Beispiel #1
        public static Wechat_ContactDetail[] GetWechat_ContactDetailListByMsgPhoneType(string PhoneType, List <int> ProjectIDList = null, int UserID = 0)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters  = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions  = new List <string>();
            List <string>       conditions2 = new List <string>();

            if (ProjectIDList != null && ProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
                if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                    List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();
                    cmdlist.Add("exists (select 1 from [Wechat_ContactProject] where [WechatContactID]=Wechat_Contact.ID and [ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + "))");
                    cmdlist.Add("exists (select 1 from [Wechat_ContactProject] where [WechatContactID]=Wechat_Contact.ID and not exists (select 1 from Project where ID=Wechat_ContactProject.[ProjectID] and ID!=1))");
                    cmdlist.Add("not exists (select 1 from [Wechat_ContactProject] where [WechatContactID]=Wechat_Contact.ID and [ProjectID]!=1)");
                    conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhoneType))
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PhoneType", PhoneType));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PhoneType", Utility.EnumModel.WechatContactType.hujiaowuye.ToString()));
            string cmdtext = "select * from [Wechat_Contact] where  " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + " order by ID desc";
            var    list    = GetList <Wechat_ContactDetail>(cmdtext, parameters).ToArray();

            if (list.Length == 0)
                list = GetList <Wechat_ContactDetail>("select * from [Wechat_Contact] where  " + string.Join(" and ", conditions2.ToArray()) + " order by ID desc", parameters).ToArray();
            if (list.Length > 0)
                var categorys = Wechat_ContactCategory.GetWechat_ContactCategories();
                foreach (var item in list)
                    if (item.PhoneType.Equals(Utility.EnumModel.WechatContactType.hujiaowuye.ToString()))
                        item.CategoryName = "呼叫物业";
                        var my_category = categorys.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == item.CategoryID);
                        item.CategoryName = my_category != null ? my_category.Name : string.Empty;
Beispiel #2
        public static Wechat_Msg[] GetWechat_MsgListByMsgType(string MsgType, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, out long totalRows, bool IsWechatSend = false, bool IsUserAPPSend = false, bool IsCustomerAPPSend = false, bool IsBusinessAPPSend = false, int CategoryID = 0, List <int> ProjectIDList = null, int UserID = 0)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();
            string orderby = "order by [IsTopShow] desc ,isnull([SortOrder],999999) asc,[PublishTime] desc";

            conditions.Add("(isnull([StartTime],getdate())<=getdate() and isnull([EndTime],getdate())>=getdate())");
            if (ProjectIDList != null && ProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
                if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                    List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();
                    cmdlist.Add("exists (select 1 from [Wechat_MsgProject] where [MsgID]=Wechat_Msg.ID and [ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + "))");
                    cmdlist.Add("exists (select 1 from [Wechat_MsgProject] where [MsgID]=Wechat_Msg.ID and not exists (select 1 from Project where ID=Wechat_MsgProject.[ProjectID] and ID!=1))");
                    cmdlist.Add("not exists (select 1 from [Wechat_MsgProject] where [MsgID]=Wechat_Msg.ID and [ProjectID]!=1)");

                    conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (CategoryID > 0)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryID", CategoryID));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MsgType))
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MsgType", MsgType));
            if (IsWechatSend)
            if (IsUserAPPSend)
            if (IsCustomerAPPSend)
            if (IsBusinessAPPSend)
            string fieldList = "[Wechat_Msg].*";
            string Statement = " from [Wechat_Msg] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());
            var    list      = GetList <Wechat_Msg>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, orderby, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray();

Beispiel #3
        public static User[] GetUserListByIDListByServiceProjectID(List <int> UserIDList, int ProjectID, bool CheckDeviceID = true, int DepartmentID = 0)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            if (DepartmentID > 0)
                conditions.Add("[UserID] in (select [UserID] from [UserDepartment] where [DepartmentID]=@DepartmentID)");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DepartmentID", DepartmentID));
            if (CheckDeviceID)
            conditions.Add("([Type]=@Type or [IsAllowAPPUserLogin]=1)");
            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", UserTypeDefine.APPUser.ToString()));
            if (UserIDList.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("[UserID] in (" + string.Join(",", UserIDList.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (ProjectID > 0)
                List <int> ProjectIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
                List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();
                if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or ID=" + InID + ")");
                if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var EqualID in EqualIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
                if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                    conditions.Add("([UserID] in (select [UserID] from [UserRoles] where [RoleID] in (select [RoleID] from [RoleProject] where [ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + "))) or [UserID] in (select [UserID] from [RoleProject] where [ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")))");
            string sqlText = "select * from [User] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());

            return(GetList <User>(sqlText, parameters).ToArray());
Beispiel #4
        public static Wechat_Contact[] GetWechat_ContactListByMsgPhoneType(string PhoneType, List <int> ProjectIDList = null, int UserID = 0)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters  = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions  = new List <string>();
            List <string>       conditions2 = new List <string>();

            if (ProjectIDList != null && ProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
                if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                    List <string> cmdlist = ViewRoomFeeHistory.GetProjectIDListConditions(EqualIDList, IncludeRelation: false, RoomIDName: "[ProjectID]", UserID: UserID);
                    conditions.Add("([ID] in (select [WechatContactID] from [Wechat_ContactProject] where (" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")))");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhoneType))
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PhoneType", PhoneType));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PhoneType", PhoneType));
            string cmdtext = "select * from [Wechat_Contact] where  " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + " order by ID desc";
            var    list    = GetList <Wechat_Contact>(cmdtext, parameters).ToArray();

            if (list.Length > 0)
            return(GetList <Wechat_Contact>("select * from [Wechat_Contact] where  " + string.Join(" and ", conditions2.ToArray()) + " order by ID desc", parameters).ToArray());
Beispiel #5
        public static int[] GetProjectIDListbyIDList(List <int> ProjectIDList = null, List <int> EqualProjectIDList = null, List <int> InProjectIDList = null, int UserID = 0)
            if (EqualProjectIDList == null || InProjectIDList == null)
                if (UserID > 0)
                    Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualProjectIDList, out InProjectIDList, ProjectIDList: ProjectIDList);
                else if (ProjectIDList != null)
                    Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualProjectIDList, out InProjectIDList);
            var cmdlist = new List <string>();

            if (InProjectIDList != null && InProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var InID in InProjectIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or ID=" + InID + ")");
            if (EqualProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var EqualID in EqualProjectIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
            if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                var list = GetList <Project>("select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()), new List <SqlParameter>());
                return(list.Select(p => p.ID).ToArray());
            return(new int[] { });
Beispiel #6
        public static Ui.DataGrid GetMall_DoorCardAnalysisGridByKeywords(string keywords, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, List <int> ProjectIDList, List <int> RoomIDList, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime)
            long   totalRows = 0;
            string OrderBy   = " order by [Title] desc";
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            if (StartTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StartTime", StartTime));
            if (EndTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTime", EndTime));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                conditions.Add("([CardName] like @keywords or [CardSummary] like @keywords or [CardUID] like @keywords or [DoorNumber] like @keywords or ([ID] in (select [DoorCardID] from [Mall_DoorCardDevice] where [DoorDeviceID] in (select [DeviceID] from [Mall_DoorDevice] where [DeviceName] like @keywords))))");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@keywords", "%" + keywords + "%"));
            List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
            List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();

            if (ProjectIDList.Count > 0 && RoomIDList.Count == 0)
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
            List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();

            if (RoomIDList.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[Mall_DoorCard].[RoomPhoneRelationID] and [RoomID] in (" + string.Join(",", RoomIDList.ToArray()) + "))");
            if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                cmdlist.Add("[ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + ")");
                cmdlist.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[Mall_DoorCard].[RoomPhoneRelationID] and exists(select 1 from [Project] where ID=[RoomPhoneRelation].[RoomID] and [ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + ")))");
                conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                cmdlist = new List <string>();
                foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where AllParentID like '%," + InID.ToString() + ",%'))");
                    cmdlist.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[Mall_DoorCard].[RoomPhoneRelationID] and exists(select 1 from [Project] where ID=[RoomPhoneRelation].[RoomID] and AllParentID like '%," + InID.ToString() + ",%'))");
                conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            string fieldList = "A.*";
            string Statement = " from (select Convert(nvarchar(10),AddTime,120) as Title,count(1) as Total from Mall_DoorCard where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + " group by Convert(nvarchar(10),AddTime,120))A";

            Mall_DoorCardAnalysis[] list = GetList <Mall_DoorCardAnalysis>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, OrderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray();
            DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid  dg   = new Ui.DataGrid();
            dg.rows  = list;
   = totalRows;
    = pageSize;
Beispiel #7
        public static Ui.DataGrid GetMall_DoorCardDetailGridByKeywords(string keywords, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, List <int> ProjectIDList, List <int> RoomIDList, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime)
            long   totalRows = 0;
            string OrderBy   = " order by [CardName] asc, [SortOrder] asc, [AddTime] desc";
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            if (StartTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StartTime", StartTime));
            if (EndTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTime", EndTime));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                conditions.Add("([CardName] like @keywords or [CardSummary] like @keywords or [CardUID] like @keywords or [DoorNumber] like @keywords or ([ID] in (select [DoorCardID] from [Mall_DoorCardDevice] where [DoorDeviceID] in (select [DeviceID] from [Mall_DoorDevice] where [DeviceName] like @keywords))))");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@keywords", "%" + keywords + "%"));
            List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
            List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();

            if (ProjectIDList.Count > 0 && RoomIDList.Count == 0)
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
            List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();

            if (RoomIDList.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[A].[RoomPhoneRelationID] and[RoomID] in (" + string.Join(",", RoomIDList.ToArray()) + "))");
            if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                cmdlist.Add("[ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + ")");
                cmdlist.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[A].[RoomPhoneRelationID] and exists(select 1 from [Project] where ID=[RoomPhoneRelation].[RoomID] and [ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + ")))");
                conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                cmdlist = new List <string>();
                foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where AllParentID like '%," + InID.ToString() + ",%'))");
                    cmdlist.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[A].[RoomPhoneRelationID] and exists(select 1 from [Project] where ID=[RoomPhoneRelation].[RoomID] and AllParentID like '%," + InID.ToString() + ",%'))");
                conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            string fieldList = "[A].*";
            string Statement = " from (select *,(select top 1 [StartTime] from [RoomFeeHistory] where [ChargeID] in (select ID from [ChargeSummary] where [ChargeFeeType]=1) and ChargeState in (1,4) and [RoomID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[Mall_DoorCard].RoomPhoneRelationID) order by ChargeTime desc) as StartTime,(select top 1 [EndTime] from [RoomFeeHistory] where [ChargeID] in (select ID from [ChargeSummary] where [ChargeFeeType]=1) and ChargeState in (1,4) and [RoomID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[Mall_DoorCard].RoomPhoneRelationID) order by ChargeTime desc) as EndTime,(select top 1 [StartTime] from [RoomFee] where [ChargeID] in (select ID from [ChargeSummary] where [ChargeFeeType]=1) and [RoomID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [ID]=[Mall_DoorCard].RoomPhoneRelationID) and StartTime is not null order by StartTime asc) as FeeStartTime from [Mall_DoorCard])A where  " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());

            Mall_DoorCardDetail[] list = GetList <Mall_DoorCardDetail>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, OrderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray();
            if (list.Length > 0)
                var mList     = list.Where(p => p.UserID > 0).ToArray();
                int MinUserID = 0;
                int MaxUserID = 0;
                if (mList.Length > 0)
                    MinUserID = mList.Min(p => p.UserID);
                    MaxUserID = mList.Max(p => p.UserID);
                var        userList         = User.GetSysUserList(IncludeLock: false, MinUserID: MinUserID, MaxUserID: MaxUserID);
                List <int> card_idlist      = list.Select(p => p.ID).ToList();
                var        card_device_list = Mall_DoorCardDevice.GetMall_DoorCardDevices().Where(p => card_idlist.Contains(p.DoorCardID)).ToArray();
                var        device_list      = Mall_DoorDevice.GetALLActiveMall_DoorDeviceList().ToArray();
                mList = list.Where(p => p.RoomPhoneRelationID > 0).ToArray();
                int MinID = 0;
                int MaxID = 0;
                if (mList.Length > 0)
                    MinID = mList.Min(p => p.RoomPhoneRelationID);
                    MaxID = mList.Max(p => p.RoomPhoneRelationID);
                var relationList = RoomPhoneRelation.GetRoomPhoneRelationListByMinMaxID(MinID, MaxID);
                int MinRoomID    = 0;
                int MaxRoomID    = 0;
                if (relationList.Length > 0)
                    MinRoomID = relationList.Min(p => p.RoomID);
                    MaxRoomID = relationList.Max(p => p.RoomID);
                var projectList = Project.GetProjectListByMinMaxID(MinRoomID, MaxRoomID);
                foreach (var item in list)
                    var        my_card_device_list = card_device_list.Where(p => p.DoorCardID == item.ID).ToArray();
                    List <int> my_deviceidlist     = my_card_device_list.Select(p => p.DoorDeviceID).ToList();
                    var        my_device_list      = device_list.Where(p => my_deviceidlist.Contains(p.DeviceID)).ToArray();
                    if (my_device_list.Length > 0)
                        item.DeviceInfo = string.Join(",", my_device_list.Select(p =>
                            return("【" + p.DeviceID + "," + p.DeviceName + "】");
                    var myRelation = relationList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == item.RoomPhoneRelationID);
                    if (myRelation != null)
                        var myProject = projectList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == myRelation.RoomID);
                        item.UserInfo = myRelation.RelationName;
                        if (myProject != null)
                            item.UserInfo += "【" + myProject.FullName + "-" + myProject.Name + "】";
                    var myUser = userList.FirstOrDefault(q => q.LoginName == item.AddUserName);
                    if (myUser != null)
                        item.AddUserName = myUser.FinalRealName;
            DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid dg = new Ui.DataGrid();
            dg.rows  = list;
   = totalRows;
    = pageSize;
Beispiel #8
        public static Ui.DataGrid GetMall_DoorDeviceGridByKeywords(string keywords, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, List <int> ProjectIDList, List <int> RoomIDList)
            long   totalRows = 0;
            string OrderBy   = " order by [SortOrder] asc, AddTime desc";
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                conditions.Add("([DeviceName] like @keywords or [DeviceCode] like @keywords)");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@keywords", "%" + keywords + "%"));
            List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
            List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();

            if (RoomIDList.Count > 0)
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(RoomIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
            else if (ProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
            List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();

            if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                cmdlist.Add("([ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + ") and [IsUseAll]=1)");
                cmdlist.Add("[ID] in (select [DoorDeviceID] from [Mall_DoorDeviceProject] where [ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + "))");
            if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                List <string> subcmdlist = new List <string>();
                foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                    subcmdlist.Add("(ID=" + InID + " or AllParentID like '%," + InID.ToString() + ",%')");
                cmdlist.Add("([ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", subcmdlist.ToArray()) + ") and [IsUseAll]=1)");
                cmdlist.Add("[ID] in (select [DoorDeviceID] from [Mall_DoorDeviceProject] where [ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", subcmdlist.ToArray()) + "))");
            if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            string fieldList = "[Mall_DoorDevice].*";
            string Statement = " from [Mall_DoorDevice] where  " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());

            Mall_DoorDevice[] list = GetList <Mall_DoorDevice>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, OrderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray();
            if (list.Length > 0)
                var device_project_list = Mall_DoorDeviceProject.GetMall_DoorDeviceProjectListByDeviceIDList(list.Select(p => p.ID).ToList());
                var project_list        = Project.GetMall_DoorDeviceProjectListByDoorDeviceIDList(list.Select(p => p.ID).ToList());
                foreach (var item in list)
                    if (item.IsUseAll)
                        item.BindDeviceName = "所有楼栋";
                        var           my_device_project_list = device_project_list.Where(p => p.DoorDeviceID == item.ID).ToArray();
                        List <int>    device_project_idlist  = my_device_project_list.Select(p => p.ProjectID).ToList();
                        var           my_project_list        = project_list.Where(p => device_project_idlist.Contains(p.ID));
                        List <string> my_project_names       = my_project_list.Select(p =>
                            string result = string.Empty;
                            if (p.isParent)
                                result = p.FullName;
                                result = p.FullName + p.Name;
                        if (my_project_names.Count > 0)
                            item.BindDeviceName = string.Join(",", my_project_names.ToArray());
            DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid dg = new Ui.DataGrid();
            dg.rows  = list;
   = totalRows;
    = pageSize;
        public static Ui.DataGrid GetMall_DoorOpenLogDataGrid(string keywords, long startRowIndex, int pageSize, List <int> ProjectIDList, List <int> RoomIDList, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime, bool canexport = false)
            if (startRowIndex <= 1 && !canexport)
            long   totalRows = 0;
            string OrderBy   = " order by [OpenTime] desc";
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords))
                conditions.Add("[DeviceName] like @keywords");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@keywords", "%" + keywords + "%"));
            List <string> cmdlist     = new List <string>();
            List <int>    EqualIDList = new List <int>();
            List <int>    InIDList    = new List <int>();

            if (RoomIDList.Count > 0)
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(RoomIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
            else if (ProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
            if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                cmdlist.Add("([ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + ") and [IsUseAll]=1)");
                cmdlist.Add("[Device_ID] in (select [DoorDeviceID] from [Mall_DoorDeviceProject] where [ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", EqualIDList.ToArray()) + "))");
            if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                List <string> subcmdlist = new List <string>();
                foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                    subcmdlist.Add("AllParentID like '%," + InID.ToString() + ",%'");
                cmdlist.Add("([ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", subcmdlist.ToArray()) + ") and [IsUseAll]=1)");
                cmdlist.Add("[Device_ID] in (select [DoorDeviceID] from [Mall_DoorDeviceProject] where [ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", subcmdlist.ToArray()) + "))");
            if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (StartTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StartTime", StartTime));
            if (EndTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EndTime", EndTime));
            string fieldList = "A.*";
            string Statement = " from (select Mall_DoorOpenLog.*,Mall_DoorDevice.[DeviceName],Mall_DoorDevice.ID as Device_ID,[Mall_DoorDevice].ProjectID,[Mall_DoorDevice].IsUseAll from [Mall_DoorOpenLog] left join [Mall_DoorDevice] on Mall_DoorDevice.DeviceID=Mall_DoorOpenLog.DeviceID)A where  " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());

            Mall_DoorOpenLogDetail[] list = new Mall_DoorOpenLogDetail[] { };;
            if (canexport)
                list      = GetList <Mall_DoorOpenLogDetail>("select " + fieldList + Statement + " " + OrderBy, parameters).ToArray();
                totalRows = list.Length;
                list = GetList <Mall_DoorOpenLogDetail>(fieldList, Statement, parameters, OrderBy, startRowIndex, pageSize, out totalRows).ToArray();
            DataAccess.Ui.DataGrid dg = new Ui.DataGrid();
            dg.rows  = list;
   = totalRows;
    = pageSize;