Beispiel #1
        static bool GetValueIfRegistered(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, out object value)
            Guid id;

            if (_asyncCallIds.TryGetValue(callInfo, out id))
                // Already registered.
                AsyncObservableState state = _observableStates[id];
                value = state.GetValue();
            value = null;
Beispiel #2
        // Register a new observable
        static object RegisterObservable(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, IExcelObservable observable)
            // Check it's not registered already

            // Set up a new Id and ObservableState and keep track of things
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            _asyncCallIds[callInfo] = id;
            AsyncObservableState state = new AsyncObservableState(id, callInfo, observable);

            _observableStates[id] = state;

            // Will spin up RTD server and topic if required, causing us to be called again...
Beispiel #3
        // Register a new observable
        static object RegisterObservable(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, IExcelObservable observable)
            // Check it's not registered already

            // Set up ObservableState and keep track of things
            // Caller might be null if not from worksheet
            ExcelReference caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference;
            Guid           id     = Guid.NewGuid();

            _asyncCallIds[callInfo] = id;
            AsyncObservableState state = new AsyncObservableState(id, callInfo, caller, observable);

            _observableStates[id] = state;

            // Will spin up RTD server and topic if required, causing us to be called again...
        // Register a new observable
        static object RegisterObservable(AsyncCallInfo callInfo, IExcelObservable observable)
            // Check it's not registered already

            // Set up a new Id and ObservableState and keep track of things
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
            _asyncCallIds[callInfo] = id;
            AsyncObservableState state = new AsyncObservableState(id, callInfo, observable);
            _observableStates[id] = state;

            // Will spin up RTD server and topic if required, causing us to be called again...
            return state.GetValue();