Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns the payload to send to the other participant during round 1.
        /// After execution, the State state} will be STATE_ROUND_1_CREATED}.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual JPakeRound1Payload CreateRound1PayloadToSend()
            if (this.state >= STATE_ROUND_1_CREATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Round 1 payload already created for " + this.participantId);

            this.x1 = JPakeUtilities.GenerateX1(q, random);
            this.x2 = JPakeUtilities.GenerateX2(q, random);

            this.gx1 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGx(p, g, x1);
            this.gx2 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGx(p, g, x2);
            BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX1 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, g, gx1, x1, participantId, digest, random);
            BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX2 = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, g, gx2, x2, participantId, digest, random);

            this.state = STATE_ROUND_1_CREATED;

            return(new JPakeRound1Payload(participantId, gx1, gx2, knowledgeProofForX1, knowledgeProofForX2));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns the payload to send to the other participant during round 2.
        /// ValidateRound1PayloadReceived(JPakeRound1Payload) must be called prior to this method.
        /// After execution, the State state will be  STATE_ROUND_2_CREATED.
        /// Throws InvalidOperationException if called prior to ValidateRound1PayloadReceived(JPakeRound1Payload), or multiple times
        /// </summary>
        public virtual JPakeRound2Payload CreateRound2PayloadToSend()
            if (this.state >= STATE_ROUND_2_CREATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Round 2 payload already created for " + this.participantId);
            if (this.state < STATE_ROUND_1_VALIDATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Round 1 payload must be validated prior to creating round 2 payload for " + this.participantId);

            BigInteger gA  = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGA(p, gx1, gx3, gx4);
            BigInteger s   = JPakeUtilities.CalculateS(password);
            BigInteger x2s = JPakeUtilities.CalculateX2s(q, x2, s);
            BigInteger A   = JPakeUtilities.CalculateA(p, q, gA, x2s);

            BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX2s = JPakeUtilities.CalculateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, gA, A, x2s, participantId, digest, random);

            this.state = STATE_ROUND_2_CREATED;

            return(new JPakeRound2Payload(participantId, A, knowledgeProofForX2s));