public static double Det(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this)
            var mx = @this.YY * @this.ZZ - @this.YZ * @this.YZ;
            var my = @this.XY * @this.ZZ - @this.YZ * @this.ZX;
            var mz = @this.XY * @this.YZ - @this.YY * @this.ZX;

            return(@this.XX * mx - @this.XY * my + @this.ZX * mz);
        // finds least-squares solution to a system of orthogonality equations (i.e. result is fitted to be orthogonal to vectors)
        public static void FitOrthogonal(IEnumerable <Vector3> vectors, out Vector3 result, out double residual)
            var mat = SymmetricMatrix3.TensorSquare(vectors.First());

            foreach (var vector in vectors.Skip(1))
                mat += SymmetricMatrix3.TensorSquare(vector);

            mat.ComputeLowestEigendata(out residual, out result);
        public static double LowestEigenvalue(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this)
            var b = @this.Trace();

            var c =
                [email protected] * @this.ZZ + @this.YZ * @this.YZ
                - @this.XX * @this.ZZ + @this.ZX * @this.ZX
                - @this.XX * @this.YY + @this.XY * @this.XY;

            var d = @this.Det();

            return(CubicEquation.Solve(-1, b, c, d).Min());
        public void Eigenvectors_and_eigenvalues_of_satisfy_defining_equations(
            [Values(1, 0.577, 0.577, 0.577, 0.577, 0.577, 0.577)] double xx,
            [Values(1, 2.718, 2.718, 0.577, 0.577, 0.577, 0.577)] double yy,
            [Values(1, 3.141, 3.141, 3.141, 0.577, 3.141, 0.577)] double zz,
            [Values(0, 0, 1.618, 1e-40, 1e-40, 1e-60, 1e-60)] double xy,
            [Values(0, 0, 2.665, 2e-40, 2e-40, 2e-60, 2e-60)] double yz,
            [Values(0, 0, 4.669, 3e-40, 3e-40, 3e-60, 3e-60)] double zx)
            var mat = new SymmetricMatrix3(xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx);

            var loVal = mat.LowestEigenvalue();
            var loVec = mat.LowestEigenvector();

            Expect((mat - SymmetricMatrix3.Scalar(loVal)).Det(), Is.EqualTo(0).Within(_tolerance));
            Expect(Vector3.Distance(mat * loVec, loVal * loVec), Is.LessThan(_tolerance));
        private static Vector3 Eigenvector(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this, double eigenvalue)
            var rowX = new Vector3(@this.XX - eigenvalue, @this.XY, @this.ZX);
            var rowY = new Vector3(@this.XY, @this.YY - eigenvalue, @this.YZ);
            var rowZ = new Vector3(@this.ZX, @this.YZ, @this.ZZ - eigenvalue);

            var normX2 = rowX.Norm2;
            var normY2 = rowY.Norm2;
            var normZ2 = rowZ.Norm2;

            Vector3 row1, row2, row3;

            if (normX2 > normY2)
                if (normX2 > normZ2)
                    row1 = rowX / Math.Sqrt(normX2);
                    row2 = rowY;
                    row3 = rowZ;
                    row1 = rowZ / Math.Sqrt(normZ2);
                    row2 = rowX;
                    row3 = rowY;
                if (normY2 > normZ2)
                    row1 = rowY / Math.Sqrt(normY2);
                    row2 = rowX;
                    row3 = rowZ;
                    row1 = rowZ / Math.Sqrt(normZ2);
                    row2 = rowY;
                    row3 = rowX;

            var cross2 = row1.Cross(row2);
            var cross3 = row1.Cross(row3);

            var norm22 = cross2.Norm2;
            var norm32 = cross3.Norm2;

            if (norm22 > norm32)
                if (norm22 > BasicMath.Epsilon)
                    return(cross2 / Math.Sqrt(norm22));
                if (norm32 > BasicMath.Epsilon)
                    return(cross3 / Math.Sqrt(norm32));
 public static double Trace(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this)
     return(@this.XX + @this.YY + @this.ZZ);
 public static Vector3 RowZ(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this)
     return(new Vector3(@this.ZX, @this.YZ, @this.ZZ));
 public static Vector3 RowY(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this)
     return(new Vector3(@this.XY, @this.YY, @this.YZ));
 public static Vector3 RowX(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this)
     return(new Vector3(@this.XX, @this.XY, @this.ZX));
 public static void ComputeLowestEigendata(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this, out double eigenvalue, out Vector3 eigenvector)
     eigenvalue  = @this.LowestEigenvalue();
     eigenvector = @this.Eigenvector(eigenvalue);
 public static Vector3 LowestEigenvector(this SymmetricMatrix3 @this)