Beispiel #1
        public Boolean ValidateBalanceQuantityInDocument(DocumentLine validationLine,
            Node node,   Boolean autoThrow, bool isCrossDock)
        //bool isCrossDock, Adicionada en SEP/17/2009 para manejar el balance en cross dock sin tener en cuenta BO Quantities

            DocumentBalance docBal = new DocumentBalance
                Document = validationLine.Document,
                Product = validationLine.Product,
                Unit = validationLine.Unit,
                Node = node

            docBal = Factory.DaoDocumentBalance().GeneralBalance(docBal, isCrossDock).First();

            //Multiplica la cantidad por la unidad base para hacer la resta
            //La unidad del documento de Balance es la unidad Basica
            if (docBal == null || docBal.BaseQtyPending < validationLine.Quantity * validationLine.Unit.BaseAmount)
                if (autoThrow)
                    //throw new Exception("Current balance for document is " + (docBal.QtyPending / validationLine.Unit.BaseAmount).ToString() + " and you are trying to receive " + ((int)validationLine.Quantity).ToString() + ".");
                    throw new Exception("Current balance for product " + docBal.Product.ProductCode + " in document "
                        + docBal.Document.DocNumber +" is " + docBal.QtyPending.ToString() + " (" + docBal.Unit.Name + ")"
                        + " and you are trying to process " + ((int)validationLine.Quantity).ToString() + " (" + docBal.Unit.Name + ").");
                    return false;

            return true;
Beispiel #2
        public IList<DocumentLine> Select(DocumentLine data)

                IList<DocumentLine> datos = new List<DocumentLine>();

                try { datos = GetHsql(data).List<DocumentLine>();
                if (!Factory.IsTransactional)
                catch (Exception e)

                return datos;
Beispiel #3
        public Boolean ValidateProductInDocument(DocumentLine data, Boolean autoThrow)
            //Valida si el producto esta en ese documento
            DocumentLine tmpLine = new DocumentLine
                Document = new Document { DocID = data.Document.DocID }, //data.Document,
                Product = new Product { ProductID = data.Product.ProductID },
                LineStatus = data.LineStatus

            if (Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(tmpLine).Count == 0)
                if (autoThrow)
                    throw new Exception("Product " + tmpLine.Product.Name + " does not exists in document " + tmpLine.Document.DocNumber + ".");
                    return false;
            return true;
Beispiel #4
 public DocumentLine Save(DocumentLine data)
     return (DocumentLine)base.Save(data);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Cra nuevos labels en el sistema para determinados productos, al imprimir o al recibir pro app o device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logisticUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="data">Document Line con los datos de los labels a crear</param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="destLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="logisticFactor"></param>
        /// <param name="printingLot"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList<Label> CreateProductLabels(Unit logisticUnit, DocumentLine data, Node node, Bin destLocation,
            double logisticFactor, string printingLot, string comment, DateTime receivingDate)

            //Label Type
            DocumentType labelType = Factory.DaoDocumentType().Select(new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.ProductLabel }).First();

            Status status = Factory.DaoStatus().Select(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active }).First();

            bool isTransactional = Factory.IsTransactional;

            if (!isTransactional)
                Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            //Funcion para obtener siguiente Label
            //DocumentTypeSequence initSequence = GetNextDocSequence(data.Document.Company, labelType);
            //long numSeqLabel = initSequence.NumSequence - 1;

            IList<Label> labelResult = new List<Label>();

            Label fatherLabel = null;
            string notes = (data.Document != null && data.Document.DocID > 0) ? "Doc# " + data.Document.DocNumber : "";
            notes = notes + " " + data.Unit.Name;

            //double labelBalance = data.Quantity;
            int numLabels =(int)(data.Quantity/logisticFactor);

            if (numLabels <= 0)
                throw new Exception("No valid amount of labels to print.");

            for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; i++)
                    fatherLabel = new Label();
                    fatherLabel.Node = node;
                    fatherLabel.Bin = destLocation;
                    fatherLabel.Product = data.Product;
                    fatherLabel.CreatedBy = data.CreatedBy;
                    fatherLabel.Status = status;
                    fatherLabel.LabelType = labelType;
                    fatherLabel.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                    fatherLabel.Printed = false; //string.IsNullOrEmpty(printingLot) ? false : true;

                    if (data.Product.IsUniqueTrack)
                        fatherLabel.Unit = data.Product.BaseUnit; //La unidad que tiene ese Label //logisticUnit; 
                        fatherLabel.StartQty = logisticFactor * data.Unit.BaseAmount; //*data.Unit.BaseAmount;
                        fatherLabel.CurrQty = logisticFactor * data.Unit.BaseAmount; //*data.Unit.BaseAmount;
                        fatherLabel.Unit = data.Unit; //La unidad que tiene ese Label //logisticUnit; 
                        fatherLabel.StartQty = logisticFactor; //*data.Unit.BaseAmount;
                        fatherLabel.CurrQty = logisticFactor; //*data.Unit.BaseAmount; 

                    //fatherLabel.UnitBaseFactor = logisticUnit.BaseAmount;  //Siempres es 1
                    fatherLabel.IsLogistic = false;
                    fatherLabel.FatherLabel = null;
                    fatherLabel.LabelCode = ""; // (numSeqLabel + i).ToString() + GetRandomHex(data.CreatedBy, numSeqLabel + i); // (initSequence.NumSequence + i).ToString();
                    fatherLabel.Notes = notes;
                    fatherLabel.PrintingLot = printingLot; //data.Note;
                    fatherLabel.ReceivingDate = receivingDate == null ? DateTime.Now : receivingDate;
                    fatherLabel.ReceivingDocument = data.Document.DocID > 0 ? data.Document : null;

                    fatherLabel = Factory.DaoLabel().Save(fatherLabel);

                    fatherLabel.LabelCode = fatherLabel.LabelID.ToString(); //Added for indentityUSE

                    //Registra el movimiento del nodo

                        new NodeTrace
                            Node = node,
                            Document = data.Document.DocID > 0 ? data.Document : null,
                            Label = fatherLabel,
                            Quantity = fatherLabel.CurrQty,
                            IsDebit = false,
                            CreatedBy = data.CreatedBy,
                            Comment = comment


            //Ajustando la sequencia
            //initSequence.NumSequence += numLabels;


            if (!isTransactional)

            return labelResult;
Beispiel #6
 public DocumentLine ChangeProductUbication(Label labelSource, DocumentLine changeLine, Label labelDest, string appPath)
     return TranMngr.ChangeProductUbication(labelSource, changeLine, labelDest, appPath);
Beispiel #7
 public DocumentLine SaveAdjustmentTransaction(DocumentLine data, Label label, bool commitTransaction)
     return TranMngr.SaveAdjustmentTransaction(data, label, commitTransaction);
Beispiel #8
 public DocumentLine SaveUpdateDocumentLine(DocumentLine docLine, bool removeLine)
     return DocMngr.SaveUpdateDocumentLine(docLine, removeLine);
Beispiel #9
 public IList<DocumentLine> GetDocumentLine(DocumentLine data)
 { return Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(data); }
Beispiel #10
 public Boolean PickProduct(DocumentLine line, Label sourceLocation, Node node, Label packageLabel, SysUser picker, Bin binDest) {
     TranMngr.PickProduct(line, sourceLocation, node, packageLabel, picker, binDest);
     return true;
        private ReportHeaderFormat ProcessHeaderAndDetailsForCounting(Document document)
            ReportHeaderFormat header = ProcessHeader(document);

            //Consolida todos los ajuste realizados para Confirmar la Tarea de Inventario
            //Y los muestra como Documento.
            IList<ReportDetailFormat> detailList = new List<ReportDetailFormat>();
            ReportDetailFormat detail;

            int seq = 1;
            if (document.DocStatus.StatusID == DocStatus.New || document.DocStatus.StatusID == DocStatus.InProcess)
                //Si no esta posteada muestar la Executon task

                IList<ProductStock> listCompleted = Factory.DaoBinByTask().GetCountInitialSummary(document);

                //Para que el doc no salga en blanco
                if (listCompleted == null || listCompleted.Count == 0) 
                    detailList.Add(new ReportDetailFormat());

                foreach (ProductStock record in listCompleted)
                    detail = new ReportDetailFormat();

                    if (record.Product != null)
                        detail.ProductCode = record.Product.ProductCode;
                        detail.ProductDescription = record.Product.Name;
                        detail.ProductCode = "";
                        detail.ProductDescription = "";

                    detail.StockBin = record.Bin.BinCode;
                    detail.SeqLine = seq++;
                    detail.Rank = record.Bin.Rank;

                    detail.QtyOrder = record.Stock - record.PackStock; //DIFF
                    detail.QtyPending = record.PackStock; //Expected
                    try { detail.ProductCost = record.Product.ProductCost; }
                    catch { }
                    try { detail.ExtendedCost = record.Product.ProductCost * (record.Stock - record.PackStock); }
                    catch { }
                    detail.Date1 = record.MinDate != null ? record.MinDate.Value.ToString() : "";
                    detail.CreatedBy = document.CreatedBy;
                    detail.DocNumber = document.DocNumber;

                    detail.BarcodeLabel = record.Label != null ? "Barcode: " + record.Label.LabelCode : "";
                    // CAA [2010/07/01] tipo de conteo
                    detail.Rank = 0;


                    var sortedProducts = from p in detailList orderby p.Rank select p;
                    header.ReportDetails = sortedProducts.ToList();



            else if (document.DocStatus.StatusID == DocStatus.Completed)
                //Si no esta posteada muestar la Executon task

                IList<CountTaskBalance> listCompleted = Factory.DaoBinByTaskExecution().GetCountSummary(document, false);

                // CAA [2010/07/09]
                // Excluye los registros buenos...  (se ocultan en el reporte)
                bool hide = false;
                    if (GetConfigOption("COUNTHIDE").Equals("T"))
                        //listCompleted = listCompleted.Where(f=> f.Difference!=0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Comment)).ToList();
                        hide = true;
                catch {}

                //Para que el doc no salga en blanco
                if (listCompleted == null || listCompleted.Count == 0)
                    detailList.Add(new ReportDetailFormat());

                foreach (CountTaskBalance record in listCompleted)
                    detail = new ReportDetailFormat();
                    detail.ProductCode = record.Product.ProductCode;
                    detail.ProductDescription = record.Product.Name;
                    detail.StockBin = record.Bin.BinCode;
                    detail.QtyOrder = record.Difference; //DIFF
                    detail.QtyPending = record.QtyExpected; //Expected
                    detail.ProductCost = record.Product.ProductCost;
                    detail.ExtendedCost = record.Product.ProductCost * (detail.QtyOrder);
                    detail.Date1 = DateTime.Today.ToString();
                    detail.CreatedBy = document.CreatedBy;
                    detail.DocNumber = document.DocNumber;
                    detail.Notes = record.Comment;

                    detail.BarcodeLabel = record.Label != null ? "Barcode: " + record.Label.LabelCode : "";
                    // CAA [2010/07/01] tipo de conteo
                    detail.Rank = record.CaseType;

                    // Se ocultará en el reporte
                    if (hide && (record.Difference==0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(record.Comment)))
                        detail.Custom1 = "T";


                header.ReportDetails = detailList.OrderBy(f => f.StockBin).ToList();

            else if (document.DocStatus.StatusID == DocStatus.Posted)
                //Si la tarea esta posteada muestra los ajustes de inventario.
                DocumentLine patternLine = new DocumentLine { 
                    Document = new Document { CustPONumber = document.DocNumber, Company = document.Company }
                IList<DocumentLine> lines = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(patternLine);

                // CAA [2010/07/09] Se incluyen los labels de el bin NoCount.
                IList<Label> labelsNoCount = Factory.DaoLabel().Select(new Label { Bin = new Bin { BinCode = DefaultBin.NOCOUNT }, Notes = document.DocNumber });

                //para que el doc no salga en blanco
                if ((lines == null || lines.Count == 0) && (labelsNoCount == null || labelsNoCount.Count == 0))
                    detailList.Add(new ReportDetailFormat());

                int sing = 0;
                foreach (DocumentLine record in lines)
                    sing = record.IsDebit == true ? -1 : 1;

                    detail = new ReportDetailFormat();
                    detail.ProductCode = record.Product.ProductCode;
                    detail.ProductDescription = record.Product.Name;
                    detail.StockBin = record.BinAffected;
                    detail.QtyOrder = sing * record.Quantity; //DIFF
                    detail.QtyPending = record.QtyAllocated;
                    detail.ProductCost = record.Product.ProductCost;
                    detail.ExtendedCost = record.Product.ProductCost * record.Quantity * sing;
                    detail.Date1 = record.Date1 != null ? record.Date1.Value.ToString() : "";
                    detail.DocNumber = record.Document.DocNumber + ", " + record.Document.Comment;

                    detail.BarcodeLabel = "";
                    // CAA [2010/07/01] tipo de conteo
                    detail.Rank = 0;


                // NoCount Labels
                foreach (Label record in labelsNoCount)
                    //sing = record.IsDebit == true ? -1 : 1;

                    detail = new ReportDetailFormat();
                    detail.ProductCode = record.Product.ProductCode;
                    detail.ProductDescription = record.Product.Name;
                    detail.StockBin = record.Bin.BinCode;
                    detail.QtyOrder = 0-record.CurrQty;  //DIFF
                    detail.QtyPending = record.CurrQty ; 
                    detail.ProductCost = record.Product.ProductCost;
                    detail.ExtendedCost= record.Product.ProductCost * record.CurrQty * -1;
                    detail.Date1 = record.ModDate != null ? record.ModDate.Value.ToString() : "";
                    detail.DocNumber = document.DocNumber;

                    detail.BarcodeLabel = "Barcode: " + record.LabelCode;
                    // CAA [2010/07/01] tipo de conteo
                    detail.Rank = 0;


                header.ReportDetails = detailList.OrderBy(f => f.StockBin).ToList();

            return header;

        private IList<ReportDetailFormat> EvaluateLine(DocumentLine dLine, Document document, IList<DocumentBalance> docBalance,
            short binDirection, short level)

            IList<ReportDetailFormat> returnList = new List<ReportDetailFormat>();
            ReportDetailFormat detail = new ReportDetailFormat();

            if (level > 2)
                return null;

            if (GetCompanyOption(document.Company, "SHOWBO").Equals("F") && dLine.Quantity - dLine.QtyBackOrder - dLine.QtyCancel <= 0)
                return returnList;

            //El  qty pending debe salir del balance. que se obtuvo arriba.
            if (docBalance != null && docBalance.Count > 0)
                try { detail.QtyPending = docBalance.Where(f => f.DocumentLine.LineNumber == dLine.LineNumber).First().QtyPending; }
                catch { detail.QtyPending = detail.QtyOrder; }

            if (document.DocType.DocClass.DocClassID == SDocClass.Shipping && GetCompanyOption(document.Company, "SHOWBO").Equals("F") && detail.QtyPending <= 0)
                return returnList;

            //Map Data
            detail.ProductCode = dLine.Product.ProductCode;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dLine.LineDescription))
                detail.ProductDescription = dLine.Product.Name;
                detail.ProductDescription = dLine.LineDescription;
            detail.AlternProduct = "";
                if (dLine.Product.AlternProducts != null && dLine.Product.AlternProducts[0] != null)
                    detail.AlternProduct = dLine.Product.AlternProducts[0].AlternProduct.ProductCode;
            catch {  }

            detail.Unit = dLine.Unit.Name;
            detail.Notes = dLine.Note;
            detail.AuxSequence = dLine.Sequence;
            detail.CreatedBy = dLine.CreatedBy; 

            detail.Custom1 = dLine.Product.Manufacturer;
            detail.Custom2 = dLine.Product.Reference;

            //Definir si es un subdetail
            //detail.IsSubDetail = (dLine.LinkDocLineNumber > 0) ? true : false;
            detail.IsSubDetail = (dLine.Note == "1") ? true : false;

            if (detail.IsSubDetail == true)
                detail.CustNumber1 = dLine.LinkDocLineNumber;
                detail.CustNumber1 = dLine.LineNumber;

            IList<ProductAccountRelation> acctItem = null;

            try { detail.AssignedBins = GetAssignedBins(dLine.Product, dLine.Location, binDirection); }
            catch { }

            if (document.DocType.UseStock == true)

                    object[] objBins;

                    if (document.DocType.DocClass.DocClassID == SDocClass.Shipping)
                        objBins = GetSuggestedBins(dLine.Product, dLine.Location, document.PickMethod, BinType.Out_Only); //binDirection

                    else if (document.DocType.DocTypeID == SDocType.ReplenishPackTask)
                        objBins = GetSuggestedBins(dLine.Product, dLine.Location, document.PickMethod, BinType.Out_Only); //binDirection

                        string[] xBins = objBins[0].ToString().Split("\n".ToCharArray());                        
                        string binResult = "";

                        for (int i = 0; i < xBins.Length; i++)
                            if (!xBins[i].Contains(dLine.Note.Trim()))
                                binResult += xBins[i] + "\n";

                        objBins[0] = binResult;
                        //objBins[2] = objBins[2].ToString().Replace(dLine.Note, "").ToString();
                        objBins = GetSuggestedBins(dLine.Product, dLine.Location, document.PickMethod, BinType.In_Out);

                    detail.OutBin = objBins[2].ToString();

                    detail.Rank = objBins[1] != null ? (Int32)objBins[1] : WmsSetupValues.MaxBinRank; //Rank del OutBin  

                    detail.SuggestedBins = objBins[0].ToString();

                    detail.OldestBin = objBins[3].ToString();

                catch { }

            //detail.QtyPending = dLine.QtyPending;
            detail.StockBin = dLine.Location.Name;
            detail.Weight = dLine.Product.Weight * dLine.Quantity;
            detail.Pieces = dLine.Product.UnitsPerPack > 0 ? dLine.Product.UnitsPerPack : 1;
            //detail.Cases = dLine.Quantity;

            //Si es un assembly order solo muestra cantidad para las lineas con Notes = "2" 
            //que significan que son items a piquear., del resto no.
            //if (document.DocType.DocTypeID == SDocType.KitAssemblyTask)
                //detail.QtyOrder = (dLine.Note != null && dLine.Note == "1") ? dLine.Quantity : 0;
                detail.QtyOrder = dLine.Quantity - dLine.QtyCancel;
                detail.QtyBO = dLine.QtyBackOrder;

            //Customer Item Number
            if (document.Customer.AccountCode != WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT)
                acctItem = dLine.Product.ProductAccounts.Where(f => f.Account.AccountID == document.Customer.AccountID).ToList();
                if (acctItem != null && acctItem.Count() > 0)
                    detail.AccountItemNumber = acctItem[0].ItemNumber;

            //Vendor Item Number
            if (document.Vendor.AccountCode != WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT)
                acctItem = dLine.Product.ProductAccounts.Where(f => f.Account.AccountID == document.Vendor.AccountID).ToList();
                if (acctItem != null && acctItem.Count() > 0)
                    detail.AccountItemNumber = acctItem[0].ItemNumber;

            if (detail.AccountItemNumber == null)
                detail.AccountItemNumber = "";

            //Aasignacion del Detalle Principal.

            ////Evalua si el producto tiene formula para meter los subitems y ademas si se pinden mostrar los subitems
            //if (dLine.Product.ProductFormula != null && dLine.Product.ProductFormula.Count > 0
            //    && GetCompanyOption(document.Company, "SHOWCOMP").Equals("T") && level == 1  
            //    && document.DocType.DocClass.DocClassID == SDocClass.Shipping )
            //    IList<ReportDetailFormat> subDetails = null;
            //    DocumentLine subLine;
            //    foreach (KitAssemblyFormula formula in dLine.Product.ProductFormula)
            //    {
            //        subLine = new DocumentLine { 
            //            Product = formula.Component, 
            //            Unit = formula.Unit, Note = "",  
            //            Location = dLine.Location, 
            //            Quantity = formula.FormulaQty * dLine.Quantity,
            //            QtyPending = formula.FormulaQty * detail.QtyPending    
            //        };

            //        subDetails = EvaluateLine(subLine, document, null, binDirection, 2);

            //        foreach (ReportDetailFormat sub in subDetails)
            //        {
            //            sub.IsSubDetail = true;
            //            returnList.Add(sub);

            //        }
            //    }

            return returnList;

Beispiel #13
 public DocumentLine SelectById(DocumentLine data)
     return (DocumentLine)base.SelectById(data);
Beispiel #14
 public Boolean Delete(DocumentLine data)
     return base.Delete(data);
Beispiel #15
 public Boolean Update(DocumentLine data)
     return base.Update(data);
Beispiel #16
 public void UpdateDocumentLine(DocumentLine data) { Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Update(data); }
Beispiel #17
 public void DeleteDocumentLine(DocumentLine data) { Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Delete(data); }
Beispiel #18
 public IList<Label> DecreaseQtyFromBin(Label fromLabel, DocumentLine line, string comment, bool saveTrace, Node node)
     return TranMngr.DecreaseQtyFromBin(fromLabel, line, comment, saveTrace, node);
Beispiel #19
 public IList<Unit> GetDocumentUnit(DocumentLine data)
 { return DocMngr.GetDocumentUnit(data); }
Beispiel #20
 public void DecreaseQtyFromLabel(Label fromLabel, DocumentLine line, string comment, bool saveTrace, Node node, bool passToPrint)
     TranMngr.DecreaseQtyFromLabel(fromLabel, line, comment, saveTrace, node, passToPrint);
Beispiel #21
 public IList<Label> CreateProductLabels(Unit logisticUnit, DocumentLine data, Node node, Bin destLocation,
     double logisticFactor, string printingLot, DateTime receivingDate )
     return BasicMngr.CreateProductLabels(logisticUnit, data, node, destLocation, logisticFactor, printingLot, "", receivingDate);
Beispiel #22
 public Label IncreaseQtyIntoBin(DocumentLine line, Node node, Bin destBin, string comment, bool saveTrace, DateTime recDate, IList<LabelTrackOption> trackOptions, Label sourceLabel)
     return TranMngr.IncreaseQtyIntoBin(line, node, destBin, comment, saveTrace, recDate, trackOptions, sourceLabel);
Beispiel #23
 public Boolean CheckAdjustmentLine(DocumentLine data, Label label)
     return TranMngr.CheckAdjustmentLine(data, label);
Beispiel #24
 public void IncreaseQtyIntoLabel(Label ubicationLabel, DocumentLine data, string comment, bool saveTrace, Node node)
     TranMngr.IncreaseQtyIntoLabel(ubicationLabel, data, comment, saveTrace, node);
Beispiel #25
 public Boolean ReceiveProduct(DocumentLine receivingLine, Unit logisticUnit, Bin destLocation, Node recNode)
     TranMngr.ReceiveProduct(receivingLine, logisticUnit, destLocation, recNode);
     return true;
Beispiel #26
 public Boolean ReceiveProductAsUnique(DocumentLine line, Bin bin, Node node)
     return TranMngr.ReceiveProductAsUnique(line, bin, node);
Beispiel #27
        //Dec 04 2009 para recibir seriales de una vez en proceos One By One
        public IList<Label> CreateProductUniqueTrackLabels(DocumentLine data, Node node, Bin destLocation, 
            string printingLot, string comment, DateTime receivingDate)

            //Label Type
            DocumentType labelType = Factory.DaoDocumentType().Select(new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.UniqueTrackLabel }).First();

            Status status = Factory.DaoStatus().Select(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active }).First();

            IList<Label> labelResult = new List<Label>();

            string notes = (data.Document != null && data.Document.DocID > 0) ? "Doc# " + data.Document.DocNumber : "";
            notes = notes + " " + data.Unit.Name;

            //double labelBalance = data.Quantity;
            int numLabels = (int)data.Quantity;

            if (numLabels <= 0)
                throw new Exception("No valid amount of labels to print.");

            Label fatherLabel = null;

             for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; i++)
                fatherLabel = new Label();
                fatherLabel.Node = node;
                fatherLabel.Bin = destLocation;
                fatherLabel.Product = data.Product;
                fatherLabel.CreatedBy = data.CreatedBy;
                fatherLabel.Status = status;
                fatherLabel.LabelType = labelType;
                fatherLabel.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                fatherLabel.Printed = true; 

                fatherLabel.Unit = data.Unit; //La unidad que tiene ese Label //logisticUnit; L
                fatherLabel.IsLogistic = false;
                fatherLabel.FatherLabel = null;
                fatherLabel.LabelCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                fatherLabel.CurrQty = 1; //*data.Unit.BaseAmount;
                fatherLabel.StartQty = 1; //*data.Unit.BaseAmount;

                fatherLabel.Notes = notes;
                fatherLabel.PrintingLot = printingLot; //data.Note;
                fatherLabel.ReceivingDate = receivingDate == null ? DateTime.Now : receivingDate;
                fatherLabel.ReceivingDocument = data.Document.DocID > 0 ? data.Document : null;

                 //Guarda y Actualiza para poder obtener su serial
                fatherLabel = Factory.DaoLabel().Save(fatherLabel);
                fatherLabel.LabelCode = '1' + fatherLabel.LabelID.ToString().PadLeft(WmsSetupValues.LabelLength-1, '0');


                //Registra el movimiento del nodo

                    new NodeTrace
                        Node = node,
                        Document = data.Document.DocID > 0 ? data.Document : null,
                        Label = fatherLabel,
                        Quantity = fatherLabel.CurrQty,
                        IsDebit = false,
                        CreatedBy = data.CreatedBy,
                        Comment = comment


            return labelResult;
Beispiel #28
 public void CancelMergerOrder(Document document, DocumentLine docLine)
     DocMngr.CancelMergerOrder(document, docLine);
Beispiel #29
        //public IList<DocumentHistory> GetDocumentHistory(DocumentHistory data) { return Factory.DaoDocumentHistory().Select(data); }
        //public DocumentHistory SaveDocumentHistory(DocumentHistory data) { return Factory.DaoDocumentHistory().Save(data); }
        //public void UpdateDocumentHistory(DocumentHistory data) { Factory.DaoDocumentHistory().Update(data); }
        //public void DeleteDocumentHistory(DocumentHistory data) { Factory.DaoDocumentHistory().Delete(data); }

        public DocumentLine SaveDocumentLine(DocumentLine data) {

            //Averigua primero el siguiente document Line de se documento.
            if (data.LineNumber == 0)
                data.LineNumber = Factory.DaoDocument().GetNexDocLineNumber(data.Document);

            return Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Save(data); 

        private IList<DocumentLine> GetReceivingDocumentLines(Document doc, Company company, string docID)

            DocumentLine tmpData;
            IList<DocumentLine> list = new List<DocumentLine>();
            //Status lineStatus = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = DocStatus.New });

            int curLine = 0;
            string curMaster = "";

                Query = GetErpQuery("PURCHASEORDER_LINE").Replace("__DOCUMENT", docID);

                DataSet ds = ReturnDataSet(Query, null, "PURCHASEORDER_LINE", Command.Connection);

                if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0)
                    return null;

                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    tmpData = new DocumentLine();
                    tmpData.Date1 = doc.Date1;
                    curMaster = "";

                    try { tmpData.Date2 = DateTime.Parse(dr["f421_fecha_entrega"].ToString()); }
                    catch { }

                    //tmpData.Date3 = DateTime.Parse(dr["PRMSHPDTE"].ToString());
                    //tmpData.Date4 = DateTime.Parse(dr["PRMDATE"].ToString());
                    tmpData.LineNumber = int.Parse(dr["f421_rowid"].ToString());
                    tmpData.AccountItem = dr["f421_cod_item_prov"].ToString();
                    tmpData.Sequence = tmpData.LineNumber;

                    curLine = tmpData.LineNumber;
                    tmpData.Document = doc;
                    tmpData.IsDebit = false;
                    tmpData.Quantity = double.Parse(dr["f421_cant_pedida"].ToString(), new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = Separator });
                    tmpData.UnitBaseFactor = double.Parse(dr["fact_adicional"].ToString(), new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = Separator });

                    tmpData.CreatedBy = WmsSetupValues.SystemUser;
                    tmpData.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;

                    curMaster = "Status:" + dr["f421_ind_estado"].ToString();
                    tmpData.LineStatus = GetReceivingStatus(int.Parse(dr["f421_ind_estado"].ToString())); //doc.DocStatus;
                    curMaster = "Location:" + dr["cod_bodega"].ToString();
                    tmpData.Location = WType.GetLocation(new Location { Company = company, ErpCode = dr["cod_bodega"].ToString() });


                        curMaster = "Product:" + dr["f121_rowid_item"].ToString();
                        tmpData.Product = WType.GetProduct(new Product { Company = company, ProductCode = dr["f121_rowid_item"].ToString() });
                        tmpData.LineDescription = dr["f120_descripcion"].ToString();

                        curMaster = "Uom:" + dr["f421_id_unidad_medida"].ToString();
                        tmpData.Unit = WType.GetUnit(new Unit { ErpCode = dr["f421_id_unidad_medida"].ToString(), ErpCodeGroup = tmpData.Product.BaseUnit.ErpCodeGroup });

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("GetReceiptDocumentLines: " + doc.DocNumber + "," + curLine.ToString() + "," + curMaster,
                        ListValues.EventType.Error, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.ErpConnection);

                        //    //Pone el Default Product
                        //    tmpData.Product = WType.GetProduct(new Product { Company = company, ProductCode = WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT });
                        //    tmpData.LineDescription = "Unknown: " + dr["ITEMNMBR"].ToString() + ", " + dr["ITEMDESC"].ToString();

                        //    curMaster = "Uom:" + dr["UOFM"].ToString();
                        //    tmpData.Unit = WType.GetUnit(new Unit { ErpCode = dr["UOFM"].ToString() });


                    //Unit - Price, Cost
                    tmpData.UnitPrice = double.Parse(dr["f421_precio_unitario"].ToString(), new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = Separator });
                    tmpData.ExtendedPrice = double.Parse(dr["subtotal"].ToString(), new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = Separator });

                    //SOP POP Link
                    //object[] sop_popLink = GetSOP_POPLink(doc.DocNumber, tmpData.LineNumber, doc.DocType.DocTypeID);
                    //if (sop_popLink != null)
                    //    tmpData.LinkDocNumber = sop_popLink[0].ToString();
                    //    tmpData.LinkDocLineNumber = int.Parse(sop_popLink[1].ToString());


                return (list.Count > 0) ? list : null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("GetReceiptDocumentLines: " + doc.DocNumber + "," + curLine.ToString() + "," + curMaster,
                    ListValues.EventType.Error, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.ErpConnection);
                return null;