public override async Task <OSInfo> GetOSInfoAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            OSInfo osInfo = default(OSInfo);

            (int exitCode, List <string> outputLines) = await ExecuteProcessAsync("lsb_release", "-d");

            if (exitCode == 0 && outputLines.Count == 1)
                ** Example:
                ** Description:\tUbuntu 18.04.2 LTS
                osInfo.Name = outputLines[0].Split(':', count: 2)[1].Trim();

            osInfo.Version = await File.ReadAllTextAsync("/proc/version");

            osInfo.Language          = string.Empty;
            osInfo.Status            = "OK";
            osInfo.NumberOfProcesses = Process.GetProcesses().Length;

            // Source code:
            Dictionary <string, ulong> memInfo = LinuxProcFS.ReadMemInfo();

            osInfo.TotalVisibleMemorySizeKB = memInfo[MemInfoConstants.MemTotal];
            osInfo.FreePhysicalMemoryKB     = memInfo[MemInfoConstants.MemFree];
            osInfo.AvailableMemoryKB        = memInfo[MemInfoConstants.MemAvailable];

            // On Windows, TotalVirtualMemorySize = TotalVisibleMemorySize + SizeStoredInPagingFiles.
            // SizeStoredInPagingFiles - Total number of kilobytes that can be stored in the operating system paging files—0 (zero)
            // indicates that there are no paging files. Be aware that this number does not represent the actual physical size of the paging file on disk.
            osInfo.TotalVirtualMemorySizeKB = osInfo.TotalVisibleMemorySizeKB + memInfo[MemInfoConstants.SwapTotal];

            osInfo.FreeVirtualMemoryKB = osInfo.FreePhysicalMemoryKB + memInfo[MemInfoConstants.SwapFree];

            (float uptime, float idleTime) = await LinuxProcFS.ReadUptimeAsync();

            osInfo.LastBootUpTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-uptime).ToString("o");

                osInfo.InstallDate = new DirectoryInfo("/var/log/installer").CreationTimeUtc.ToString("o");
            catch (IOException)
                osInfo.InstallDate = "N/A";

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads data from the /proc/meminfo file.
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary <string, ulong> ReadMemInfo()
            // Currently /proc/meminfo contains 51 rows on Ubuntu 18.
            Dictionary <string, ulong> result = new Dictionary <string, ulong>(capacity: 64);

            // Source code:
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("/proc/meminfo", encoding: Encoding.UTF8))
                string line;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    int colonIndex = line.IndexOf(':');

                    string key = line.Substring(0, colonIndex);

                    ulong value = LinuxProcFS.ReadUInt64(line, colonIndex + 1);
                    result.Add(key, value);
