Beispiel #1
 public stressConstraint(ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis fvpAnalysis, double Nf, double SFB, double SFC)
     FVPAnalysis = fvpAnalysis;
     this.Nf     = Nf;
     this.SFB    = SFB;
     this.SFC    = SFC;
Beispiel #2
 public boundingboxConstraint(ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis fvpAnalysis, double minX, double maxX,
                              double minY, double maxY, double minZ, double maxZ)
     FVPAnalysis = fvpAnalysis;
     this.minX   = minX;
     this.maxX   = maxX;
     this.minY   = minY;
     this.maxY   = maxY;
     this.minZ   = minZ;
     this.maxZ   = maxZ;
Beispiel #3
 public outputLocationConstraint(ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis fvpAnalysis, double tolerance,
                                 double xtarget, double ytarget, double ztarget)
 // double thetaX, double thetaY, double thetaZ)
     FVPAnalysis    = fvpAnalysis;
     this.tolerance = tolerance;
     this.xtarget   = xtarget;
     this.ytarget   = ytarget;
     this.ztarget   = ztarget;
     //this.thetaX = thetaX;
     //this.thetaY = thetaY;
     //this.thetaZ = thetaZ;
Beispiel #4
 public massObjective(ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis fvpsAnalysis, double gearDensity)
     FVPAnalysis      = fvpsAnalysis;
     numberGears      = fvpsAnalysis.numGears;
     this.gearDensity = gearDensity;
 public outputSpeedConstraint(ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis fvpAnalysis, double targetSpeed, double tolerance)
     FVPAnalysis      = fvpAnalysis;
     this.targetSpeed = targetSpeed;
     this.tolerance   = tolerance;
        // This is the set of valid AGMA gear pitches (in unit of inch^-1).

        private static void Main()
            //var opty = new GradientBasedOptimization();
            //var opty = new HillClimbing();
            var opty = new GeneticAlgorithm(100);

            var numGears = 2 * NumGearPairs;

            /* here is the Dependent Analysis. Take a look at the file/class ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis.cs
             * and notice that it inherits from IDependent Analysis. By adding this to the optimization method
             * (line 122), we are ensuring that it is called for any new decision variables found in the process.*/
            var FVPAnalysis = new ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis(numGears, outputTorque, inputSpeed, inputPosition);


            /* here is the objective function, minimize mass. Note that it will hold a reference to the
            * ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis so that it can reference it for exact values of diamter. */
            opty.Add(new massObjective(FVPAnalysis, gearDensity));

            /* here is an inequality constraint for fitting within the box described above. Again, it
             * needs to position and diameter information stored in ForceVelocityPositionAnalysis */
            opty.Add(new boundingboxConstraint(FVPAnalysis, boxMinX, boxMaxX, boxMinY, boxMaxY, boxMinZ,

            /* on and on: stress inequality, output Location, output Speed equalities. Details can be found in
             * */
            opty.Add(new stressConstraint(FVPAnalysis, Nf, SFB, SFC));
            opty.Add(new outputLocationConstraint(FVPAnalysis, locationTol, outputX, outputY, outputZ));
            opty.Add(new outputSpeedConstraint(FVPAnalysis, speedTol, outputSpeed));
            for (var i = 0; i < NumGearPairs - 1; i++)
                // each mating gear pair must have the same pitch.
                opty.Add(new samePitch(i * 4 + 1, (i + 1) * 4 + 1));

            /******** Set up Design Space *************/

            /* for the GA and the Hill Climbing, a compete discrete space is needed. Face width and
             * location parameters should be continuous though. Consider removing the 800's below
             * when using a mixed optimization method. */
            var dsd = new DesignSpaceDescription(numGears * 4);

            for (var i = 0; i < numGears; i++)
                dsd[4 * i]     = new VariableDescriptor(5, 1000, 1.0); // number of teeth: integers between 5 and 1000
                dsd[4 * i + 1] = new VariableDescriptor(ValidPitches); // pitches from AGMA standard
                dsd[4 * i + 2] = new VariableDescriptor(0, 50, 800);   // face width is between 0 and 50 inches
                dsd[4 * i + 3] = new VariableDescriptor(0, 500, 800);  //location is either an angle or a length
                // a max of 500 inches is generous
            /******** Set up Optimization *************/

            /* the following mish-mash is similiar to previous project - just trying to find a
             * combination of methods that'll lead to the optimial optimization algorithm. */
            //abstractSearchDirection searchDirMethod = new SteepestDescent();
            //abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new ArithmeticMean(0.0001, 1, 100);
            opty.Add(new LatinHyperCube(dsd, VariablesInScope.BothDiscreteAndReal));
            opty.Add(new GACrossoverBitString(dsd));
            opty.Add(new GAMutationBitString(dsd));
            opty.Add(new PNormProportionalSelection(optimize.minimize, true, 0.7));
            //opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(dsd,3000));
            //opty.Add(new KeepSingleBest(optimize.minimize));
            opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10));
            opty.Add(new MaxAgeConvergence(40, 0.001));
            opty.Add(new MaxFnEvalsConvergence(10000));
            opty.Add(new MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence(15));
            double[] xStar;
            Parameters.Verbosity = VerbosityLevels.AboveNormal;
            // this next line is to set the Debug statements from OOOT to the Console.
            Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));
            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var fStar = opty.Run(out xStar, numGears * 4);

            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);