private float ReclaimResource(string resource, double amount,
                                      string vessel_name, string name = null)
            PartResourceDefinition res_def;

            res_def = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resource);
            VesselResources recycler = new VesselResources(vessel);

            if (res_def == null)

            if (name == null)
                name = resource;
            double remain = amount;

            // any resources that can't be pumped or don't flow just "evaporate"
            // FIXME: should this be a little smarter and convert certain such
            // resources into rocket parts?
            if (res_def.resourceTransferMode != ResourceTransferMode.NONE &&
                res_def.resourceFlowMode != ResourceFlowMode.NO_FLOW)
                remain = recycler.TransferResource(resource, amount);
            Debug.Log(String.Format("[EL] {0}-{1}: {2} taken {3} reclaimed, {4} lost", vessel_name, name, amount, amount - remain, remain));
            return((float)(amount * res_def.density));
Beispiel #2
 internal void SetupCraftResources(Vessel vsl)
     craftResources = new VesselResources(vsl);
     foreach (var br in buildCost.optional)
         var amount = craftResources.ResourceAmount(;
         craftResources.TransferResource(, -amount);
Beispiel #3
 void onVesselWasModified(Vessel v)
     if (v == vessel)
         padResources = new VesselResources(vessel);
         if (craftRoot != null && craftRoot.vessel != vessel)
             craftRoot = null;
Beispiel #4
        internal void FindVesselResources()
            padResources = new VesselResources(vessel);
            var craft_parts = CraftParts();

            if (craft_parts.Count > 0)
                craftResources = new VesselResources();
            foreach (var part in craft_parts)
            if (craftResources == null && craftConfig != null)
        public float RecycleVessel(Vessel v)
            float           ConversionEfficiency = 0.8f;
            double          amount;
            VesselResources scrap = new VesselResources(v);
            string          target_resource;

            PartResourceDefinition rp_def;

            if (ExLaunchPad.kethane_present)
                target_resource = "Metal";
                target_resource = "RocketParts";
            rp_def = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(target_resource);

            if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel == v)
            float mass = 0;

            foreach (var crew in v.GetVesselCrew())
                mass += RecycleKerbal(crew, null);
            foreach (string resource in scrap.resources.Keys)
                amount = scrap.ResourceAmount(resource);
                mass  += ReclaimResource(resource, amount,;
                scrap.TransferResource(resource, -amount);
            float hull_mass = v.GetTotalMass();

            amount = hull_mass * ConversionEfficiency / rp_def.density;
            mass  += ReclaimResource(target_resource, amount,, "hull");
Beispiel #6
        public BuildCost.CostReport getBuildCost(ConfigNode craft)
            ShipConstruct ship = new ShipConstruct();

            GameObject ro    =[0].localRoot.gameObject;
            Vessel     dummy = ro.AddComponent <Vessel>();


            craftResources = new VesselResources(dummy);

            BuildCost resources = new BuildCost();

            foreach (Part p in

Beispiel #7
        // =====================================================================================================================================================
        // UI Functions

        private void UseResources(Vessel craft)
            VesselResources craftResources = new VesselResources(craft);

            // Remove all resources that we might later fill (hull resources will not be touched)
            HashSet <string> resources_to_remove = new HashSet <string>(uis.requiredresources.Keys);


            // remove rocket parts required for the hull and solid fuel
            padResources.TransferResource("RocketParts", -uis.hullRocketParts);

            // use resources
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> pair in uis.requiredresources)
                // If resource is "JetFuel", rename to "LiquidFuel"
                string res = pair.Key;
                if (pair.Key == "JetFuel")
                    res = "LiquidFuel";
                    if (pair.Value == 0)
                if (!uis.resourcesliders.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                    Debug.Log(String.Format("[EL] missing slider {0}", pair.Key));
                // Calculate resource cost based on slider position - note use pair.Key NOT res! we need to use the position of the dedicated LF slider not the LF component of LFO slider
                double tot = pair.Value * uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key];
                // Transfer the resource from the vessel doing the building to the vessel being built
                padResources.TransferResource(res, -tot);
                craftResources.TransferResource(res, tot);
        public float RecycleVessel(Vessel v)
            float           ConversionEfficiency = 0.8f;
            double          amount;
            VesselResources scrap = new VesselResources(v);

            PartResourceDefinition rp_def;

            rp_def = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition("RocketParts");

            float mass = 0;

            foreach (string resource in scrap.resources.Keys)
                amount = scrap.ResourceAmount(resource);
                mass  += ReclaimResource(resource, amount,;
            float hull_mass = v.GetTotalMass();

            amount = hull_mass * ConversionEfficiency / rp_def.density;
            mass  += ReclaimResource("RocketParts", amount,, "hull");
 void onVesselWasModified(Vessel v)
     if (v == vessel) {
         padResources = new VesselResources (vessel);
         if (craftRoot != null && craftRoot.vessel != vessel) {
             craftRoot = null;
             ReleaseVessel ();
 internal void SetupCraftResources(Vessel vsl)
     craftResources = new VesselResources (vsl);
     foreach (var br in buildCost.optional) {
         var amount = craftResources.ResourceAmount (;
         craftResources.TransferResource (, -amount);
 internal void FindVesselResources()
     padResources = new VesselResources (vessel);
     var craft_parts = CraftParts ();
     if (craft_parts.Count > 0) {
         craftResources = new VesselResources ();
     foreach (var part in craft_parts) {
         padResources.RemovePart (part);
         craftResources.AddPart (part);
     if (craftResources == null && craftConfig != null) {
         getBuildCost (craftConfig);
        public BuildCost.CostReport getBuildCost(ConfigNode craft)
            ShipConstruct ship = new ShipConstruct ();
            ship.LoadShip (craft);
            GameObject ro =[0].localRoot.gameObject;
            Vessel dummy = ro.AddComponent<Vessel>();
            dummy.Initialize (true);

            craftResources = new VesselResources (dummy);

            BuildCost resources = new BuildCost ();

            foreach (Part p in {
                resources.addPart (p);
            dummy.Die ();

            return resources.cost;
        private void WindowGUI(int windowID)
             * ToDo:
             * can extend FileBrowser class to see currently highlighted file?
             * rslashphish says: public myclass(arg1, arg2) : base(arg1, arg2);
             * KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath - gets KSPO root
             * expose m_files and m_selectedFile?
             * fileBrowser = new FileBrowser(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, 100, 350, 500), title, callback, true);

            EditorLogic editor = EditorLogic.fetch;
            if (editor) return;

            if (!uis.builduiactive) return;

            if (padResources != null && padPartsCount != vessel.Parts.Count) {
            // something docked or undocked, so rebuild the pad's resouces info
            padResources = null;
            if (padResources == null) {
            padPartsCount = vessel.Parts.Count;
            padResources = new VesselResources(vessel);


            // VAB / SPH selection
            if (GUILayout.Toggle(uis.ct == crafttype.VAB, "VAB", GUILayout.Width(80))) {
            uis.ct = crafttype.VAB;
            if (GUILayout.Toggle(uis.ct == crafttype.SPH, "SPH", GUILayout.Width(80))) {
            uis.ct = crafttype.SPH;
            if (GUILayout.Toggle(uis.ct == crafttype.SUB, "SubAss", GUILayout.Width(160))) {
            uis.ct = crafttype.SUB;

            string strpath = HighLogic.SaveFolder;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Select Craft", Styles.normal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) {
            string [] dir = new string[] {"SPH", "VAB", "../Subassemblies"};
            bool stock = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.AllowStockVessels;
            if (uis.ct == crafttype.SUB)
                HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.AllowStockVessels = false;
            //GUILayout.Button is "true" when clicked
            uis.craftlist = new CraftBrowser(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, 100, 350, 500), dir[(int)uis.ct], strpath, "Select a ship to load", craftSelectComplete, craftSelectCancel, HighLogic.Skin, EditorLogic.ShipFileImage, true);
            uis.showcraftbrowser = true;
            HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.AllowStockVessels = stock;

            if (uis.craftselected) {
            GUILayout.Box("Selected Craft:	" + uis.craftnode.GetValue("ship"), Styles.white);

            // Resource requirements
            GUILayout.Label("Resources required to build:", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(600));

            // Link LFO toggle

            uis.linklfosliders = GUILayout.Toggle(uis.linklfosliders, "Link RocketFuel sliders for LiquidFuel and Oxidizer");

            uis.resscroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(uis.resscroll, GUILayout.Width(600), GUILayout.Height(300));


            // Headings
            GUILayout.Label("Resource", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(120));
            GUILayout.Label("Fill Percentage", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(300));
            GUILayout.Label("Required", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(75));
            GUILayout.Label("Available", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(75));

            uis.canbuildcraft = true;	   // default to can build - if something is stopping us from building, we will set to false later

            if (!uis.requiredresources.ContainsKey("RocketParts")) {
                // if the craft to be built has no rocket parts storage, then the amount to use is not adjustable
                string resname = "RocketParts";
                double available = padResources.ResourceAmount(resname);
                ResourceLine(resname, resname, 1.0F, uis.hullRocketParts, uis.hullRocketParts, available);

            // Cycle through required resources
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> pair in uis.requiredresources) {
                string resname = pair.Key;	// Holds REAL resource name. May need to translate from "JetFuel" back to "LiquidFuel"
                string reslabel = resname;	 // Resource name for DISPLAY purposes only. Internally the app uses pair.Key
                if (reslabel == "JetFuel") {
                    if (pair.Value == 0f) {
                        // Do not show JetFuel line if not being used
                    //resname = "JetFuel";
                    resname = "LiquidFuel";
                if (!uis.resourcesliders.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) {
                    uis.resourcesliders.Add(pair.Key, 1);

                // If in link LFO sliders mode, rename Oxidizer to LFO (Oxidizer) and LiquidFuel to LFO (LiquidFuel)
                if (reslabel == "Oxidizer") {
                    reslabel = "RocketFuel (Ox)";
                if (reslabel == "LiquidFuel") {
                    reslabel = "RocketFuel (LF)";

                double minAmount = 0.0;
                double maxAmount = uis.requiredresources[resname];
                if (resname == "RocketParts") {
                    minAmount += uis.hullRocketParts;
                    maxAmount += uis.hullRocketParts;

                double available = padResources.ResourceAmount(resname);
                // If LFO LiquidFuel exists and we are on LiquidFuel (Non-LFO), then subtract the amount used by LFO(LiquidFuel) from the available amount
                if (pair.Key == "JetFuel") {
                    available -= uis.requiredresources["LiquidFuel"] * uis.resourcesliders["LiquidFuel"];
                    if (available < 0.0)
                        available = 0.0;

                uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key] = ResourceLine(reslabel, pair.Key, uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key], minAmount, maxAmount, available);
                if (uis.linklfosliders) {
                    float tmp = uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key];
                    if (pair.Key == "Oxidizer") {
                        uis.resourcesliders["LiquidFuel"] = tmp;
                    } else if (pair.Key == "LiquidFuel") {
                        uis.resourcesliders["Oxidizer"] = tmp;


            // Build button
            if (uis.canbuildcraft) {
                if (GUILayout.Button("Build", Styles.normal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) {
                    // Reset the UI
                    uis.craftselected = false;
                    uis.requiredresources = null;
                    uis.resourcesliders = new Dictionary<string, float>();;
                    uis.builduiactive = false;
            } else {
                GUILayout.Box("You do not have the resources to build this craft",;
            } else {
            GUILayout.Box("You must select a craft before you can build",;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Close")) {

            uis.showbuilduionload = GUILayout.Toggle(uis.showbuilduionload, "Show on StartUp");

            //DragWindow makes the window draggable. The Rect specifies which part of the window it can by dragged by, and is
            //clipped to the actual boundary of the window. You can also pass no argument at all and then the window can by
            //dragged by any part of it. Make sure the DragWindow command is AFTER all your other GUI input stuff, or else
            //it may "cover up" your controls and make them stop responding to the mouse.
            GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20));
        public float RecycleVessel(Vessel v)
            float ConversionEfficiency = 0.8f;
            double amount;
            VesselResources scrap = new VesselResources (v);
            string target_resource;

            PartResourceDefinition rp_def;
            if (ExLaunchPad.kethane_present) {
            target_resource = "Metal";
            } else {
            target_resource = "RocketParts";
            rp_def = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition (target_resource);

            if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel == v)
            FlightGlobals.ForceSetActiveVessel (this.vessel);
            float mass = 0;
            foreach (var crew in v.GetVesselCrew ()) {
            mass += RecycleKerbal (crew, null);
            foreach (string resource in scrap.resources.Keys) {
            amount = scrap.ResourceAmount (resource);
            mass += ReclaimResource (resource, amount,;
            scrap.TransferResource (resource, -amount);
            float hull_mass = v.GetTotalMass ();
            amount = hull_mass * ConversionEfficiency / rp_def.density;
            mass += ReclaimResource (target_resource, amount,, "hull");
            v.Die ();
            return mass;
        // =====================================================================================================================================================
        // UI Functions
        private void UseResources(Vessel craft)
            VesselResources craftResources = new VesselResources(craft);

            // Remove all resources that we might later fill (hull resources will not be touched)
            HashSet<string> resources_to_remove = new HashSet<string>(uis.requiredresources.Keys);

            // remove rocket parts required for the hull and solid fuel
            padResources.TransferResource("RocketParts", -uis.hullRocketParts);

            // use resources
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> pair in uis.requiredresources) {
            // If resource is "JetFuel", rename to "LiquidFuel"
            string res = pair.Key;
            if (pair.Key == "JetFuel") {
                res = "LiquidFuel";
                if (pair.Value == 0)
            if (!uis.resourcesliders.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) {
                Debug.Log(String.Format("[EL] missing slider {0}", pair.Key));
            // Calculate resource cost based on slider position - note use pair.Key NOT res! we need to use the position of the dedicated LF slider not the LF component of LFO slider
            double tot = pair.Value * uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key];
            // Transfer the resource from the vessel doing the building to the vessel being built
            padResources.TransferResource(res, -tot);
            craftResources.TransferResource(res, tot);
        private float ReclaimResource(string resource, double amount,
								  string vessel_name, string name=null)
            PartResourceDefinition res_def;
            res_def = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resource);
            VesselResources recycler = new VesselResources(vessel);

            if (res_def == null) {
            return 0;

            if (name == null) {
            name = resource;
            double remain = amount;
            // any resources that can't be pumped or don't flow just "evaporate"
            // FIXME: should this be a little smarter and convert certain such
            // resources into rocket parts?
            if (res_def.resourceTransferMode != ResourceTransferMode.NONE
            && res_def.resourceFlowMode != ResourceFlowMode.NO_FLOW) {
            remain = recycler.TransferResource(resource, amount);
            Debug.Log(String.Format("[EL] {0}-{1}: {2} taken {3} reclaimed, {4} lost", vessel_name, name, amount, amount - remain, remain));
            return (float) (amount * res_def.density);
        public float RecycleVessel(Vessel v)
            float ConversionEfficiency = 0.8f;
            double amount;
            VesselResources scrap = new VesselResources(v);

            PartResourceDefinition rp_def;
            rp_def = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition("RocketParts");

            float mass = 0;
            foreach (string resource in scrap.resources.Keys) {
            amount = scrap.ResourceAmount (resource);
            mass += ReclaimResource(resource, amount,;
            float hull_mass = v.GetTotalMass();
            amount = hull_mass * ConversionEfficiency / rp_def.density;
            mass += ReclaimResource("RocketParts", amount,, "hull");
            return mass;
Beispiel #18
        private void WindowGUI(int windowID)

             * ToDo:
             * can extend FileBrowser class to see currently highlighted file?
             * rslashphish says: public myclass(arg1, arg2) : base(arg1, arg2);
             * KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath - gets KSPO root
             * expose m_files and m_selectedFile?
             * fileBrowser = new FileBrowser(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, 100, 350, 500), title, callback, true);

            EditorLogic editor = EditorLogic.fetch;

            if (editor)

            if (!uis.builduiactive)

            if (padResources != null && padPartsCount != vessel.Parts.Count)
                // something docked or undocked, so rebuild the pad's resouces info
                padResources = null;
            if (padResources == null)
                padPartsCount = vessel.Parts.Count;
                padResources  = new VesselResources(vessel);


            // VAB / SPH selection
            if (GUILayout.Toggle(uis.ct == crafttype.VAB, "VAB", GUILayout.Width(80)))
                uis.ct = crafttype.VAB;
            if (GUILayout.Toggle(uis.ct == crafttype.SPH, "SPH", GUILayout.Width(80)))
                uis.ct = crafttype.SPH;
            if (GUILayout.Toggle(uis.ct == crafttype.SUB, "SubAss", GUILayout.Width(160)))
                uis.ct = crafttype.SUB;

            string strpath = HighLogic.SaveFolder;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Select Craft", Styles.normal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)))
                string [] dir   = new string[] { "SPH", "VAB", "../Subassemblies" };
                bool      stock = HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.AllowStockVessels;
                if (uis.ct == crafttype.SUB)
                    HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.AllowStockVessels = false;
                //GUILayout.Button is "true" when clicked
                uis.craftlist        = new CraftBrowser(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, 100, 350, 500), dir[(int)uis.ct], strpath, "Select a ship to load", craftSelectComplete, craftSelectCancel, HighLogic.Skin, EditorLogic.ShipFileImage, true);
                uis.showcraftbrowser = true;
                HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Difficulty.AllowStockVessels = stock;

            if (uis.craftselected)
                GUILayout.Box("Selected Craft:	"+ uis.craftnode.GetValue("ship"), Styles.white);

                // Resource requirements
                GUILayout.Label("Resources required to build:", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(600));

                // Link LFO toggle

                uis.linklfosliders = GUILayout.Toggle(uis.linklfosliders, "Link RocketFuel sliders for LiquidFuel and Oxidizer");

                uis.resscroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(uis.resscroll, GUILayout.Width(600), GUILayout.Height(300));


                // Headings
                GUILayout.Label("Resource", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(120));
                GUILayout.Label("Fill Percentage", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(300));
                GUILayout.Label("Required", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(75));
                GUILayout.Label("Available", Styles.label, GUILayout.Width(75));

                uis.canbuildcraft = true;                  // default to can build - if something is stopping us from building, we will set to false later

                if (!uis.requiredresources.ContainsKey("RocketParts"))
                    // if the craft to be built has no rocket parts storage, then the amount to use is not adjustable
                    string resname   = "RocketParts";
                    double available = padResources.ResourceAmount(resname);
                    ResourceLine(resname, resname, 1.0F, uis.hullRocketParts, uis.hullRocketParts, available);

                // Cycle through required resources
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> pair in uis.requiredresources)
                    string resname  = pair.Key;                 // Holds REAL resource name. May need to translate from "JetFuel" back to "LiquidFuel"
                    string reslabel = resname;                  // Resource name for DISPLAY purposes only. Internally the app uses pair.Key
                    if (reslabel == "JetFuel")
                        if (pair.Value == 0f)
                            // Do not show JetFuel line if not being used
                        //resname = "JetFuel";
                        resname = "LiquidFuel";
                    if (!uis.resourcesliders.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                        uis.resourcesliders.Add(pair.Key, 1);

                    // If in link LFO sliders mode, rename Oxidizer to LFO (Oxidizer) and LiquidFuel to LFO (LiquidFuel)
                    if (reslabel == "Oxidizer")
                        reslabel = "RocketFuel (Ox)";
                    if (reslabel == "LiquidFuel")
                        reslabel = "RocketFuel (LF)";

                    double minAmount = 0.0;
                    double maxAmount = uis.requiredresources[resname];
                    if (resname == "RocketParts")
                        minAmount += uis.hullRocketParts;
                        maxAmount += uis.hullRocketParts;

                    double available = padResources.ResourceAmount(resname);
                    // If LFO LiquidFuel exists and we are on LiquidFuel (Non-LFO), then subtract the amount used by LFO(LiquidFuel) from the available amount
                    if (pair.Key == "JetFuel")
                        available -= uis.requiredresources["LiquidFuel"] * uis.resourcesliders["LiquidFuel"];
                        if (available < 0.0)
                            available = 0.0;

                    uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key] = ResourceLine(reslabel, pair.Key, uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key], minAmount, maxAmount, available);
                    if (uis.linklfosliders)
                        float tmp = uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key];
                        if (pair.Key == "Oxidizer")
                            uis.resourcesliders["LiquidFuel"] = tmp;
                        else if (pair.Key == "LiquidFuel")
                            uis.resourcesliders["Oxidizer"] = tmp;


                // Build button
                if (uis.canbuildcraft)
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Build", Styles.normal, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)))
                        // Reset the UI
                        uis.craftselected     = false;
                        uis.requiredresources = null;
                        uis.resourcesliders   = new Dictionary <string, float>();;
                        uis.builduiactive     = false;
                    GUILayout.Box("You do not have the resources to build this craft",;
                GUILayout.Box("You must select a craft before you can build",;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Close"))

            uis.showbuilduionload = GUILayout.Toggle(uis.showbuilduionload, "Show on StartUp");

            //DragWindow makes the window draggable. The Rect specifies which part of the window it can by dragged by, and is
            //clipped to the actual boundary of the window. You can also pass no argument at all and then the window can by
            //dragged by any part of it. Make sure the DragWindow command is AFTER all your other GUI input stuff, or else
            //it may "cover up" your controls and make them stop responding to the mouse.
            GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20));
 public BuildCost()
     resources = new VesselResources();