public static async Task <List <ScrapedSong> > SearchAsync(string criteria, SearchType type, BeatSaverFeedSettings settings = null)
            // TODO: Hits rate limit
            if (type == SearchType.key)
                return(new List <ScrapedSong>()
                    await GetSongByKeyAsync(criteria).ConfigureAwait(false)

            if (type == SearchType.user)
                return(await GetSongsByUploaderIdAsync((await GetAuthorNamesByIDAsync(criteria).ConfigureAwait(false)).FirstOrDefault()).ConfigureAwait(false));

            if (type == SearchType.hash)
                return(new List <ScrapedSong>()
                    await GetSongByHashAsync(criteria).ConfigureAwait(false)
            StringBuilder url;
            int           maxSongs = 0;
            int           maxPages = 0;
            //int lastPage;
            //int nextPage;
            int pageIndex = 0;

            if (settings != null)
                maxSongs  = settings.MaxSongs;
                maxPages  = settings.MaxPages;
                pageIndex = Math.Max(settings.StartingPage - 1, 0);
            bool useMaxPages = maxPages > 0;
            bool useMaxSongs = maxSongs > 0;

            if (useMaxPages && pageIndex > 0)
                maxPages = maxPages + pageIndex;
            bool continueLooping = true;
            var  songs           = new List <ScrapedSong>();
            List <ScrapedSong> newSongs;

                url = new StringBuilder(Feeds[BeatSaverFeed.Search].BaseUrl);
                url.Replace(SEARCHTYPEKEY, type.ToString());
                url.Replace(SEARCHKEY, criteria);
                url.Replace(PAGEKEY, pageIndex.ToString());
                var    uri      = new Uri(url.ToString());
                string pageText = string.Empty;
                using (var response = await WebUtils.WebClient.GetAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    Logger.Debug($"Checking {uri} for songs.");
                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        pageText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        Logger.Error($"Error searching for song, {uri} responded with {response.StatusCode}:{response.ReasonPhrase}");
                newSongs = ParseSongsFromPage(pageText, uri);
                foreach (var song in newSongs)
                    if (!useMaxSongs || songs.Count < maxSongs)
                if (newSongs.Count == 0)
                    continueLooping = false;
                if (useMaxPages && (pageIndex >= maxPages))
                    continueLooping = false;
                if (useMaxSongs && pageIndex * SONGS_PER_PAGE >= maxSongs)
                    continueLooping = false;
            } while (continueLooping);

 public static List <ScrapedSong> GetBeatSaverSongs(BeatSaverFeedSettings settings)
        public static async Task <List <ScrapedSong> > GetBeatSaverSongsAsync(BeatSaverFeedSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings), "settings cannot be null for BeatSaverReader.GetBeatSaverSongsAsync");
            // TODO: double checks the first page
            int  feedIndex              = settings.FeedIndex;
            bool useMaxPages            = settings.MaxPages != 0;
            bool useMaxSongs            = settings.MaxSongs != 0;
            List <ScrapedSong> songs    = new List <ScrapedSong>();
            string             pageText = string.Empty;

            using (var response = await WebUtils.WebClient.GetAsync(GetPageUrl(feedIndex)).ConfigureAwait(false))
                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    pageText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            JObject result = new JObject();

                result = JObject.Parse(pageText);
            catch (JsonReaderException ex)
                Logger.Exception("Unable to parse JSON from text", ex);
            int?numSongs = result["totalDocs"]?.Value <int>();
            int?lastPage = result["lastPage"]?.Value <int>();

            if (numSongs == null || lastPage == null || numSongs == 0)
                Logger.Warning($"Error checking Beat Saver's {settings.FeedName} feed.");
            Logger.Info($"Checking Beat Saver's {settings.FeedName} feed, {numSongs} songs available");
            int maxPages = settings.MaxPages;
            int pageNum  = Math.Max(settings.StartingPage - 1, 0);

            if (pageNum > 0 && useMaxPages)
                maxPages = maxPages + pageNum; // Add starting page to maxPages so we actually get songs if maxPages < starting page
            List <Task <List <ScrapedSong> > > pageReadTasks = new List <Task <List <ScrapedSong> > >();
            Uri  uri             = null;
            bool continueLooping = true;

                uri = GetPageUrl(feedIndex, pageNum);
                Logger.Debug($"Creating task for {uri.ToString()}");
                if ((pageNum > lastPage))
                    continueLooping = false;
                if (useMaxPages && (pageNum >= maxPages))
                    continueLooping = false;
                if (useMaxSongs && pageNum * SONGS_PER_PAGE >= settings.MaxSongs)
                    continueLooping = false;
            } while (continueLooping);
                await Task.WhenAll(pageReadTasks.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
            catch (Exception)  // TODO: Better exception handling here, does it even throw here or in the for loop below?
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                Logger.Error($"Error waiting for pageReadTasks");
            foreach (var job in pageReadTasks)
                songs.AddRange(await job.ConfigureAwait(false));
                foreach (var song in await job.ConfigureAwait(false))
                    if (!useMaxSongs || songs.Count <= settings.MaxSongs)