Beispiel #1
        public static bool HandleTransmuteEvent(Item heldItem, int actualValue)
            // if the recipes list doesn't contain the item you're holding, you can't transmute that.
            var recipes = EquivalentExchange.GetTransmutationFormulas();

            // sorted recipe list
            var validRecipes = recipes.GetRecipesForOutput(heldItem.parentSheetIndex);

            if (validRecipes.Count == 0)

            // use more sorting magic to find a potential recipe from the player's inventory
            // prioritize the recipes by their input costs (cheapest inputs are prioritized by the function GetRecipesForOutput)
            var optimalRecipe = validRecipes.FindBestRecipe(Game1.player);

            // something has stopped us from finding a valid recipe. The player either doesn't have the necessary items
            // or doesn't have the energy to do the transmutation.
            if (optimalRecipe == null)

            var breakRepeaterLoop = false;

            Alchemy.HandleAlchemyEnergyDeduction(optimalRecipe.GetEnergyCost(), false);

            if (optimalRecipe.GetEnergyCost() > EquivalentExchange.CurrentEnergy)
                breakRepeaterLoop = true;

            Alchemy.IncreaseTotalTransmuteValue((int)Math.Floor(Math.Max(1D, optimalRecipe.GetEnergyCost())));

            Util.TakeItemFromPlayer(optimalRecipe.InputId, optimalRecipe.GetInputCost(), Game1.player);

            Item spawnedItem = heldItem.getOne();

            spawnedItem.Stack = optimalRecipe.GetOutputQuantity();

            Util.GiveItemToPlayer((StardewValley.Object)spawnedItem, Game1.player);


Beispiel #2
        public static void HandleLiquidateEvent(Item heldItem, int actualValue)
            //if the player is holding only one item, don't let them transmute it to money unless they're holding shift.
            if (heldItem.Stack == 1 && !EquivalentExchange.IsShiftKeyPressed())

            //placeholder for determining if the transmute occurs, so it knows to play a sound.
            bool didTransmuteOccur = false;

            //placeholder for determining if the transmute rebounds, so it knows to play a different sound.
            bool didTransmuteFail = false;

            //if the transmute did fail, this preserves the damage so we can apply it in one cycle, otherwise batches look weird af
            int reboundDamageTaken = 0;

            //needed for some profession effects
            bool isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney = ( * 0.01F > actualValue);

            //stamina cost is overridden for conduits if money is > 100x the item's value.
            double staminaCost = (isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney && Game1.player.professions.Contains(Professions.Conduit)) ? 0D : Alchemy.GetStaminaCostForTransmutation(actualValue);

            //if the player lacks the stamina to execute a transmute, abort
            if (Game1.player.Stamina <= staminaCost)

            //if we fail this check, it's because a rebound would kill the player.
            //if the rebound chance is zero, this check will automatically pass.
            if (!Alchemy.CanSurviveRebound(actualValue, isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney, true))

            //if we fail this check, transmutation will fail this cycle.
            //this is our "rebound check"
            if (Alchemy.DidPlayerFailReboundCheck(isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney, true))
                reboundDamageTaken += Alchemy.GetReboundDamage(actualValue);
                didTransmuteFail    = true;

            //the conduit profession makes it so that the transmutation succeeds anyway, after taking damage.
            if (Game1.player.professions.Contains((int)Professions.Sage) || !didTransmuteFail)
                //if we reached this point transmutation will succeed
                didTransmuteOccur = true;

                Alchemy.HandleStaminaDeduction(staminaCost, false);

                //we floor the math here because we don't want weirdly divergent values based on stack count - the rate is fixed regardless of quantity
                //this occurs at the expense of rounding - liquidation is lossy.
                int liquidationValue = (int)Math.Floor(Alchemy.GetLiquidationValuePercentage() * actualValue);

                int totalValue = liquidationValue;

                Game1.player.Money += totalValue;


                //the percentage of experience you get is increased by the lossiness of the transmute
                //as you increase in levels, this amount diminishes to a minimum of 1.
                double experienceValueCoefficient = 1D - Alchemy.GetLiquidationValuePercentage();
                int    experienceValue            = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(experienceValueCoefficient * actualValue / 10 + 1));


                //a transmute (at least one) happened, play the cash money sound
                if (didTransmuteOccur && !didTransmuteFail)

            //a rebound occurred, apply the damage and also play the ouchy sound.
            if (didTransmuteFail)
Beispiel #3
        //this was almost entirely stolen from spacechase0 with very little contribution on my part.
        internal static void HandleToolTransmute(Tool tool)
            int alchemyLevel = (EquivalentExchange.IsShiftKeyPressed() ? 0 : Alchemy.GetToolTransmuteRadius());
            int toolLevel    = tool.UpgradeLevel;

            //set last user to dodge a null pointer
            var toolPlayerFieldReflector = tool.GetType().GetField("lastUser", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);

            toolPlayerFieldReflector.SetValue(tool, Game1.player);

            Point hitLocation = GetMouseHitLocation();

            GameLocation location = Game1.player.currentLocation;

            bool performedAction = false;

            //getting this out of the way, helps with easily determining tool types
            bool isScythe      = tool is MeleeWeapon && tool.Name.ToLower().Contains("scythe");
            bool isAxe         = tool is StardewValley.Tools.Axe;
            bool isPickaxe     = tool is StardewValley.Tools.Pickaxe;
            bool isHoe         = tool is StardewValley.Tools.Hoe;
            bool isWateringCan = tool is StardewValley.Tools.WateringCan;

            for (int xOffset = -alchemyLevel; xOffset <= alchemyLevel; xOffset++)
                for (int yOffset = -alchemyLevel; yOffset <= alchemyLevel; yOffset++)
                    if (!isScythe)
                        if (!IsCapableOfWithstandingToolTransmuteCost(Game1.player, 2F))

                    Vector2 offsetPosition = new Vector2(xOffset + hitLocation.X, yOffset + hitLocation.Y);

                    if (location.objects.ContainsKey(offsetPosition))
                        if (isAxe || isScythe || isPickaxe || isHoe)
                            var snapshotPlayerExperience = Game1.player.experiencePoints;
                            performedAction = DoToolFunction(location, Game1.player, tool, (int)offsetPosition.X, (int)offsetPosition.Y);
                            if (performedAction && !isScythe)
                    else if (location.terrainFeatures.ContainsKey(offsetPosition))
                        //a terrain feature, rather than a tool check, might respond to the tool
                        TerrainFeature terrainFeature = location.terrainFeatures[offsetPosition];

                        //don't break stumps unless the player is in precision mode.
                        if (terrainFeature is Tree && isAxe && (!(terrainFeature as Tree).stump || EquivalentExchange.IsShiftKeyPressed()))
                            Netcode.NetArray <int, Netcode.NetInt> snapshotPlayerExperience = Game1.player.experiencePoints;
                            //trees get removed automatically
                            performedAction = DoToolFunction(location, Game1.player, tool, (int)offsetPosition.X, (int)offsetPosition.Y);

                            if (performedAction)
                        else if (terrainFeature is Grass && location is Farm && isScythe)
                            int oldHay = (location as Farm).piecesOfHay;
                            var snapshotPlayerExperience = Game1.player.experiencePoints;
                            if (terrainFeature.performToolAction(tool, 0, offsetPosition, location))
                                //HandleToolTransmuteConsequence(); Scythe transmute is special and doesn't cost anything, but you don't get experience.
                                performedAction = true;

                            //hay get! spawn the sprite animation for acquisition of hay
                            if (oldHay < (location as Farm).piecesOfHay)
                                SpawnHayAnimationSprite(location, offsetPosition, Game1.player);
                        else if (terrainFeature is HoeDirt && isWateringCan && (tool as WateringCan).WaterLeft > 0)
                            //state of 0 is unwatered.
                            if ((terrainFeature as HoeDirt).state != 1)
                                var snapshotPlayerExperience = Game1.player.experiencePoints;
                                terrainFeature.performToolAction(tool, 0, offsetPosition, location);
                                (tool as WateringCan).WaterLeft = (tool as WateringCan).WaterLeft - 1;
                                SpawnWateringCanAnimationSprite(location, offsetPosition);
                                performedAction = true;
                        else if (isPickaxe && terrainFeature is HoeDirt)
                            var snapshotPlayerExperience = Game1.player.experiencePoints;
                            performedAction = DoToolFunction(location, Game1.player, tool, (int)offsetPosition.X, (int)offsetPosition.Y);

                            if (performedAction)
                    else if ((isPickaxe || isAxe))
                        ICollection <ResourceClump> largeResourceClusters = null;
                        if (location is Farm)
                            largeResourceClusters = (NetCollection <ResourceClump>)location.GetType().GetField("resourceClumps", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(location);
                        else if (location is MineShaft)
                            largeResourceClusters = (NetObjectList <ResourceClump>)location.GetType().GetField("resourceClumps", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(location);
                        else if (location is Woods)
                            largeResourceClusters = (location as Woods).stumps;
                        DoLargeResourceClusterAction(largeResourceClusters, tool, offsetPosition, performedAction);
                    else if (isHoe)
                        var snapshotPlayerExperience = Game1.player.experiencePoints;
                        performedAction = DoToolFunction(location, Game1.player, tool, (int)offsetPosition.X, (int)offsetPosition.Y);

                        if (performedAction)

            if (performedAction)
Beispiel #4
        public static void HandleTransmuteEvent(Item heldItem, int actualValue)
            //cost of a single item, multiplied by the cost multiplier below
            int transmutationCost = (int)Math.Ceiling(Alchemy.GetTransmutationMarkupPercentage() * actualValue);

            //nor should totalCost of a single cycle
            int totalCost = transmutationCost;

            //placeholder for determining if the transmute occurs, so it knows to play a sound.
            bool didTransmuteOccur = false;

            //placeholder for determining if the transmute rebounds, so it knows to play a different sound.
            bool didTransmuteFail = false;

            //if the transmute did fail, this preserves the damage so we can apply it in one cycle, otherwise batches look weird af
            int reboundDamageTaken = 0;

            //needed for some profession effects
            bool isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney = ( * 0.01F > actualValue);

            //stamina cost is overridden for conduits if money is > 100x the item's value.
            double staminaCost = (isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney && Game1.player.professions.Contains(Professions.Conduit)) ? 0D : Alchemy.GetStaminaCostForTransmutation(actualValue);

            //loop for each transmute-cycle attempt
            if ( >= totalCost)
                //if the player lacks the stamina to execute a transmute, abort
                if (Game1.player.Stamina <= staminaCost)

                //if we fail this check, it's because a rebound would kill the player.
                //if the rebound chance is zero, this check will automatically pass.
                if (!Alchemy.CanSurviveRebound(actualValue, isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney, false))

                //if we fail this check, transmutation will fail this cycle.
                //this is our "rebound check"
                if (Alchemy.DidPlayerFailReboundCheck(isItemWorthLessThanOnePercentOfMoney, false))
                    reboundDamageTaken += Alchemy.GetReboundDamage(actualValue);
                    didTransmuteFail    = true;
                    //the conduit profession makes it so that the transmutation succeeds anyway, after taking damage.
                if (Game1.player.professions.Contains((int)Professions.Sage) || !didTransmuteFail)
                    didTransmuteOccur = true;

                    Alchemy.HandleStaminaDeduction(staminaCost, true);

                    Game1.player.Money -= totalCost;

                    Item spawnedItem = heldItem.getOne();

                    Game1.createItemDebris(spawnedItem, Game1.player.getStandingPosition(), Game1.player.FacingDirection, (GameLocation)null);

                    //the percentage of experience you get is increased by the lossiness of the transmute
                    //as you increase in levels, this amount diminishes to a minimum of 1.
                    double experienceValueCoefficient = Alchemy.GetTransmutationMarkupPercentage() - 1D;
                    int    experienceValue            = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(experienceValueCoefficient * actualValue / 10 + 1));


            //a transmute (at least one) happened, play the magicky sound
            if (didTransmuteOccur && !didTransmuteFail)

            //a rebound occurred, apply the damage and also play the ouchy sound.
            if (didTransmuteFail)