Beispiel #1
 private static void WalkContours(List <GlyphPoint[]> contours, EdgeWorkspace workspace)
     if (contours == null)
     foreach (var contour in contours)
         RenderContour(workspace, contour);
Beispiel #2
        [NotNull] private static EdgeWorkspace PrepareEdgeWorkspace(int width, int height)
            var requiredBufferSize = width * height;

            var workspace = new EdgeWorkspace
                Height = height,
                Width  = width,
                Data   = new byte[requiredBufferSize]

Beispiel #3
        private static void FillScans(EdgeWorkspace workspace)
            if (workspace == null)
            var ymax = workspace.Height;
            var xmax = workspace.Width - 1; // space to look ahead

            var data = workspace.Data;
            var w    = workspace.Width;

            for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
                int inside = 0;
                var ypos   = y * w;

                for (int x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
                    var v  = data[ypos + x];
                    var up = (v & DirUp) > 0;
                    var dn = (v & DirDown) > 0;

                    if (up && dn)
                        data[ypos + x] |= Inside;

                    if (up)
                        inside = 1;
                    if (dn)
                        inside = 0;

                    if (!up && !dn && inside > 0)
                        data[ypos + x] |= Inside;
Beispiel #4
        public const byte Dropout = 0x40;  // pixel *might* be a small feature drop-out

        /// <summary>
        /// Render a glyph at the given scale. Result is a grid of flag values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="glyph">Glyph to render</param>
        /// <param name="xScale">Scale factor</param>
        /// <param name="yScale">Scale factor</param>
        [NotNull] public static EdgeWorkspace Rasterise(Glyph glyph, float xScale, float yScale)
            if (glyph == null)
            if (glyph.GlyphType != GlyphTypes.Simple)

            // glyph sizes are not reliable for this.
            glyph.GetPointBounds(out var xmin, out var xmax, out var ymin, out var ymax);

            var baseline  = (float)(glyph.yMin * yScale);
            var leftShift = (float)(-glyph.xMin * xScale * 0.5); // I guess the 0.5 fudge-factor is due to lack of kerning support

            var width  = (int)((xmax - xmin) * xScale) + 8;
            var height = (int)((ymax - ymin) * yScale) + 8;

            var workspace = PrepareEdgeWorkspace(width, height);

            // 1. Grid fit / adjust the contours
            var contours = GridFitContours(glyph, xScale, yScale, out var yAdjust);

            // 2. Walk around all the contours, setting scan-line winding data.
            WalkContours(contours, workspace); // also adds extra headroom for super sampling

            // 3. Run each scan line, filling where sum of winding is != 0

            // adjust the baseline here, to control 'jitter' caused by pixel-fitting
            if (baseline < 0)
                yAdjust += 0.4f;               // adjust for rounding
            baseline += yAdjust;

            workspace.Baseline = baseline;
            workspace.Shift    = leftShift;

Beispiel #5
        private static void RenderContour(EdgeWorkspace workspace, GlyphPoint[] contour)
            if (contour == null)
            if (workspace == null)

            var len = contour.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                var ptThis = contour[i % len];
                var ptNext = contour[(i + 1) % len];
                DirectionalBresenham(workspace, ptThis, ptNext);
Beispiel #6
        // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local
        private static void DiagnosticFillScans(EdgeWorkspace workspace)
            if (workspace == null)
            var ymax = workspace.Height;
            var xmax = workspace.Width - 1; // space to look ahead

            var data = workspace.Data;

            for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
                var ypos = y * workspace.Width;
                for (int x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
                    if (data[ypos + x] != 0)
                        data[ypos + x] |= Inside;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Write directions between two points into the workspace.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DirectionalBresenham(EdgeWorkspace workspace, GlyphPoint start, GlyphPoint end)
            if (workspace == null)

            var fdx = end.X - start.X;
            var fdy = end.Y - start.Y;

            var x0 = (int)start.X;
            var x1 = (int)end.X;
            var y0 = (int)start.Y + 1;
            var y1 = (int)end.Y + 1;

            int dx = x1 - x0, sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1;
            int dy = y1 - y0, sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1;

            if (dx < 0)
                dx = -dx;
            if (dy < 0)
                dy = -dy;

            byte xWindFlag = fdx < 0 ? DirLeft : DirRight;
            byte yWindFlag = fdy < 0 ? DirDown : DirUp;

            if (dy == 0)
                yWindFlag = 0;
            if (dx == 0)
                xWindFlag = 0;

            int pxFlag = yWindFlag | xWindFlag | Touched; // assume first pixel makes a full movement

            if (dy == 0 && dx == 0)
                pxFlag |= Dropout; // a single pixel. We mark for drop-out protection
            int err  = (dx > dy ? dx : -dy) / 2;
            int w    = workspace.Width;
            var data = workspace.Data;

            for (;;) // for each point, bit-OR our decided direction onto the pixel

            // set pixel
                data[(y0 * w) + x0] |= (byte)pxFlag;

                // end of line check
                if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1)

                pxFlag = Touched;
                var e2 = err;
                if (e2 > -dx)
                    err -= dy; x0 += sx; pxFlag |= xWindFlag;
                if (e2 < dy)
                    err += dx; y0 += sy; pxFlag |= yWindFlag;