Beispiel #1
        public static async void BidTimerCallBack(object state)
            var posts = MarketPost.GetAllPosts();
            List <MarketPost> expired      = new List <MarketPost>();
            List <MarketPost> expiringSoon = new List <MarketPost>();

            foreach (var post in posts)
                var expiryDate = post.DatePosted + new TimeSpan(14, 0, 0, 0);
                if (expiryDate - Var.CurrentDate() < new TimeSpan(0))
                else if (expiryDate - Var.CurrentDate() < new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0))
                    string id = post.ID;
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.warnedFMs == null)
                        Properties.Settings.Default.warnedFMs = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection();
                    if (!Properties.Settings.Default.warnedFMs.Contains(id))

            foreach (MarketPost warn in expiringSoon)
                var    user     = warn.User;
                string postID   = warn.ID;
                int    count    = warn.Amount;
                string itemName = DBFunctions.GetItemName(warn.Item_ID);
                int    price    = warn.Price;
                await user.SendMessageAsync("", embed : new InfoEmbed("WARNING: FREE MARKET POSTING EXPIRATION", "This is your one warning that your Free Market posting of " +
                                                                      $"{count} {itemName} for {price} coins will be expiring in 24 hours. You may remove this posting for a 25% fee, or it will " +
                                                                      $"be auctioned off and the coins will go towards slots.").Build());

            bool removed = false;
            List <MarketPost> newBids = new List <MarketPost>();

            foreach (var expiry in expired)
                var    user     = expiry.User;
                string postID   = expiry.ID;
                int    count    = expiry.Amount;
                string itemName = DBFunctions.GetItemName(expiry.Item_ID);
                int    price    = expiry.Price;
                await user.SendMessageAsync("", embed : new InfoEmbed("FREE MARKET POSTING EXPIRATION", "This message is to inform you that your Free Market posting of " +
                                                                      $"{count} {itemName} for {price} coins has expired. You have not removed it, and now it will " +
                                                                      $"be auctioned off and the coins will go towards slots.").Build());

                var notifyUsers = DBFunctions.GetUsersWhere("Notify_Bid", "1");

                foreach (IUser u in notifyUsers)
                    await u.SendMessageAsync("", embed : new InfoEmbed("New Bid Alert", $"There is a new bid for {count} {itemName}(s)! Get it with the ID: {postID}.\n*You are receiving this message because you have opted in to new bid notifications.*").Build());


            if (removed)
                foreach (var bid in newBids)
                    new Bid(bid.Item_ID, bid.Amount);

            var bids = Bid.GetAllBids();

            for (int i = 0; i < bids.Count(); i++)
                var endDate = bids[i].EndDate;
                var endTime = endDate - Var.CurrentDate();
                if (endTime <= new TimeSpan(0))
                    var itemID     = bids[i].Item_ID;
                    var amount     = bids[i].Amount;
                    var bidder     = bids[i].CurrentBidder;
                    var currentBid = bids[i].CurrentBid;
                    if (bidder != null)
                        await bidder.SendMessageAsync($"Congratulations! You've won the bid for {DBFunctions.GetItemEmote(itemID)} {amount} {DBFunctions.GetItemName(itemID)}(s).");

                        var user = Functions.GetUser(bidder);
                        Properties.Settings.Default.jackpot += currentBid;
                        for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++)

            if ((Var.CurrentDate().DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday || Var.CurrentDate().DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday) && Properties.Settings.Default.lastBid.DayOfYear != Var.CurrentDate().DayOfYear)
                Properties.Settings.Default.lastBid = Var.CurrentDate();

                var bidItems = new string[] { "key", "unicorn", "key2", "package", "santa", "gift", "calling" };
                int amount   = rdm.Next(10) + 3;

                string item   = bidItems[rdm.Next(bidItems.Count())];
                var    itemID = DBFunctions.GetItemID(item);

                var newBid = new Bid(itemID, amount);

                var notifyUsers = DBFunctions.GetUsersWhere("Notify_Bid", "1");
                foreach (IUser u in notifyUsers)
                    await u.SendMessageAsync("", embed : new InfoEmbed("Bi-Weekly Bid Alert", $"The bi-weekly bid is on! This time: {amount} {item}(s)! Get it with the ID: {newBid.ID}.\n*You are receiving this message because you have opted in to new bid notifications.*").Build());