedtaskindex] = new Task <int>(() => { return(0); }); // this task never starts
                this.SimulationCompleted = true;