private void _DatabaseSearcher_SearchComplete(object sender, SearchResult e)
            lock ( m_resultLock )
                if (LatestSearchResult == null || e.ID != LatestSearchResult.ID)

                EnableShowMoreButton = false;

                int numResultsToDisplay = Math.Min(Settings.MaxResultsDisplayed, e.ValidResults.Count);

                //need to be on the UI thread since we will be creating controls
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate

                    for (int i = 0; i < numResultsToDisplay; i++)
                        Controls.SearchResultControl newResult = new Controls.SearchResultControl();
                        newResult.SearchResultContent          = e.ValidResults[i];

                        newResult.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += SearchResult_MouseLeftButtonUp;

                        //if a file is modified we want to know about it so we can re-sort the list if necessary and write the changes to the DB
                        e.ValidResults[i].OnChangedEvent -= _OnFileChanged;
                        e.ValidResults[i].OnChangedEvent += _OnFileChanged;

                        //load the file's icon


                    if (m_limitedResultCollection.Count < e.ValidResults.Count)
                        EnableShowMoreButton = true;

                    if (m_limitedResultCollection.Count > 0)
                        if (e.ValidResults.Count > m_limitedResultCollection.Count)
                            LatestSearchResultDetails = $"Showing top {String.Format("{0:n0}", Settings.MaxResultsDisplayed)} of {String.Format("{0:n0}", e.ValidResults.Count)} results";
                            LatestSearchResultDetails = $"Showing {String.Format("{0:n0}", e.ValidResults.Count)} of {String.Format("{0:n0}", e.ValidResults.Count)} results";
                        LatestSearchResultDetails = (e.SearchTerm.Length == 0) ? "" : "Showing 0 of 0 results";

            //remove any invalid results from the database so they don't appear in more searches
            List <List <DBPredicate> > removalPredicates = new List <List <DBPredicate> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < e.InvalidResults.Count; i++)
                List <DBPredicate> filePredicates = new List <DBPredicate>();
                filePredicates.Add(new DBPredicate("path", DBOperator.EQUALS, e.InvalidResults[i].Path));

                m_database.DeleteTransacted("FileCache", removalPredicates);
            catch (Exception crap)
                Settings.SessionLog += crap.Message + "\n";
        /// <summary>
        /// adds more results to the displays results list when the user clicks the 'show more' button
        /// </summary>
        private void _ShowMoreResults(object obj)
            lock ( m_resultLock )
                if (m_limitedResultCollection.Count == 0 || LatestSearchResult == null || m_limitedResultCollection.Count >= LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count ||
                    m_limitedResultCollection.Count >= 2000)

                //add up to 100 items to the list, but if there are 10 or less results remaining after that, add them as well
                int maxItemsAfterAdditions = m_limitedResultCollection.Count + Settings.MaxResultsDisplayed;
                if (maxItemsAfterAdditions + 10 >= LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count)
                    maxItemsAfterAdditions = LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count;

                //cap loaded search results at 2000 for memory and performance purposes
                if (maxItemsAfterAdditions > 2000)
                    maxItemsAfterAdditions = 2000;

                //need to be on the UI thread since we will be creating controls
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                    //increase the weight of the existing elements by a tiny amount so that the sort order isn't disturbed
                    //by new elements with the same weight (causing items to shift around for no apparent reason)
                    foreach (var control in m_limitedResultCollection)
                        control.SearchResultContent.Weight += 0.0000002;

                    for (int i = m_limitedResultCollection.Count; i < LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count && i < maxItemsAfterAdditions; i++)
                        Controls.SearchResultControl newResult = new Controls.SearchResultControl();
                        newResult.SearchResultContent          = LatestSearchResult.ValidResults[i];

                        newResult.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += SearchResult_MouseLeftButtonUp;

                        //if a file is modified we want to know about it so we can re-sort the list if necessary and write the changes to the DB
                        LatestSearchResult.ValidResults[i].OnChangedEvent -= _OnFileChanged;
                        LatestSearchResult.ValidResults[i].OnChangedEvent += _OnFileChanged;

                        //load the icon for the new file


                    //since sorting is only performed on the elements loaded into the list, need to sort the new and old elements into place
                    var sortedResults = m_limitedResultCollection.OrderByDescending(x => x.SearchResultContent.Weight).ToList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < sortedResults.Count; i++)
                        m_limitedResultCollection.Move(m_limitedResultCollection.IndexOf(sortedResults[i]), i);

                    if (LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count > m_limitedResultCollection.Count)
                        LatestSearchResultDetails = $"Showing top {String.Format("{0:n0}", m_limitedResultCollection.Count)} of {String.Format("{0:n0}", LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count)} results";
                        EnableShowMoreButton      = true;
                        LatestSearchResultDetails = $"Showing {String.Format("{0:n0}", LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count)} of {String.Format("{0:n0}", LatestSearchResult.ValidResults.Count)} results";
                        EnableShowMoreButton      = false;