Beispiel #1
    ///// <summary>
    ///// on keywords research
    ///// </summary>
    ///// <param name="sender"></param>
    ///// <param name="e"></param>
    //public static System.Data.DataTable btnKeywords_Click(
    //    string this_txtKeywords_Text
    //    )
    //    System.Data.DataTable plausibleDocuments =
    //        Process.doc_multi.doc_multi_searchingEngines.SearchByKeywordsOnAbstracts(
    //            this_txtKeywords_Text
    //        );
    //    return plausibleDocuments;

    public static void DownloadButton_Click(
        Int32 id_doc_multi,
        System.Web.HttpContext this_Context
        // query for blob at id, by means of Entity::Doc_multi.
        Entity.BusinessEntities.Doc_multi dm = new Entity.BusinessEntities.Doc_multi();
        string webServer_extractionPath      = null;
        Int32  res =
                out webServer_extractionPath // sul web server.
                , this_Context.Request.UserHostName

        // Ensure that Entity::Doc_multi produced an actual file.
        if (
            string.IsNullOrEmpty(webServer_extractionPath) ||
            throw new HttpException(404, "doc_multi not found");
        }// else trace client credentials.
                " document extracted by client: "
                + this_Context.Request.UserHostName
                + "  "
                , 5);
        // portare in download dal web server al client.
        // extract extension
        int    extIndex  = webServer_extractionPath.LastIndexOf('.');
        string extension = "doc";

        if (-1 < extIndex)
            extension = webServer_extractionPath.Substring(extIndex);
        }// else let it default.
        // extract filename
        int    fnameIndex = webServer_extractionPath.LastIndexOf('\\');         // it's a reserved char: double it.
        string filename   = webServer_extractionPath.Substring(fnameIndex + 1); // exclude the last backslash.

        this_Context.Response.ContentType = Downloader.setContentType(extension);
        // Set the filename
        this_Context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filename);
        // Stream the file from web_Server to the client filesystem( the client browser will show a dialog).
        // ready.
    }// end method download_from_webServer_to_Client.
Beispiel #2

    /// <summary>
    /// btnSubmit is used to communicate the final decision of the user:
    ///     after he reviews the check-list of the web_srv uploaded files, he finally
    ///     confirms what to send to the db_srv( i.e. the checked ones only).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void btnDocsFromWebToDb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string _abstract;
        int ref_candidato_id;
        string sourceName;
        bool result = true;// bool mask.
        bool validForWriting = default(bool);// a not-valid-forWriting item does not affect the whole insertion.
        int acc = 0;
        foreach (ListItem Item in this.chkMultiDoc.Items)
            if (Item.Selected)
                validForWriting = this.validationForWrite(
                    out _abstract,
                    out ref_candidato_id,
                    ref acc // the accumulator is used, as index, to acces an array in Session and incremented by the calee.
                    , out sourceName
                if (true == validForWriting)
                    Entity.BusinessEntities.Doc_multi dm = new Entity.BusinessEntities.Doc_multi();
                    int entityDbInsertionResult =
                    result &= (0 < entityDbInsertionResult);// each insertion must return the lastGeneratedId, which>0.
                }// else NOTvalidForWriting -> skip item.
                result &= validForWriting;// update the result, to last insertion outcome.
            }// else skip an item that has been un-checked, after uploading from client to web_srv.
        }// end foreach item that has been uploaded from client to web_srv.
        // ready
        if (!result)
                null,// original exception type
                "Non e' stato possibile inserire il lavoro.",
            //this.pnlInteractiveControls.Enabled = true;// let the user correct errors on page.
            this.divUpload.Enabled = true;// let the user correct errors on page.
            this.lblEsito.Text = "Non e' stato possibile inserire il lavoro.";
            this.lblEsito.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            return;// on page
                null,// original exception type
                "Il lavoro e' stato inserito correttamente.",
            //----navigate to "scadenziario", where the inserted phase is visible.
            this.lblEsito.Text = "";
            this.lblEsito.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            this.Session["errore"] = null;// gc
            this.Session["arlUploadPaths"] = null;// gc
            this.Session["ref_candidato_id"] = null;// gc --- NB.
    }//---end submit()