public WiiController(Game game, GameState gm, InputBuffer b)
     : base(game, gm, b)
     wm = new WiimoteLib.Wiimote();
     wm.SetReportType(WiimoteLib.InputReport.IRAccel, WiimoteLib.IRSensitivity.Maximum, true);
 public WorldMapController(GameEngine g, GameState gm, SpriteBatch sb, InputBuffer bf)
     game = g;
     gameState = gm;
     worldView = new WorldMapView(sb);
     spriteBatch = sb;
     buffer = bf;
     MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true;
        public SatisfactionQueue(InputBuffer b)
            queue = new Satisfaction[MAX_IN_QUEUE];
            head = 0;
            tail = -1;
            queueSize = 0;

            for (int ii = 0; ii < MAX_IN_QUEUE; ii++)
                queue[ii] = new Satisfaction();

            origin = new Vector2();

            maxAge = MAX_AGE;
            buf = b;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            buffer = new InputBuffer();
            gameState = new GameState();
            gameState.LoadContent(Content); // hack

                input = new WiiController(this, gameState, buffer);
            catch (WiimoteLib.WiimoteNotFoundException)
                input = new MouseController(this, gameState, buffer);

            Services.AddService(typeof(GameState), gameState);

            menuController = new MenuController(this, gameState, spriteBatch);

            levelController = new LevelSelectController(gameState, spriteBatch);

            playlevel = new PlayLevel(this, gameState, spriteBatch, buffer);

            worldController = new WorldMapController(this, gameState, spriteBatch, buffer);
   = worldController;
            pauseController = new PauseScreenController(this, spriteBatch);

            Components.Add(new GamerServicesComponent(this));
            Components.Add(new Components.SaveManager(this));

            Components.Add(new BatonView(this, spriteBatch));

Beispiel #5
        public PlayLevel(Game g, GameState gm, SpriteBatch sb, InputBuffer buf)
            : base(g)
            gameState = gm;
            actionList = new LinkedList<Movement>();
            drawSet = new HashSet<Movement>();
            buffer = buf;

            spriteBatch = sb;
            DrawOrder = 0;
            comboOn = false;
            comboCount = -1;
            started = false;
            failed = false;
            ended = false;
            failCount = 0;

            volume = 5;
            scaledVol = (float)(0.524 * Math.Pow(Math.E, volume / 10) - 0.425);

            BrokenStrings = new SoundEffect[3];
 public MouseController(Game game, GameState gm, InputBuffer b)
     : base(game, gm, b)
 public InputController(Game game, GameState gm, InputBuffer b)
     : base(game)
     buffer = b;
     gameState = gm;
        public bool Timing(InputBuffer inputs, Point p, bool start)
            if (inputs.Count != 0)
                Vector2 coords = new Vector2(p.X, GameEngine.HEIGHT - p.Y);
                Vector2 pos = (start ? inputs[0].Position : inputs[inputs.Count - 1].Position);
                //  Console.WriteLine("coords is " + coords);
                //  Console.WriteLine("pos is " + pos);
                //  Console.WriteLine("difference in pos is " + Vector2.Distance(coords, pos)+"\n");
                return Vector2.Distance(coords, pos) <= 100;
                return false;
        } */
        /*Returns a floating number 0 to 1 which indicates how well the input is matching the movement */
        public float Accuracy(Movement m, InputBuffer inputs, GameTime t)
            int totalInput = inputs.Count;
            int correct = 0;
            if (CurrentMovement != null)
                switch (CurrentMovement.myType)
                    case Movement.Types.Noop:
                        return (totalInput > 20 ? -0.5f : 0.0f);
                    case Movement.Types.Shake:
                        if (totalInput < 20)
                            return 0.0f;
                            foreach (InputState state in inputs)
                                if (Math.Abs(state.Acceleration.X) > ACC_THRESHOLD || Math.Abs(state.Acceleration.Y) > ACC_THRESHOLD)
                            return (float)correct / totalInput / 2;
                    case Movement.Types.Wave:
                        if (totalInput < 5)
                            return -0.3f;
                            Vector2 startPos = new Vector2(CurrentMovement.startCoordinate.X, CurrentMovement.startCoordinate.Y);
                            Vector2 endPos = new Vector2(CurrentMovement.endCoordinate.X, CurrentMovement.endCoordinate.Y);
                            float DIST_THRESHOLD = 0.55f * Vector2.Distance(startPos, endPos);

                            Vector2[] slopes = CurrentMovement.f.Slope(totalInput - 1);
                            float errorSum = 0.0f;
                            float dist = Vector2.Distance(inputs[totalInput - 1].Position, inputs[0].Position);

                            if (dist >= DIST_THRESHOLD)
                                for (int i = 1; i < totalInput; i++)
                                    Vector2 normVel = Vector2.Normalize(inputs[i].Velocity);
                                    Vector2 slope = slopes[i];
                                    errorSum += (normVel.X - slope.X) * (normVel.X - slope.X) + (normVel.Y - slope.Y) * (normVel.Y - slope.Y);
                                float rmsError = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)errorSum / (double)(totalInput - 1));
                                float accuracy = (1 - rmsError * MAGIC_WAVE_THRESHOLD);
                                return (accuracy > FAIL_THRESHOLD ? accuracy : -0.3f);
                                return -0.3f;
                        return 0.0f;
                return 0.0f;