Beispiel #1
        public static bool LineIntersectLinearSpellEx(this Spell spell, Vector2 a, Vector2 b, out Vector2 intersection) //edited
            var myBoundingRadius = ObjectManager.Player.BoundingRadius;
            var spellDir         = spell.Direction;
            var pSpellDir        = spell.Direction.Perpendicular();
            var spellRadius      = spell.Radius;
            var spellPos         = spell.CurrentSpellPosition - spellDir * myBoundingRadius;  //leave some space at back of spell
            var endPos           = spell.GetSpellEndPosition() + spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at the front of spell

            var startRightPos = spellPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var startLeftPos  = spellPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var endRightPos   = endPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var endLeftPos    = endPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);

            List <Geometry.IntersectionResult> intersects = new List <Geometry.IntersectionResult>();
            Vector2 heroPos = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D();

            intersects.Add(a.Intersection(b, startRightPos, startLeftPos));
            intersects.Add(a.Intersection(b, endRightPos, endLeftPos));
            intersects.Add(a.Intersection(b, startRightPos, endRightPos));
            intersects.Add(a.Intersection(b, startLeftPos, endLeftPos));

            var sortedIntersects = intersects.Where(i => i.Intersects).OrderBy(i => i.Point.Distance(heroPos)); //Get first intersection

            if (sortedIntersects.Count() > 0)
                intersection = sortedIntersects.First().Point;

            intersection = Vector2.Zero;
Beispiel #2
        public static bool LineIntersectLinearSpell(this Spell spell, Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
            var myBoundingRadius = ObjectManager.Player.BoundingRadius;
            var spellDir         = spell.Direction;
            var pSpellDir        = spell.Direction.Perpendicular();
            var spellRadius      = spell.Radius;
            var spellPos         = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;  // -spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at back of spell
            var endPos           = spell.GetSpellEndPosition(); // +spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at the front of spell

            var startRightPos = spellPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var startLeftPos  = spellPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var endRightPos   = endPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var endLeftPos    = endPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);

            bool int1 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, startRightPos, startLeftPos);
            bool int2 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, endRightPos, endLeftPos);
            bool int3 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, startRightPos, endRightPos);
            bool int4 = MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(a, b, startLeftPos, endLeftPos);

            if (int1 || int2 || int3 || int4)

Beispiel #3
        public static bool InSkillShot(this Vector2 position, Spell spell, float radius, bool predictCollision = true)
            if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line)
                Vector2 spellPos    = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;
                Vector2 spellEndPos = predictCollision ? spell.GetSpellEndPosition() : spell.EndPos;

                //spellPos = spellPos - spell.direction * radius; //leave some space at back of spell
                //spellEndPos = spellEndPos + spell.direction * radius; //leave some space at the front of spell

                /*if ( == float.MaxValue
                 *  && Evade.GetTickCount - spell.startTime >
                 * {
                 *  return false;
                 * }*/

                var projection = position.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                /*if (projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(spellEndPos) < 100) //Check Skillshot endpoints
                 * {
                 *  //unfinished
                 * }*/

                return(projection.IsOnSegment && projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(position) <= spell.Radius + radius);
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Circular)
                if (spell.Info.SpellName == "VeigarEventHorizon")
                    return(position.Distance(spell.EndPos) <= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius &&
                           position.Distance(spell.EndPos) >= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius - 125);

                return(position.Distance(spell.EndPos) <= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius);
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Arc)
                if (position.IsLeftOfLineSegment(spell.StartPos, spell.EndPos))

                var spellRange = spell.StartPos.Distance(spell.EndPos);
                var midPoint   = spell.StartPos + spell.Direction * (spellRange / 2);

                return(position.Distance(midPoint) <= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius);
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Cone)
Beispiel #4
        public static bool CanHeroWalkIntoSpell(Spell spell)
            if (ConfigValue.AdvancedSpellDetection.GetBool())
                Vector2 heroPos   = MyHero.Position.To2D();
                var     extraDist = MyHero.Distance(GameData.HeroInfo.ServerPos2D);

                if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line)
                    var walkRadius = GameData.HeroInfo.MoveSpeed * (spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 +
                                     GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + spell.Info.Radius + extraDist + 10;
                    var spellPos    = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;
                    var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();

                    var projection = heroPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                    return(projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(heroPos) <= walkRadius);
                else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Circular)
                    var walkRadius = GameData.HeroInfo.MoveSpeed * (spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 +
                                     GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + spell.Info.Radius + extraDist + 10;

                    if (heroPos.Distance(spell.EndPos) < walkRadius)
                else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Arc)
                    var spellRange = spell.StartPos.Distance(spell.EndPos);
                    var midPoint   = spell.StartPos + spell.Direction * (spellRange / 2);
                    var arcRadius  = spell.Info.Radius * (1 + spellRange / 100);

                    var walkRadius = GameData.HeroInfo.MoveSpeed * (spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 +
                                     GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + arcRadius + extraDist + 10;

                    if (heroPos.Distance(midPoint) < walkRadius)


Beispiel #5
        public static BoundingBox GetLinearSpellBoundingBox(this Spell spell)
            var myBoundingRadius = GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius;
            var spellDir         = spell.Direction;
            var pSpellDir        = spell.Direction.Perpendicular();
            var spellRadius      = spell.Radius;
            var spellPos         = spell.CurrentSpellPosition - spellDir * myBoundingRadius;  //leave some space at back of spell
            var endPos           = spell.GetSpellEndPosition() + spellDir * myBoundingRadius; //leave some space at the front of spell

            var startRightPos = spellPos + pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);
            var endLeftPos    = endPos - pSpellDir * (spellRadius + myBoundingRadius);

            return(new BoundingBox(new Vector3(endLeftPos.X, endLeftPos.Y, -1), new Vector3(startRightPos.X, startRightPos.Y, 1)));
Beispiel #6
        public static Vector2 GetSpellProjection(this Spell spell, Vector2 pos, bool predictPos = false)
            if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line ||
                spell.SpellType == SpellType.Arc)
                if (predictPos)
                    var spellPos    = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;
                    var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();

                    return(pos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos).SegmentPoint);
                return(pos.ProjectOn(spell.StartPos, spell.EndPos).SegmentPoint);

            if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Circular)

Beispiel #7
        public static bool InSkillShot(this Vector2 position, Spell spell, float radius, bool predictCollision = true)
            if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line)
                Vector2 spellPos = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;
                Vector2 spellEndPos = predictCollision ? spell.GetSpellEndPosition() : spell.EndPos;

                //spellPos = spellPos - spell.direction * radius; //leave some space at back of spell
                //spellEndPos = spellEndPos + spell.direction * radius; //leave some space at the front of spell

                /*if ( == float.MaxValue
                    && Evade.GetTickCount - spell.startTime >
                    return false;

                var projection = position.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                /*if (projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(spellEndPos) < 100) //Check Skillshot endpoints

                return projection.IsOnSegment && projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(position) <= spell.Radius + radius;
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Circular)
                if (spell.Info.SpellName == "VeigarEventHorizon")
                    return position.Distance(spell.EndPos) <= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius
                        && position.Distance(spell.EndPos) >= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius - 125;

                return position.Distance(spell.EndPos) <= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius;
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Arc)
                if (position.IsLeftOfLineSegment(spell.StartPos, spell.EndPos))
                    return false;

                var spellRange = spell.StartPos.Distance(spell.EndPos);
                var midPoint = spell.StartPos + spell.Direction * (spellRange/2);

                return position.Distance(midPoint) <= spell.Radius + radius - GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius;
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Cone)

            return false;
Beispiel #8
        private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args)
            if (ConfigValue.DrawEvadePosition.GetBool())
                //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(myHero.Position.ExtendDir(dir, 500), 65, Color.Red, 10);

                /*foreach (var point in myHero.Path)
                 * {
                 *  Render.Circle.DrawCircle(point, 65, Color.Red, 10);
                 * }*/

                if (Evade.LastPosInfo != null)
                    var pos = Evade.LastPosInfo.Position; //Evade.lastEvadeCommand.targetPosition;
                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, MyHero.Position.Z), 65, Color.Red, 10);

            if (!ConfigValue.DrawSkillShots.GetBool())

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.DrawSpells)
                Spell spell = entry.Value;

                var width = 0;
                switch (spell.Dangerlevel)
                case SpellDangerLevel.Low:
                    width = ConfigValue.LowDangerDrawWidth.GetInt();

                case SpellDangerLevel.Normal:
                    width = ConfigValue.NormalDangerDrawWidth.GetInt();

                case SpellDangerLevel.High:
                    width = ConfigValue.HighDangerDrawWidth.GetInt();

                case SpellDangerLevel.Extreme:
                    width = ConfigValue.ExtremeDangerDrawWidth.GetInt();
                if (Config.Properties.GetSpell(spell.Info.SpellName).Draw)
                    if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line)
                        Vector2 spellPos    = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;
                        Vector2 spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();

                        DrawLineRectangle(spellPos, spellEndPos, (int)spell.Radius, width, GetSpellColor(spell.Dangerlevel));

                        /*foreach (var hero in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>())
                         * {
                         *  Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(hero.ServerPosition.X, hero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.radius, Color.Red, 5);
                         * }*/

                        if (ConfigValue.DrawSpellPosition.GetBool() && spell.SpellObject != null)
                            //spellPos = SpellDetector.GetCurrentSpellPosition(spell, true, ObjectCache.gamePing);

                            /*if (true)
                             * {
                             *  var spellPos2 = spell.startPos + spell.direction * * (Evade.GetTickCount - spell.startTime - / 1000 + spell.direction * * ((float)ObjectCache.gamePing / 1000);
                             *  Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos2.X, spellPos2.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.radius, Color.Red, 8);
                             * }*/

                            /*if (spell.spellObject != null && spell.spellObject.IsValid && spell.spellObject.IsVisible &&
                             *    spell.spellObject.Position.To2D().Distance(ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D) < + 1000)*/

                            Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, MyHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.Radius, GetSpellColor(spell.Dangerlevel), width);
                    else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Circular)
                        Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.EndPos.X, spell.EndPos.Y, spell.Height), (int)spell.Radius, GetSpellColor(spell.Dangerlevel), width);

                        if (spell.Info.SpellName == "VeigarEventHorizon")
                            Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spell.EndPos.X, spell.EndPos.Y, spell.Height), (int)spell.Radius - 125, GetSpellColor(spell.Dangerlevel), width);
                    else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Arc)
                        /*var spellRange = spell.startPos.Distance(spell.endPos);
                         * var midPoint = spell.startPos + spell.direction * (spellRange / 2);
                         * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(midPoint.X, midPoint.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (int)spell.radius, spellDrawingConfig.Color, spellDrawingWidth);
                         * Drawing.DrawLine(Drawing.WorldToScreen(spell.startPos.To3D()),
                         *               Drawing.WorldToScreen(spell.endPos.To3D()),
                         *               spellDrawingWidth, spellDrawingConfig.Color);*/
                    else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Cone)
Beispiel #9
        public static bool CanHeroWalkIntoSpell(Spell spell)
            if (ConfigValue.AdvancedSpellDetection.GetBool())
                Vector2 heroPos = MyHero.Position.To2D();
                var extraDist = MyHero.Distance(GameData.HeroInfo.ServerPos2D);

                if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line)
                    var walkRadius = GameData.HeroInfo.MoveSpeed * (spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 +
                                     GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + spell.Info.Radius + extraDist + 10;
                    var spellPos = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;
                    var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();

                    var projection = heroPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                    return projection.SegmentPoint.Distance(heroPos) <= walkRadius;
                else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Circular)
                    var walkRadius = GameData.HeroInfo.MoveSpeed * (spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 +
                                     GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + spell.Info.Radius + extraDist + 10;

                    if (heroPos.Distance(spell.EndPos) < walkRadius)
                        return true;

                else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Arc)
                    var spellRange = spell.StartPos.Distance(spell.EndPos);
                    var midPoint = spell.StartPos + spell.Direction * (spellRange / 2);
                    var arcRadius = spell.Info.Radius * (1 + spellRange / 100);

                    var walkRadius = GameData.HeroInfo.MoveSpeed * (spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount) / 1000 +
                                     GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + arcRadius + extraDist + 10;

                    if (heroPos.Distance(midPoint) < walkRadius)
                        return true;


                return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #10
        public static float GetClosestDistanceApproach(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float speed, float delay, Vector2 heroPos, float extraDist)
            var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized();

            if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line && spell.Info.ProjectileSpeed != float.MaxValue)
                var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay);
                var spellStartPos = spell.CurrentSpellPosition;
                var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();
                var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + speed * delay / 1000);

                Vector2 cHeroPos;
                Vector2 cSpellPos;

                var cpa2 = MathUtils.GetCollisionDistanceEx(
                    heroPos, walkDir * speed, GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius,
                    spellPos, spell.Direction * spell.Info.ProjectileSpeed, spell.Radius + extraDist,
                    out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos);

                var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos);
                var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cpa2 != float.MaxValue)
                    return 0;

                var cpa = MathUtilsCpa.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.Direction * spell.Info.ProjectileSpeed, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos);

                cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos);
                cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                var checkDist = GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + spell.Radius + extraDist;

                if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment)
                    return Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist);
                    return checkDist;

                //return MathUtils.ClosestTimeOfApproach(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction *;
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Line && spell.Info.ProjectileSpeed == float.MaxValue)
                var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay);  //extraDelay
                var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos);
                var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000);
                var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos

                var projection = tHeroPos.ProjectOn(spell.StartPos, spell.EndPos);

                return Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(projection.SegmentPoint)
                    - (spell.Radius + GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius + extraDist)); //+ dodgeBuffer
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Circular)
                var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.EndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay);  //extraDelay
                var walkRange = heroPos.Distance(pos);
                var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000);
                var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos

                if (spell.Info.SpellName == "VeigarEventHorizon")
                    var wallRadius = 65;
                    var midRadius = spell.Radius - wallRadius;

                    if (spellHitTime == 0)
                        return 0;

                    if (tHeroPos.Distance(spell.EndPos) >= spell.Radius)
                        return Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(spell.EndPos) - midRadius - wallRadius);
                        return Math.Max(0, midRadius - tHeroPos.Distance(spell.EndPos) - wallRadius);

                var closestDist = Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.Distance(spell.EndPos) - (spell.Radius + extraDist));
                if (spell.Info.ExtraEndTime > 0 && closestDist != 0)
                    var remainingTime = Math.Max(0, spell.EndTime + spell.Info.ExtraEndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay);
                    var predictedRange2 = speed * (remainingTime / 1000);
                    var tHeroPos2 = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange2, walkRange);

                    if (CheckMoveToDirection(tHeroPos, tHeroPos2))
                        return 0;
                    return closestDist;
            else if (spell.SpellType == SpellType.Arc)
                var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay);
                var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();

                var pDir = spell.Direction.Perpendicular();
                spellPos = spellPos - pDir * spell.Radius / 2;
                spellEndPos = spellEndPos - pDir * spell.Radius / 2;

                var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius);

                Vector2 cHeroPos;
                Vector2 cSpellPos;

                var cpa = MathUtilsCpa.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.Direction * spell.Info.ProjectileSpeed, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos);

                var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.ProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos);
                var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.ProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                var checkDist = spell.Radius + extraDist;

                if (cHeroPos.InSkillShot(spell, GameData.HeroInfo.BoundingRadius))
                    if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment)
                        return Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist);
                        return checkDist;

            return 1;