public static int DoubleTap(Ranged Weapon)
            if (Weapon.AmmoCount <= 0)
                IsQuick = true;
                Console.WriteLine("You are out of ammo!");
            if (Weapon.AmmoCount == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("You only have one round in the chamber!");
            //chance to do dmg twice,
            double weapondam1 = Weapon.Damage * .6;
            double weapondam2 = Weapon.Damage * .7;

            Console.WriteLine("Deftly, you let loose two controlled shots!");

            int roll1 = diceroll.Next(0, 17) + (Character.finesse / 3);
            int roll2 = diceroll.Next(0, 17) + (Character.finesse / 3);

            if (roll1 < 8)
                Console.WriteLine("The first shot missed!");
                weapondam1 = 0;
            if (roll2 < 5)
                Console.WriteLine("The second shot missed!");
                weapondam2 = 0;
            int damageDealt = (int)(weapondam1 + weapondam2);

            if (Weapon.AmmoCount <= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You are out of ammo!");
        public static void Story02ba()
            Chapter = "02ba";
            if (storysent == false)
                Console.WriteLine("You make a break for the gun, the beast notices you immediately and bellows a horrid sound that is a mix between a screech and a thunderous roar. You focus on swooping downwards." +
                                  " All your attention is on getting to this handgun before the beast gets to you. The weapon is almost to you now and from the corner of your eye a blur of or a dark-colored fur bursts from the shade. Just a few more steps…");
                Console.WriteLine("In a moment that feels like a rapid eternity, you lunge to the pistol before the few remaining steps and use the momentum to swiftly grab the gun and into a roll to line the shot from the floor." +
                                  " The beast is less than 10 meters away now and the first thing you realize is the deformed face. Awkwardly tiny eyes, and huge teeth bared and sharp.");
                Console.WriteLine("It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen. And soon it would be like nothing you’ve ever killed. You squeeze the trigger.");
                Console.WriteLine("To your horror, it does nothing but something within you clicks. The beach lunges with its winged arms outstretched, as you immediately roll to the side." +
                                  " It crashes into the ground where you just were and as you swivel to your feet your hands move on their own. You disengage the safety, c**k the gun and as a round ejects from the slide, " +
                                  "three shots rang out before the monster swings and it connects sending you into a wall.");
                Console.WriteLine("The beast screeches in pain as blood pours from the wounds, splattering the ground. Winded, you stand up using some of the debris around you to steady yourself. It was a hard hit but nothing fatal." +
                                  " The beast squares you up, and you see that most of its frame comes from the large tattered wings attached to large muscular arms that ended in claws. It has a rodent-like face and body covered it short fur. Its " +
                                  "legs were long and strange as if not meant for running, and its most defining feature was its two gigantic ears that pointed toward the shattered sunroof, illuminated by the pale light. It dawns on you that this" +
                                  " beast has similar features to a bat, despite being over 6 feet tall and humanoid.");
                Console.WriteLine("Another guttural screech as phlegm and salvia expels from between razor sharp teeth, and it charges. ");
                ColorChanger(ConsoleColor.Red, "You've suffered 4 damage");
                ColorChanger(ConsoleColor.Green, "The monster has suffered 3 damage.");

                Character.currentHealth = Character.currentHealth - 4;
                Ranged m9Pistol = new Ranged("M9 Berretta", "A Semi-automatic Pistol.", 8, 5);
                Entities ManBat = new Entities
                    Name         = "Grotesque Bat",
                    movelist     = new string[] { "Hunt", "Bite", "Overwhelm", "Bulwark" },
                    HealthPoints = 17

                Program.isInBattle = true;
        public static int Shoot(Ranged Weapon)
            if (Weapon.AmmoCount <= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You are out of ammo!");
            int weapondam = diceroll.Next(Weapon.Damage - 2, Weapon.Damage + 1);
            int Damage    = weapondam;
            int roll      = diceroll.Next(0, 5) + Character.finesse / 2; //chancetohit

            Console.WriteLine("You pull the trigger...");
            if (roll < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("The shot missed it's mark...");
                Damage = 0;