Beispiel #1
        internal UnloadedBlock(Buffer raw, DirectivesBlock directives)
            : base(BlockCode.Unloaded)
            kind = raw.ReadByte ();
            start_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            end_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            thread_id = raw.ReadUlong ();
            if (directives.LoadedElementsCarryId)
                id = raw.ReadUint ();
            item_name = raw.ReadString ();

            switch ((LoadedItemInfo) kind) {
            case LoadedItemInfo.APPDOMAIN:
                is_appdomain = true;
            case LoadedItemInfo.MODULE:
                is_module = true;
            case LoadedItemInfo.ASSEMBLY:
                is_assembly = true;
                throw new Exception (String.Format ("unknown load event kind {0}", kind));
            if (!raw.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception ("Unexpected data remaining in block");
Beispiel #2
        internal MappingBlock(Buffer raw, DirectivesBlock directives)
            : base(BlockCode.Mapping)
            start_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            start_time = raw.ReadTime ();
            thread_id = raw.ReadUlong ();

            for (uint item_id = raw.ReadUint (); item_id != 0; item_id = raw.ReadUint ()) {
                uint assembly = 0;
                if (directives.ClassesCarryAssemblyId)
                    assembly = raw.ReadUint ();
                string name = raw.ReadString ();
                classes.Add (new ClassInfo (item_id, assembly, name));

            for (uint item_id = raw.ReadUint (); item_id != 0; item_id = raw.ReadUint ()) {
                uint class_id = raw.ReadUint ();
                bool is_wrapper = false;
                if (directives.MethodsCarryWrapperFlag)
                    is_wrapper = raw.ReadUint () != 0;
                string name = raw.ReadString ();
                methods.Add (new MethodInfo (item_id, class_id, is_wrapper, name));

            end_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            end_time = raw.ReadTime ();
            if (!raw.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception ("Unexpected data remaining in block");
Beispiel #3
        internal EventsBlock(Buffer raw, DirectivesBlock directives)
            : base(BlockCode.Events)
            start_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            start_time = raw.ReadTime ();
            thread_id = raw.ReadUlong ();

            ulong base_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();

            for (byte event_code = raw.ReadByte (); event_code != 0; event_code = raw.ReadByte ()) {
                EventInfoType event_type = (EventInfoType) (event_code & 0x7);
                byte event_data = (byte) (event_code >> 3);

                switch (event_type) {
                case EventInfoType.Allocation:
                    uint id = (raw.ReadUint () << 5) | (uint) event_data;
                    uint size = raw.ReadUint ();
                    uint caller = directives.AllocationsCarryCallerMethod ? raw.ReadUint () : 0;
                    ulong object_id = directives.AllocationsCarryId ? raw.ReadUlong () : 0;
                    events.Add (new AllocationInfo (id, size, caller, object_id));
                case EventInfoType.Class:
                    uint class_id = raw.ReadUint ();
                    base_counter += raw.ReadUlong ();
                    if ((event_data & 0x3) == 3) {
                        uint lock_event = raw.ReadUint ();
                        ulong oid = raw.ReadUlong ();
                        events.Add (new LockEventInfo (class_id, base_counter, lock_event, oid));
                    } else
                        events.Add (new ClassEventInfo (event_data, class_id, base_counter));
                case EventInfoType.Enter:
                case EventInfoType.ExitExplicit:
                    uint method_id = raw.ReadUint () << 5 | (uint) event_data;
                    base_counter += raw.ReadUlong ();
                    events.Add (new MethodEventInfo (event_type, method_id, base_counter, 0));
                case EventInfoType.ExitImplicit:
                    throw new Exception ("Implicit method exit events are unsupported.");
                case EventInfoType.Method:
                    uint mid = raw.ReadUint ();
                    base_counter += raw.ReadUlong ();
                    events.Add (new MethodEventInfo (EventInfoType.Method, mid, base_counter, event_data));
                case EventInfoType.Other:
                    byte generic_code = (byte) (event_data & 0xf);
                    switch (generic_code) {
                    case 1: // Thread
                        ulong tid = raw.ReadUlong ();
                        base_counter += raw.ReadUlong ();
                        events.Add (new ThreadEventInfo (tid, base_counter, event_data));
                    case 2: // GC Collection
                    case 3: // GC Mark
                    case 4: // GC Sweep
                    case 6: // GC StopWorld
                    case 7: // GC StartWorld
                        uint collection = raw.ReadUint ();
                        base_counter += raw.ReadUlong ();
                        events.Add (new GCEventInfo (generic_code, collection, base_counter, event_data));
                    case 5: // GC Resize
                        ulong new_size = raw.ReadUlong ();
                        uint coll = raw.ReadUint ();
                        events.Add (new GCEventInfo (generic_code, coll, new_size, event_data));
                    case 8: // Jit Time Allocation
                        events.Add (new AllocationInfo (raw.ReadUint (), raw.ReadUint (), directives.AllocationsCarryCallerMethod ? raw.ReadUint () : 0, directives.AllocationsCarryId ? raw.ReadUlong () : 0));
                    case 9: // Stack Section
                        //FIXME: for now, we are just reading the data to get to the end
                        StackEventInfo stack_info = new StackEventInfo (raw.ReadUint ());
                        uint top_section_size = raw.ReadUint ();

                        for (int i = 0; i < top_section_size; i++) {
                            uint meth_id = raw.ReadUint ();
                            bool is_jitting = (meth_id & 0x1) != 0;
                            meth_id >>= 1;
                            stack_info.StackItems.Add (new StackEventInfo.Item (meth_id, is_jitting));
                        events.Add (stack_info);
                        throw new Exception ("unknown 'Other' event code " + generic_code);
                    throw new Exception ("Unexpected event type " + event_type);

            end_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            end_time = raw.ReadTime ();
            if (!raw.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception ("Unexpected data remaining in block");
Beispiel #4
		void AddDirectivesBlock (DirectivesBlock block)
			directives = block;
			UpdateCounterAndTime (block.EndCounter, block.EndTime);
Beispiel #5
 Block DecodeBlock(BlockCode code, uint length, byte[] data)
     switch (code) {
     case BlockCode.Directives:
         directives = new DirectivesBlock (new Buffer (data, length));
         return directives;
     case BlockCode.End:
         return new EndBlock (new Buffer (data, length));
     case BlockCode.Events:
         return new EventsBlock (new Buffer (data, length), directives);
     case BlockCode.Intro:
         return new IntroBlock (new Buffer (data, length));
     case BlockCode.Loaded:
         return new LoadedBlock (new Buffer (data, length), directives);
     case BlockCode.Mapping:
         return new MappingBlock (new Buffer (data, length), directives);
     case BlockCode.Statistical:
         return new StatBlock (new Buffer (data, length));
     case BlockCode.Unloaded:
         return new UnloadedBlock (new Buffer (data, length), directives);
         Console.WriteLine ("Unsupported block code: " + code);
     return null;
Beispiel #6
        internal LoadedBlock(Buffer raw, DirectivesBlock directives)
            : base(BlockCode.Loaded)
            kind = raw.ReadByte ();
            start_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            end_counter = raw.ReadUlong ();
            thread_id = raw.ReadUlong ();
            if (directives.LoadedElementsCarryId)
                id = raw.ReadUint ();
            item_name = raw.ReadString ();

            success = ((kind & (byte)LoadedItemInfo.SUCCESS) != 0);
            kind &= (byte) (LoadedItemInfo.APPDOMAIN|LoadedItemInfo.ASSEMBLY|LoadedItemInfo.MODULE);

            switch ((LoadedItemInfo) kind) {
            case LoadedItemInfo.APPDOMAIN:
                is_appdomain = true;
            case LoadedItemInfo.MODULE:
                is_module = true;
            case LoadedItemInfo.ASSEMBLY:
                is_assembly = true;
                if (directives.ClassesCarryAssemblyId)
                    assembly_info = new AssemblyInfo (raw.ReadString (), raw.ReadUint (), raw.ReadUint (), raw.ReadUint (), raw.ReadUint (), raw.ReadString (), raw.ReadString (), raw.ReadUint () != 0);
                else {
                    int commaPosition = item_name.IndexOf (',');
                    assembly_info = new AssemblyInfo (commaPosition > 0 ? item_name.Substring (0, commaPosition) : "UNKNOWN");
                throw new Exception (String.Format ("unknown load event kind {0}", kind));
            if (!raw.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception ("Unexpected data remaining in block");