//End constructor

        //Creates a SHOW for the selected movie.
        public void createShow(int movieID, DateTime date, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            show = new Show(movieID, date, startTime, endTime); //Instantiate show
            //SQL statement for inserting new data in the table show.
            string DDL = "insert into Show(Movie_ID, Show_Date, Show_StartTime, Show_EndTime) values('" + movieID + "','" + date + "','" + startTime + "','" + endTime + "')";
            OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(DDL, database.getSetCon());
            database.runCommand(command); //Executes the SQL statement.
        //End variables

        public frmSeatController(MetroForm form)
            this.form = form;

            //Start instantiations
            database = new Database(form);
            show = new Show();
            //End instantiations