Beispiel #1
 public void UpdateDictionary()
     VmCurrentWord[] words = GetWordsCollectionFromJson();
     using (var db = new WordContext())
         var existedWords = db.Words.ToArray();
         foreach (VmCurrentWord word in words)
             if (!Array.Exists(existedWords, element => element.Name_en == word.Name_en))
                 db.Words.Update(new VmWord
                     Name_ru                 = word.Name_ru,
                     Name_en                 = word.Name_en,
                     FourDaysLearnPhase      = true,
                     LearnDay                = 0,
                     RepeatIterationNum      = 0,
                     NextRepeatDate          = DateTime.Today,
                     DailyReapeatCountForEng = 0,
                     DailyReapeatCountForRus = 0
                 Console.WriteLine("Updating word \"{0}\"", word.Name_en);
                 Console.WriteLine("Skipped word \"{0}\"", word.Name_en);
         var count = db.SaveChanges();
         Console.WriteLine("{0} records saved to database", count);
 //public string Update([FromBody] VmWord[] words)
 // TODO: use better name for VmWordAndCollocationUpdating
 public string Update([FromBody] VmWordAndCollocationUpdating wordAndCollocationUpdating)
     using (var db = new WordContext())
         foreach (VmWord word in wordAndCollocationUpdating.words)
             if (word == null)
                 Console.WriteLine("Word is null");
                 throw new ArgumentNullException("Word is null");
                 Console.WriteLine("Updating word \"{0}\" id {1}", word.Name_en, word.Id);
         DateTime dateToday = DateTime.Now;
         int      collocationDelayPeriod = 4;
         foreach (VmCollocation collocation in wordAndCollocationUpdating.collocations)
             if (collocation == null)
                 Console.WriteLine("collocation is null");
                 throw new ArgumentNullException("collocation is null");
                 if (collocation.NotUsedToday == false)
                     collocation.NextRepeatDate = dateToday.AddDays(collocationDelayPeriod);
                     collocation.NotUsedToday   = true;
                 Console.WriteLine("Updating collocation \"{0}\"", collocation.AudioUrl);
        public void UpdateSchedule()
            DateTime dateToday = DateTime.Now;

            VmWord[] renewingIteration;
            using (var db = new WordContext())
                // TODO: move it to separated methods
                // Auto-removing duplicates
                var allWords   = db.Words.ToArray();
                var duplicates = db.Words.Where(x => allWords
                                                .Count(n => ((n.Name_ru == x.Name_ru) &&
                                                             (n.Name_en == x.Name_en))) > 1)
                                 .GroupBy(p => p.Name_ru)
                                 .Select(p => p.LastOrDefault());

                // TODO: dell all duplicates in one time,
                // now p.Skip(1) doesn't make it works

                foreach (VmWord word in duplicates)
                    Console.WriteLine("Removing duplicate \"{0}\" id {1}", word.Name_en, word.Id);

                // Manually-removing duplicates
                var duplicatesToResolve = db.Words.Where(x => allWords
                                                         .Count(n => ((n.Name_ru != x.Name_ru) && (n.Name_en == x.Name_en)) ||
                                                                ((n.Name_ru == x.Name_ru) && (n.Name_en != x.Name_en))) > 1)
                                          .GroupBy(p => p.Name_ru)
                                          .Select(p => p.LastOrDefault());

                if (duplicatesToResolve.Count() > 0)
                    throw new Exception("There are duplicates thet should be resolved");

                // Renewing Schedule
                renewingIteration = db.Words.Where(p => (p.NextRepeatDate <= dateToday) &&
                                                   (p.DailyReapeatCountForEng >= minReapeatCountPerDayIteration) &&
                                                   (p.DailyReapeatCountForRus >= minReapeatCountPerDayIteration) &&
                                                   (p.FourDaysLearnPhase == false)).ToArray();

                var iterationIncrement = 7;
                foreach (VmWord word in renewingIteration)
                    var iteration = iterationIncrement * getIterationLenght(word.RepeatIterationNum);

                    word.NextRepeatDate          = dateToday.AddDays(iteration);
                    word.DailyReapeatCountForEng = 0;
                    word.DailyReapeatCountForRus = 0;


                    Console.WriteLine("Set new day for repeating word \"{0}\" iterations {1} id {2}",
                                      word.Name_en, word.RepeatIterationNum, word.Id);
        public void Download()
            VmWord[]             words;
            List <VmCollocation> collocations;

            using (var db = new WordContext())
                words = db.Words.Where(p => p.Name_ru.IndexOf(' ') < 0 &&
                                       (p.Name_en.IndexOf(' ') < 0)).ToArray();

            string htmlCode;
            string tempURL;

            foreach (VmWord word in words)
                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                    htmlCode        = client.DownloadString("" + word.Name_en);

                var sourcePath         = "";
                var urlFirstPart       = "data-src-mp3=\"/";
                var searchStartPattern = "\"EXAMPLE\"";

                var      searchStartIndex = htmlCode.IndexOf(searchStartPattern);
                var      indexesOfUrl     = new List <int>();
                var      urls             = new List <string>();
                string   lang             = "en";
                int      tagCounter       = 0;
                string[] nameParts        = new string[2];

                if (searchStartIndex >= 0)
                    int    urlIndex = searchStartIndex;
                    int    nameTempIndex;
                    int    urlSubstrStart, urlSubstrEnd;
                    string url;
                    string nameSearchStartTag = "/span>";
                    int    nameStartIndex;
                    string nextCharPair, fileName;
                    int    nameEnd;
                    string excludeTagClass = "\"GLOSS\"";
                    while (urlIndex < htmlCode.LastIndexOf(urlFirstPart))
                        urlSubstrStart = htmlCode.IndexOf(urlFirstPart, urlIndex) + urlFirstPart.Length;
                        if (urlSubstrStart < 0)
                        urlSubstrEnd = htmlCode.IndexOf(".mp3", urlSubstrStart) + 4;

                        url = htmlCode.Substring(urlSubstrStart, urlSubstrEnd - urlSubstrStart);


                        nameTempIndex = urlSubstrEnd;

                        nameStartIndex = htmlCode.IndexOf(nameSearchStartTag, nameTempIndex) + 6;
                        nextCharPair   = htmlCode.Substring(nameStartIndex, 2);

                        tagCounter = 0;

                        if (nextCharPair == "<s")
                            nameStartIndex = htmlCode.IndexOf(">", nameStartIndex) + 1;

                            // TODO: remove repetitation
                            nextCharPair = htmlCode.Substring(nameStartIndex, 2);
                            if (nextCharPair == "<s")
                                throw new ArgumentNullException("Unknow tags arangment");

                        nameParts[0] = "";
                        nameParts[1] = "";

                        if (tagCounter > 0)
                            if (tagCounter > 1)
                                throw new ArgumentNullException("Unknow tags arangment");
                            nameEnd  = htmlCode.IndexOf("</span>", nameStartIndex);
                            fileName = htmlCode.Substring(nameStartIndex, nameEnd - nameStartIndex);

                            nameParts[0]   = fileName;
                            nameStartIndex = nameEnd + 7;

                        nameEnd  = htmlCode.IndexOf("</span>", nameStartIndex);
                        fileName = htmlCode.Substring(nameStartIndex, nameEnd - nameStartIndex);

                        // TODO: solve hotfixes
                        // COLLOINEXA found there:
                        // I promise not to <span class="COLLOINEXA">disturb anything
                        if (fileName.IndexOf(excludeTagClass) < 0 &&
                            fileName.IndexOf("COLLOINEXA") < 0)
                            nameParts[1] = fileName;

                        fileName = nameParts[0] + nameParts[1];
                        urlIndex = urlSubstrEnd;

                        using (var db = new WordContext())
                            tempURL = Path.Combine("/" + "audio", collocationPath, lang, fileName + ".mp3");

                            if (fileName != "")
                                GetAndSave(sourcePath + url, fileName, lang);
                                var isCollocationExist = db.Collocations.Any(p => p.AudioUrl == tempURL);

                                if (!isCollocationExist)
                                    db.Collocations.Add(new VmCollocation
                                        Lang         = "en",
                                        AudioUrl     = tempURL,
                                        NotUsedToday = true

            using (var db = new WordContext())
                // TODO: check for dublicates
                var allCollocations = db.Collocations.ToList();
                var duplicates      = allCollocations.Where(p => allCollocations
                                                            .Count(z => z.AudioUrl == p.AudioUrl) > 1)
                                      .GroupBy(j => j.AudioUrl)
                                      .Select(p => p.LastOrDefault()).ToList();

                foreach (VmCollocation collocation in duplicates)
                    Console.WriteLine("Removing duplicate \"{0}\" id {1}", collocation.AudioUrl, collocation.Id);

                collocations = db.Collocations.ToList();
                var collocationsTemp = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(audioPath, collocationPath)).ToList();

                var collocationsForExclude = collocationsTemp
                                             .Where(p => collocations.All(z => z.AudioUrl == p)).ToList();

                var collocationsNew = collocationsTemp.Except(collocationsForExclude);

                foreach (string collocation in collocationsNew)
                    collocations.Add(new VmCollocation {
                        Lang         = "en",
                        AudioUrl     = collocation,
                        NotUsedToday = true,
