/// <summary>
        /// When the button has been clicked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnbtnAddGoalFormClick(object o, EventArgs e)
            //Create a goal with the form's data and add it to the game.
            Goal goal = new Goal();
            goal.Scorer = _AddGoalForm.Scorer;
            goal.Minute = _AddGoalForm.Minute;
            goal.Type = _AddGoalForm.GoalType;

            //Find out where to accredit the goal.
            ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(goal.ToString());
            item.Tag = goal;

            if (_AddGoalForm.Profile == (Profile)cmbHomeProfile.SelectedItem) { lstvHomeGoals.Items.Add(item); }
            else if (_AddGoalForm.Profile == (Profile)cmbAwayProfile.SelectedItem) { lstvAwayGoals.Items.Add(item); }

            //Update the result labels.
            lblHomeGoals.Text = lstvHomeGoals.Items.Count.ToString();
            lblAwayGoals.Text = lstvAwayGoals.Items.Count.ToString();

            //Close the form.