private static extern bool CryptUnprotectData(ref DATA_BLOB pCipherText,
                         ref string pszDescription,
                         ref DATA_BLOB pEntropy,
                             IntPtr pReserved,
                         ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPrompt,
                             int dwFlags,
                         ref DATA_BLOB pPlainText);
 private static extern bool CryptUnprotectData(ref DATA_BLOB pCipherText,
                                               ref string pszDescription,
                                               ref DATA_BLOB pEntropy,
                                               IntPtr pReserved,
                                               ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPrompt,
                                               int dwFlags,
                                               ref DATA_BLOB pPlainText);
        private static byte[] _DecryptBlock(byte[] encryptedBlock)
            const int    ENTROPY_LENGTH = 0x86;
            const string ENTROPY_DATA   = "Software"; //Really? *Really*?
            var          entropyData    = new byte[ENTROPY_LENGTH];

            //Create the prompt structure for CryptUnprotectData

            prompt.cbSize        = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT));
            prompt.dwPromptFlags = 0;
            prompt.hwndApp       = IntPtr.Zero;
            prompt.szPrompt      = null;

            //Build the entropy structure
            DATA_BLOB entropy = new DATA_BLOB();

            entropy.cbData = entropyData.Length;
            Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ENTROPY_DATA), 0, entropyData, 0, ENTROPY_DATA.Length);
            IntPtr ptrEntropy = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(entropyData.Length);

            entropyData[0x2B] = 0x01; //anti-debugging magic
            entropyData[0x43] = 0x05;
            Marshal.Copy(entropyData, 0, ptrEntropy, entropyData.Length);
            entropy.pbData = ptrEntropy;

            //Build the cipher text structure
            DATA_BLOB cipherText = new DATA_BLOB();
            IntPtr    ptrCipher  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(encryptedBlock.Length);

            Marshal.Copy(encryptedBlock, 0, ptrCipher, encryptedBlock.Length);
            cipherText.cbData = encryptedBlock.Length;
            cipherText.pbData = ptrCipher;

            //Do the decryption
            DATA_BLOB plainText   = new DATA_BLOB();
            var       description = String.Empty; //Not using a description

            if (!CryptUnprotectData(ref cipherText, ref description, ref entropy, IntPtr.Zero, ref prompt, 0, ref plainText))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("DPAPI decryption error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString("X8"));

            //Get the decrypted data into our object
            var decrypted = new byte[plainText.cbData];

            Marshal.Copy(plainText.pbData, decrypted, 0, plainText.cbData);

            //Free everything up

        private static byte[] _DecryptBlock(byte[] encryptedBlock)
            const int ENTROPY_LENGTH = 0x86;
              const string ENTROPY_DATA = "Software"; //Really? *Really*?
              var entropyData = new byte[ENTROPY_LENGTH];

              //Create the prompt structure for CryptUnprotectData
              prompt.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT));
              prompt.dwPromptFlags = 0;
              prompt.hwndApp = IntPtr.Zero;
              prompt.szPrompt = null;

              //Build the entropy structure
              DATA_BLOB entropy = new DATA_BLOB();
              entropy.cbData = entropyData.Length;
              Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ENTROPY_DATA), 0, entropyData, 0, ENTROPY_DATA.Length);
              IntPtr ptrEntropy = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(entropyData.Length);
              entropyData[0x2B] = 0x01; //anti-debugging magic
              entropyData[0x43] = 0x05;
              Marshal.Copy(entropyData, 0, ptrEntropy, entropyData.Length);
              entropy.pbData = ptrEntropy;

              //Build the cipher text structure
              DATA_BLOB cipherText = new DATA_BLOB();
              IntPtr ptrCipher = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(encryptedBlock.Length);
              Marshal.Copy(encryptedBlock, 0, ptrCipher, encryptedBlock.Length);
              cipherText.cbData = encryptedBlock.Length;
              cipherText.pbData = ptrCipher;

              //Do the decryption
              DATA_BLOB plainText = new DATA_BLOB();
              var description = String.Empty; //Not using a description
              if (!CryptUnprotectData(ref cipherText, ref description, ref entropy, IntPtr.Zero, ref prompt, 0, ref plainText))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("DPAPI decryption error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error().ToString("X8"));

              //Get the decrypted data into our object
              var decrypted = new byte[plainText.cbData];
              Marshal.Copy(plainText.pbData, decrypted, 0, plainText.cbData);

              //Free everything up

              return decrypted;