public void Init(ExtensionManager extensionManager, UiManager uiManager, System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher dispatcher)
            extensionManager.LolClientInjected += (sender, e) => client = e;
            extensionManager.LolClientConnected += (sender, e) => ui.Client = client;
            extensionManager.LolClientDisconnected += (sender, e) => ui.Client = null;
            extensionManager.LolClientClosed += (sender, e) => client = null;

            uiManager.RegisterView(this, new View(this, "Call Lcds", "CallLcds:Main", ui));
 internal void FireLolClientInjectedEvent(LolClient client)
     if (LolClientInjected != null)
         LolClientInjected(this, client);
        void ProcessInjector_ProcessFound(object sender, Process e)
            ProcessInjector pi = sender as ProcessInjector;
            if (pi == null) return;

            //sometimes it takes a while for the main module to be loaded...
            while (e.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
            #if AIRDEBUG && DEBUG
            string loldir = null;
            string wmiQuery = string.Format("select CommandLine from Win32_Process where Name='{0}'", "adl.exe");
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(wmiQuery);
            ManagementObjectCollection retObjectCollection = searcher.Get();
            foreach (ManagementObject retObject in retObjectCollection)
                loldir = ProcessHelper.SplitCommandLineArgs((string)retObject["CommandLine"])[2];
            var loldir = Path.GetDirectoryName(e.MainModule.FileName)??string.Empty;
            _lolProperties = new PropertiesFile(Path.Combine(loldir, LolPropertiesFilename));
            var host = _lolProperties["host"];
            _rtmpAddress = host.Contains(",") ? host.Substring(0, host.IndexOf(',')) : host;

            if (_rtmpAddress == null) return;

            _certificate = GetCertificate(_rtmpAddress);

            if (_certificate == null)
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => MessageBox.Show(this, "This program is not compatible with your region: " + _lolProperties["platformId"] + ".\n", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning));


            if (!IsInstalled(_certificate))
                MessageBoxResult res = MessageBoxResult.None;

                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => res = MessageBox.Show(this, "A certificate needs to be installed.\n\n" +
                                                "You can see which certificates are installed under Views->FinalesFunkeln->Certificates and uninstall them at any time.\n\nInstall the certificate now?", "Confirmation",
                                                MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information));
                if (res != MessageBoxResult.Yes)


            _lolClient = new LolClient(loldir, _lolProperties, _proxy);
                _lolClientProcess = e;
            catch (WarningException ex)
                //I think this only happens when we try to inject into an already redirected app.
            catch (AccessViolationException ex)
                //Not sure what to do if that happens
 private void pm_LolClientInjected(object sender, LolClient e)
     _dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => _clientStatus.Status = ClientStates.Injected);