Beispiel #1
        public float?GetAverageHeightFromNeighbourhood(int pKernelSizeMultiplier)
            int pKernelSize = CGroundArray.GetKernelSize();

            pKernelSize *= pKernelSizeMultiplier;

            int   defined   = 0;
            float heightSum = 0;

            for (int x = -pKernelSize; x < pKernelSize; x++)
                for (int y = -pKernelSize; y < pKernelSize; y++)
                    int    xIndex = indexInField.Item1 + x;
                    int    yIndex = indexInField.Item2 + y;
                    CField el     = GetFieldWithOffset(x, y);
                    if (el != null && el.IsDefined())
                        heightSum += (float)el.GetHeight();
            if (defined == 0)
            return(heightSum / defined);
Beispiel #2
        public void ReInit()
            lowestHeight  = int.MaxValue;
            highestHeight = int.MinValue;

            groundArray = null;


Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a bitmap big enough to store all results together
        /// Warning: can be inited only after main header is set
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            if (!exportBitmap)

            float mainArrayWidth  = CProjectData.mainHeader.Width;
            float mainArrayHeight = CProjectData.mainHeader.Height;

            mainMapStepSize = CGroundArray.GetStepSizeForWidth(MAIN_WIDTH, mainArrayWidth);
            mainMap         = new Bitmap((int)(mainArrayWidth / mainMapStepSize),
                                         (int)(mainArrayHeight / mainMapStepSize));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms given point from world coordinates to index in main bitmap
        /// </summary>
        private static Tuple <int, int> GetIndexInMainBitmap(Vector3 pPoint)
            Tuple <int, int> posInMain = CGroundArray.GetIndexInArray(
                pPoint, CProjectData.mainHeader.TopLeftCorner, mainMapStepSize);

            //todo: error posInMain is OOB
            CUtils.TransformArrayIndexToBitmapIndex(ref posInMain,
                                                    CProjectData.mainHeader, mainMapStepSize, mainMap);

            if (!CUtils.IsInBitmap(posInMain, mainMap))
                CDebug.Error($"cant write to bitmap {posInMain.Item1}, {posInMain.Item2}");

Beispiel #5
        //TODO: not practical since it can only return CField and the caller
        // has to cast it to more specific type. Find out more general approach?
        //public CField GetFieldContaining(EArray pClass, bool pNormal, Vector3 pPoint)
        //	switch(pClass)
        //	{
        //		case EArray.Ground:
        //			if(!pNormal)
        //				break;
        //			return groundArray.GetFieldContainingPoint(pPoint);
        //		case EArray.Vege:
        //			if(pNormal)
        //				break;
        //			return vegeDetailArray.GetFieldContainingPoint(pPoint);
        //		case EArray.Tree:
        //			return pNormal ?
        //				treeNormalArray.GetFieldContainingPoint(pPoint) :
        //				treeDetailArray.GetFieldContainingPoint(pPoint);
        //	}
        //	CDebug.Error($"GetFieldContaining() for class {pClass} - {pNormal} not defined");
        //	return null;

        private void InitArrays()
            unassignedArray = new CUnassignedArray(NORMAL_STEP, false);

            ballArray       = new CBallArray(NORMAL_STEP, false);
            ballDetailArray = new CBallArray(DETAIL_STEP_BALLS, true);

            groundArray   = new CGroundArray(NORMAL_STEP, false);
            buildingArray = new CVegeArray(NORMAL_STEP, false);
            vegeArray     = new CVegeArray(NORMAL_STEP, false);

            vegeDetailArray = new CVegeArray(DETAIL_STEP, true);

            preprocessDetailArray = new CVegeArray(DETAIL_STEP, true);
            preprocessNormalArray = new CVegeArray(NORMAL_STEP, false);

            treeDetailArray = new CTreeArray(DETAIL_STEP, true);
            treeNormalArray = new CTreeArray(NORMAL_STEP, false);

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets SmoothHeight based on average from neighbourhood
        /// </summary>
        public void CalculateSmoothHeight(double[,] pGaussKernel)
            if (!IsDefined())

            //int defined = 0;
            float heightSum = 0;

            float midHeight = (float)GetHeight();

            int kernelSize = CGroundArray.GetKernelSize();

            float gaussWeightSum = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < kernelSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < kernelSize; y++)
                    int    xIndex   = indexInField.Item1 + x - kernelSize / 2;
                    int    yIndex   = indexInField.Item2 + y - kernelSize / 2;
                    CField el       = CProjectData.Points.groundArray.GetField(xIndex, yIndex);
                    float? elHeight = el?.GetHeight();

                    //if element is not defined, use height from the middle element
                    float definedHeight = midHeight;
                    if (elHeight != null)
                        definedHeight = (float)elHeight;
                    float gaussWeight = (float)pGaussKernel[x, y];
                    gaussWeightSum += gaussWeight;
                    heightSum      += definedHeight * gaussWeight;

            SmoothHeight = heightSum;
Beispiel #7
        public static Obj ExportToObj(string pArrayName, EExportStrategy pStrategy, bool pUseSmoothHeight,
                                      Tuple <int, int> pStartIndex, Tuple <int, int> pEndIndex)
            CGroundArray pArray    = CProjectData.Points.groundArray;
            Obj          obj       = new Obj(pArrayName);
            float        minHeight = CProjectData.GetMinHeight();

            int missingCoordCount = 0;

            int xStart = pStartIndex.Item1;
            int yStart = pStartIndex.Item2;
            int xEnd   = pEndIndex.Item1 + 1;
            int yEnd   = pEndIndex.Item2 + 1;

            xEnd = Math.Min(xEnd, pArray.arrayXRange);
            yEnd = Math.Min(yEnd, pArray.arrayYRange);

            //prepare vertices
            for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++)
                for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++)
                    Vertex       v      = new Vertex();
                    CGroundField el     = pArray.GetField(x, y);
                    float?       height = el.GetHeight(pUseSmoothHeight ? CField.EHeight.Smooth : CField.EHeight.MaxZ);

                    height = GetHeight(pStrategy, y, el, height);

                    //create vertex only if height is defined
                    if (height != null)
                        //TODO: ATTENTION! in OBJ the height value = Y, while in LAS format it is Z and X,Y are space coordinates
                        //move heights so the lowest point touches the 0
                        //if (pHeight != EHeight.Tree)
                            height -= minHeight;

                        v.LoadFromStringArray(new[] { "v", pArray.GetFieldXCoord(x).ToString(),
                                                      height.ToString(), pArray.GetFieldYCoord(y).ToString() });
                        //record the index of vertex associated with this field position
                        el.VertexIndex = obj.VertexList.Count;                         //first index = 1 (not 0)!
            int faceCount = 0;

            //generate faces
            for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd - 1; x++)
                for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd - 1; y++)
                    //create face only if all necessary vertices has been defined. -1 = not defined
                    //| /|	3:[0,1]	2:[1,1]
                    //|/ |  1:[0,0] 4:[1,0]
                    //we create 2 faces: (1,2,3) and (1,2,4)
                    int ind1 = pArray.GetField(x, y).VertexIndex;
                    if (ind1 != -1)
                        int ind2 = pArray.GetField(x + 1, y + 1).VertexIndex;
                        if (ind2 != -1)
                            int ind3 = pArray.GetField(x, y + 1).VertexIndex;
                            if (ind3 != -1)
                                Face f = new Face();
                                    "f", ind1.ToString(), ind2.ToString(), ind3.ToString()                                     //ind1+"//"+ind3, ind3+"//"+ind2, ind2+"//"+ind1

                            int ind4 = pArray.GetField(x + 1, y).VertexIndex;
                            if (ind4 != -1)
                                Face f = new Face();
                                    "f", ind1.ToString(), ind4.ToString(), ind2.ToString()

