static void Main()
            string decorationLine = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth);
            Console.WriteLine("***Selecting all employees and printing their name, department and town***");

            // Without '.Include()' -> 340 SQL statements executed
            Console.WriteLine("---Getting the employees (slow version)---");
            using (TelerikAcademyEntities context = new TelerikAcademyEntities())
                var employees = context.Employees;
                foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} {1}; Department: {2}; Town: {3}",
                        employee.FirstName, employee.LastName, employee.Department.Name, employee.Address.Town.Name);


            // With '.Include()' -> 1 SQL statement executed
            Console.WriteLine("---Getting the employees (fast version)---");
            using (TelerikAcademyEntities context = new TelerikAcademyEntities())
                var employees = context.Employees.Include("Department").Include("Address.Town");
                foreach (var employee in employees)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} {1}; Department: {2}; Town: {3}",
                        employee.FirstName, employee.LastName, employee.Department.Name, employee.Address.Town.Name);
        static void Main()
            string decorationLine = new string('-', Console.WindowWidth);
            Console.WriteLine("***Getting information about the employees from Sofia***");

            // With '.ToList()' many times -> ~1000 SQL statements executed
            Console.WriteLine("---Getting the information (slow version)---");
            using (TelerikAcademyEntities context = new TelerikAcademyEntities())
                var employeesFromSofia = context.Employees.ToList()
                    .Select(e => e.Address).ToList()
                    .Select(a => a.Town).ToList()
                    .Where(t => t.Name == "Sofia");

                Console.WriteLine("The employees from 'Sofia' are: {0}", employeesFromSofia.Count());


            // Without '.ToList()' -> 1 SQL statement executed
            Console.WriteLine("---Getting the information (fast version)---");
            using (TelerikAcademyEntities context = new TelerikAcademyEntities())
                var employeesFromSofia =
                    from employee in context.Employees
                    where employee.Address.Town.Name == "Sofia"
                    select employee;

                foreach (var employee in employeesFromSofia)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", 
                        employee.FirstName, employee.LastName);