/// <summary>
        /// generates one cedent to XML string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subcedents">boxes with subcedents</param>
        /// <returns>XML string</returns>
        private static string getOneCedentXML(IBoxModule[] subcedents)
            string XML = "";

            #region Loop - processing of each partial cedent

            foreach (IBoxModule box in subcedents)  // must be boxes with ID = "DataMiningCommon.CategorialPartialCedentSetting"
                Rec_sub_KL_cedent rSKLC = new Rec_sub_KL_cedent();
                // setting attribute "name"
                rSKLC.name = box.UserName;
                // setting attribute "length"
                rSKLC.length = box.GetPropertyLong("MinLen").ToString() + " - " + box.GetPropertyLong("MaxLen").ToString();

                // searching each KL literal (= attributes!)
                string[]     AttrIDs = { "DataMiningCommon.Attributes.Attribute",
                                         "DataMiningCommon.Attributes.EachValueOneCategoryAttribute" };
                IBoxModule[] attributes = BoxesHelper.ListDirectAncestBoxesWithID(box, AttrIDs);

                // setting attribute "literal_cnt" (literals count)
                rSKLC.literal_cnt = attributes.Length;
                List <Rec_KL_literal> rLiterals = new List <Rec_KL_literal>();

                #region Loop - processing of each KL-literal (attribute)

                foreach (IBoxModule attrBox in attributes)
                    Rec_KL_literal rLiteral = new Rec_KL_literal();
                    // setting "underlying_attribute"
                    rLiteral.underlying_attribute = attrBox.GetPropertyString("NameInLiterals");
                    // setting "category_cnt"
                    rLiteral.category_cnt = attrBox.GetPropertyLong("CountOfCategories");
                // adding cedent to XML string
                XML += rSKLC.ToXML(rLiterals);

        /// <summary>
        /// generates one cedent to XML string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subcedents">boxes with subcedents</param>
        /// <returns>XML string</returns>
        private static string getOneCedentXML(IBoxModule[] subcedents)
            string XML = "";

            #region Loop - processing of each partial cedent

            foreach (IBoxModule box in subcedents)  // must be boxes with ID = "DataMiningCommon.CategorialPartialCedentSetting"
                Rec_sub_KL_cedent rSKLC = new Rec_sub_KL_cedent();
                // setting attribute "name"
                rSKLC.name = box.UserName;
                // setting attribute "length"
                rSKLC.length = box.GetPropertyLong("MinLen").ToString() + " - " + box.GetPropertyLong("MaxLen").ToString();

                // searching each KL literal (= attributes!)
                string[] AttrIDs = { "DataMiningCommon.Attributes.Attribute",
                                         "DataMiningCommon.Attributes.EachValueOneCategoryAttribute" };
                IBoxModule[] attributes = BoxesHelper.ListDirectAncestBoxesWithID(box, AttrIDs);

                // setting attribute "literal_cnt" (literals count)
                rSKLC.literal_cnt = attributes.Length;
                List<Rec_KL_literal> rLiterals = new List<Rec_KL_literal>();

                #region Loop - processing of each KL-literal (attribute)

                foreach (IBoxModule attrBox in attributes)
                    Rec_KL_literal rLiteral = new Rec_KL_literal();
                    // setting "underlying_attribute"
                    rLiteral.underlying_attribute = attrBox.GetPropertyString("NameInLiterals");
                    // setting "category_cnt"
                    rLiteral.category_cnt = attrBox.GetPropertyLong("CountOfCategories");
                // adding cedent to XML string
                XML += rSKLC.ToXML(rLiterals);

            return XML;