Beispiel #1
        }         // calculates the closest powerups to ps[i]

        // can we move the given Pirate to the given Location according to the number of moves?
        // if so --> move it!
        private static int move(PirateContainer p, Location t, int moves, IPirateGame game, bool dontHitEnemies = false)
            if (moves == 0 || (!p.AVALIBLE && p.S != PirateContainer.State.moved) || p.P.Location.Equals(t))

            var X = from l in game.GetSailOptions(p.P, t, moves)
                    where (!QueuedMotion.isOccupied(l, game, dontHitEnemies) && p.move1(l, game, moves))
                    select l;

            if (X.Count() > 0)

                Location loc = X.ElementAt(rand.Next(X.Count()));

                game.SetSail(p.P, loc);
                new QueuedMotion(p.P, loc);
                return(game.Distance(p.P, loc));

            game.Debug("Failed to find a move for " + p.P.Id + " to " + t);
Beispiel #2
 private void locatePowerups(IPirateGame game, int ships, ref PirateContainer[] ps, ref int[] ds, ref Powerup[] pu)
     for (int i = 0; i < ships; i++)
         //if (game.GetMyPirate(i).HasTreasure)
         ps[i] = new PirateContainer(game.GetMyPirate(i), (i % 2) == 1);
         ds[i] = int.MaxValue;
         foreach (Powerup p in pu)
             if (p == null)
             //game.Debug("here is the prub: " + i + " - " + p);
             int d = game.Distance(ps[i].P.Location, p.Location);
             if (d < ds[i])
                 ds[i] = d;
                 pu[i] = p;
                 game.Debug("Powerup found in distance " + d + " for ship " + i);
 }         // calculates the closest powerups to ps[i]
Beispiel #3
        }         //manages panic mode

        private void attack(IPirateGame game)
            for (int i =; i > 0;)
                PirateContainer p =[--i];
                if (p.P.ReloadTurns == 0 && !p.P.HasTreasure && p.AVALIBLE)
                    List <Pirate> es = findTargetsFor(p.P, game);
                    if (es.Count > 0)
                        new QueuedAttack(p, es);
        }         //manages attacks
Beispiel #4
        public QueuedAttack(PirateContainer p, List <Pirate> e)
            P = p;
            E = e;

            foreach (Pirate t in e)
                if (!targetMap.ContainsKey(t))
                    targetMap.Add(t, new List <PirateContainer>());
Beispiel #5
        public static void doAttacks(IPirateGame game, bool deadMap)
            if (shot != null)
                game.Debug("can only call doAttacks(IPirateGame) once per turn!");
            shot = new List <Pirate>();

            foreach (Pirate p in targetMap.Keys)
                foreach (PirateContainer c in targetMap[p])
                    game.Debug("Pirate " + p.Id + " attacked enemy pirate " + c.P.Id);

            for (int i = 1; i <= game.AllMyPirates().Count&& targetMap.Keys.Count > 0; i++)
                List <Pirate> removed = new List <Pirate>();
                foreach (Pirate p in targetMap.Keys)
                    if (targetMap[p].Count == i && p.DefenseExpirationTurns == 0 && (!deadMap || p.HasTreasure))
                        PirateContainer pc = targetMap[p][0];
                        pc.attack(p, game);
                        foreach (Pirate k in targetMap.Keys)
                foreach (Pirate p in removed)

            /*for (int i = 0; i < queued.Count; i++)
             * {
             *      if (queued[i].E.Count == 1 && !shot.Contains(queued[i].E[0]))
             *      {
             *              queued[i].P.attack(queued[i].E[0], game);// TODO: if kamikaze, and my target, ignore it
             *              shot.Add(queued[i].E[0]);
             *      }
             * }*/
Beispiel #6
        }         // checks wether to activate nowhere mode

        private void calcBestTreasure(IPirateGame game, int ships, ref PirateContainer[] ps, ref int[] ds, ref Treasure[] ts)
            for (int i = 0; i < ships; i++)
                ps[i] = new PirateContainer(game.GetMyPirate(i), (i % 2) == 1);
                ds[i] = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (Treasure t in game.Treasures())
                    int d = game.Distance(ps[i].P, t) / t.Value;
                    if (powerup(ps[i].P.Location, t.Location, game) != null)
                        d -= 3;
                    if (d < ds[i])
                        ds[i] = d;
                        ts[i] = t;
        }         // calculates the closest treasure to ps[i]
Beispiel #7
        // this is the actual turn
        public void DoTurn(IPirateGame game)
            int remaining = game.GetActionsPerTurn();

            if (game.GetTurn() == 1)
                game.Debug("moves per turn: " + remaining);

                #region init
                if (game.GetTurn() == 1)
                nowhere = inNowhereMode(game);
                if (nowhere)
                    game.Debug("ACTIVATING NOWHERE MODE");
                panic = inPanicMode(game);
                if (panic)
                    game.Debug("ACTIVATING PANIC MODE");

                int ships            = game.AllMyPirates().Count;
                PirateContainer[] ps = new PirateContainer[ships];
                int[]             ds = new int[ships];
                Treasure[]        ts = new Treasure[ships];

                calcBestTreasure(game, ships, ref ps, ref ds, ref ts);  // calculate the closest treasure to ps[i]
                BringBackTreasure(game, ref remaining);                 // move Pirates that have treasures towards the base
                calcKamikazes(ps, ref ts, ref ds, game);                // control the kamikazes

                //BringBackTreasure(game, ref remaining); // move Pirates that have treasures towards the base
                //Powerup pt = new SpeedPowerup(-1, new Location(0, 0), 0, 0, 0);

                #region power up calculations
                Powerup[] pu = (from l in game.Powerups()
                                where l.Type == "Speed"
                                select l).ToArray();

                if (pu.Count() > 0)
                    Powerup[] puu = new Powerup[ships];
                    for (int i = pu.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        puu[i] = pu[i];
                    game.Debug("A speed powerup was found");
                    int[] dis = new int[ships];

                    locatePowerups(game, ships, ref ps, ref dis, ref puu);

                    int chosen = -1;
                    for (int i = 0, min = int.MaxValue; i < ships; ++i)
                        if (dis[i] < min && ps[i].AVALIBLE && dis[i] != 0)                        //&& !ps[i].P.HasTreasure
                            min    = dis[i];
                            chosen = i;
                    game.Debug("Moving pirate " + chosen + " towards powerup");

                    if (chosen != -1)
                        game.Debug("Distance of chosen powerup - " + dis[chosen]);
                        if (puu[chosen] == null)
                            game.Debug("we found the problem");

                        remaining -= move(ps[chosen], puu[chosen].Location, remaining, game);

                #region panic mode
                Pirate k = null, tar = null;
                if (panic)
                    search_n_destroy(game, ref tar, ref k);                     // search and destroy, TODO: prioritise this!!!

                List <int> dss = sortInto(ds);               // sort the ds into the dss

                QueuedAttack.doAttacks(game, deadMap);

                #region move
                // move
                for (int j = 0; j < ships; j++)
                    int i = dss[j];
                    if (ps[i].S == PirateContainer.State.none && ps[i].AVALIBLE && !ps[i].P.HasTreasure)
                        if (game.Treasures().Count > 0)                        // use typical motion
                            Location l = powerup(ps[i].P.Location, ts[i].Location, game);
                            int      mv;
                            if (l != null)
                                mv = move(ps[i], l, remaining, game);
                                mv = move(ps[i], ts[i].Location, remaining, game);

                            if (mv > 0)
                                remaining -= mv;
                        if (game.EnemyPiratesWithTreasures().Count > 0 && ps[i].P == k)                        // activate search and destroy
                            remaining -= move(ps[i], tar.Location, remaining, game);
            catch (Exception e)
                WastedTurnsCounter += remaining;

                game.Debug("turn " + game.GetTurn() + " - moves summary");
                game.Debug("turns used: " + (game.GetActionsPerTurn() - remaining));
                game.Debug("turns wasted: " + remaining);
                game.Debug("game summary");
                game.Debug("turns used: " + (game.GetTurn() * game.GetActionsPerTurn() - WastedTurnsCounter) + "/" + (game.GetTurn() * game.GetActionsPerTurn()) + ", " + Math.Round((100 - (float)WastedTurnsCounter * 100 / (float)(game.GetTurn() * game.GetActionsPerTurn())), 2) + "% efficiency");
                game.Debug("turns wasted: " + WastedTurnsCounter);