Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>Raise the <see cref="Downloaded"/> event.</summary>
 /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
 protected internal void RaiseDownloaded(FTPFileTransferEventArgs e)
     if (areEventsEnabled && Downloaded != null)
         InvokeEventHandler(Downloaded, this, e);
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>Raise the <see cref="Uploading"/> event.</summary>
 /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
 protected internal void RaiseUploading(FTPFileTransferEventArgs e)
     if (areEventsEnabled && Uploading != null)
         InvokeEventHandler(Uploading, this, e);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a file is about to be downloaded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destStream">Stream to which data will be written.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteFile">Path of remote file.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the operation is to continue.</returns>
        protected bool OnDownloading(Stream destStream, string remoteFile, long bytesDownloaded, out long remoteFileSize, out DateTime remoteModTime)
            // for efficiency reasons we only initialize remoteFileSize and remoteModTime if either event is handled
            if (areEventsEnabled && (Downloading != null || Downloaded != null))
                remoteFileSize = GetSize(remoteFile, false);
                remoteModTime = GetLastWriteTime(remoteFile, false);
                remoteFileSize = 0;
                remoteModTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (areEventsEnabled && Downloading != null)
                FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, destStream, remoteFile,
                    ServerDirectory, 0, remoteFileSize, bytesDownloaded, remoteModTime, false, false, null);
                lastTransferCancel = e.Cancel;
                return !e.Cancel;
                return true;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a file is about to be deleted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteFile">File to delete.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the operation is to continue.</returns>
        protected bool OnDeleting(string remoteFile, out DateTime remoteModTime)
            // for efficiency reasons we only initialize remoteModTime if either event is handled
            if (areEventsEnabled && (Downloading != null || Downloaded != null))
                remoteModTime = GetLastWriteTime(remoteFile, false);
                remoteModTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (areEventsEnabled && Deleting != null)
                long remoteFileSize = GetSize(remoteFile, false);
                FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, remoteFile,
                    ServerDirectory, 0, remoteFileSize, -1, remoteModTime, false, false, null);
                return !e.Cancel;
                return true;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a stream is about to be uploaded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcStream">Stream to upload.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteFile">Path of remote file.</param>
        /// <param name="append">Flag indicating whether or not the remote file is being appended to.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the operation is to continue.</returns>
        protected bool OnUploading(Stream srcStream, ref string remoteFile, ref bool append, out long localFileSize)
            // in order to avoid unnecessary log-warnings we only initialize 
            // localFileSize and localModTime if either event is handled
            if (areEventsEnabled && (Uploading != null || Uploaded != null))
                    localFileSize = srcStream.Length;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Warn("Could not get size of stream prior to upload", ex);
                    localFileSize = -1;
                localFileSize = 0;

            if (areEventsEnabled && Uploading != null)
                long remoteFileSize = GetSize(remoteFile, false);
                DateTime remoteModTime = GetLastWriteTime(remoteFile, false);
                FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, srcStream, remoteFile,
                    ServerDirectory, localFileSize, remoteFileSize, 0, remoteModTime, append, false, null);
                remoteFile = e.RemoteFile;
                append = e.Append;
                lastTransferCancel = e.Cancel;
                return !e.Cancel;
                return true;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a byte-array is about to be uploaded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes">Byte-array to upload.</param>
 /// <param name="remoteFile">Path of remote file.</param>
 /// <param name="append">Flag indicating whether or not the remote file is being appended to.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the operation is to continue.</returns>
 protected bool OnUploading(byte[] bytes, ref string remoteFile, ref bool append)
     if (areEventsEnabled && Uploading != null)
         long len = bytes.LongLength;
         long remoteFileSize = GetSize(remoteFile, false);
         DateTime remoteModTime = GetLastWriteTime(remoteFile, false);
         FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, remoteFile,
             ServerDirectory, len, remoteFileSize, 0, remoteModTime, append, false, null);
         remoteFile = e.RemoteFile;
         append = e.Append;
         lastTransferCancel = e.Cancel;
         return !e.Cancel;
         return true;
Beispiel #7
 void ftp_Downloading(object sender, FTPFileTransferEventArgs e)
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a file is about to be uploaded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localPath">Path of local file.</param>
 /// <param name="remoteFile">Path of remote file.</param>
 /// <param name="append">Flag indicating whether or not the remote file is being appended to.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the operation is to continue.</returns>
 protected bool OnUploading(string localPath, ref string remoteFile, ref bool append, ref bool resume)
     if (areEventsEnabled && Uploading != null)
         long localFileSize = GetLocalFileSize(localPath);
         long remoteFileSize = GetSize(remoteFile, false);
         DateTime remoteModTime = GetLastWriteTime(remoteFile, false);
         FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, localPath, remoteFile,
             ServerDirectory, localFileSize, remoteFileSize, 0, remoteModTime, append, resume, false, null);
         remoteFile = e.RemoteFile;
         append = e.Append;
         resume = e.Resume;
         lastTransferCancel = e.Cancel;
         return !e.Cancel;
         return true;
Beispiel #9
 protected internal void RaiseUploaded(FTPFileTransferEventArgs e)
     if (this.areEventsEnabled && (this.Uploaded != null))
         this.InvokeEventHandler(this.Uploaded, this, e);
Beispiel #10
 void ftp_Downloaded(object sender, FTPFileTransferEventArgs e)
     pbarCurrent.Value = 100;
     int totalProgress = (int)(e.RemoteFileSize * 100 / TotalDownloadSize);
     pbarTotal.Value += totalProgress;
     lblTotalProgress.Text = "Total Percent Completed: " + pbarTotal.Value + "%";
Beispiel #11
 protected internal void RaiseDownloading(FTPFileTransferEventArgs e)
     if (this.areEventsEnabled && (this.Downloading != null))
         this.InvokeEventHandler(this.Downloading, this, e);
Beispiel #12
 protected bool OnUploading(string localPath, ref string remoteFile, bool append)
     if (!this.areEventsEnabled || (this.Uploading == null))
         return true;
     long fileSize = 0L;
         fileSize = new FileInfo(localPath).Length;
     catch (Exception exception)
         string message = "Failed to open file '" + localPath + "'";
         this.log.Error(message, exception);
         throw new FTPException(message);
     FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, localPath, remoteFile, this.ServerDirectory, fileSize, append, false, null);
     remoteFile = e.RemoteFile;
     this.lastTransferCancel = e.Cancel;
     return !e.Cancel;
Beispiel #13
 protected bool OnUploading(Stream srcStream, ref string remoteFile, bool append)
     if (this.areEventsEnabled && (this.Uploading != null))
         FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, srcStream, remoteFile, this.ServerDirectory, srcStream.Length, append, false, null);
         remoteFile = e.RemoteFile;
         this.lastTransferCancel = e.Cancel;
         return !e.Cancel;
     return true;
Beispiel #14
 protected bool OnDownloading(ref string localPath, string remoteFile)
     if (this.areEventsEnabled && ((this.Downloading != null) || (this.Downloaded != null)))
         this.currentFileSize = this.GetSize(remoteFile, false);
     if (this.areEventsEnabled && (this.Downloading != null))
         FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, localPath, remoteFile, this.ServerDirectory, this.currentFileSize, false, false, null);
         localPath = e.LocalPath;
         this.lastTransferCancel = e.Cancel;
         return !e.Cancel;
     return true;
Beispiel #15
 protected bool OnDeleting(string remoteFile)
     if (this.areEventsEnabled && (this.Deleting != null))
         FTPFileTransferEventArgs e = new FTPFileTransferEventArgs(true, remoteFile, this.ServerDirectory, -1L, false, false, null);
         return !e.Cancel;
     return true;