Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load token from local app data
        /// </summary>
        private UserDataInfo LoadToken()
            string rootPath  = Utils.GetAppTmpPath();
            string targetDir = Path.Combine(rootPath, Config.ProfilesDir);

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LoadToken: not exists directory " + targetDir);
                return(new UserDataInfo());
            string fileDir = Path.Combine(targetDir, Config.TmpDataFileName);

            if (!File.Exists(fileDir))
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LoadToken: not exists file " + fileDir);
                return(new UserDataInfo());
                Stream          stream    = File.Open(fileDir, FileMode.Open);
                BinaryFormatter bformater = new BinaryFormatter();
                UserDataInfo    tokenInfo = (UserDataInfo)bformater.Deserialize(stream);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("LoadToken: can not read user data : " + e.Message);
                return(new UserDataInfo());
Beispiel #2
        private void OnAuthorizedOK(object sender, string cortexToken)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cortexToken))
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Authorize successfully.");

                UserDataInfo tokenInfo = new UserDataInfo();
                tokenInfo.CortexToken   = cortexToken;
                tokenInfo.LastLoginTime = Utils.ISODateTimeToEpocTime(DateTime.Now);
                lock (_locker)
                    tokenInfo.EmotivId = _emotivId;
                    _cortexToken       = cortexToken;
                // save token

                // Save App version

                // get license information
                AuthorizedFailed(this, cortexToken);
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Invalid Token.");
Beispiel #3
        private void OnRefreshTokenOK(object sender, string cortexToken)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("The cortex token is refreshed successfully.");
            // load cortexToken
            UserDataInfo tokenInfo = new UserDataInfo();

            tokenInfo.CortexToken   = cortexToken;
            tokenInfo.LastLoginTime = Utils.ISODateTimeToEpocTime(DateTime.Now);

            lock (_locker)
                tokenInfo.EmotivId = _emotivId;
                _cortexToken       = cortexToken;

            // save token

            // get license information
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Save token to local app data for next using
        /// </summary>
        private void SaveToken(UserDataInfo tokenSavedInfo)
            string rootPath  = Utils.GetAppTmpPath();
            string targetDir = Path.Combine(rootPath, Config.ProfilesDir);

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))
                    // create directory
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("SaveCortexToken: create directory " + targetDir);
                catch (Exception e)
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Can not create directory: " + targetDir + " : failed: " + e.ToString());
                finally {}
            string fileDir = Path.Combine(targetDir, Config.TmpDataFileName);

                using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileDir, FileMode.Create)) {
                    BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                    bformatter.Serialize(fileStream, tokenSavedInfo);
                    // var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tokenSavedInfo);
                    // byte[] dataByte = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(data);
                    // fileStream.Write(dataByte, 0, dataByte.Length);
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Save token successfully.");
            catch (Exception e)
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Can not save token failed: " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle response message.
 /// A response means success message to distinguish from error object
 /// </summary>
 private void HandleResponse(string method, JToken data)
     // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("handleResponse: " + method);
     if (method == "queryHeadsets")
         List <Headset> headsetLists = new List <Headset>();
         foreach (JObject item in data)
             headsetLists.Add(new Headset(item));
         QueryHeadsetOK(this, headsetLists);
     else if (method == "controlDevice")
         string command = (string)data["command"];
         if (command == "connect")
             string message = (string)data["message"];
         else if (command == "disconnect")
             HeadsetDisConnectedOK(this, true);
     else if (method == "getUserLogin")
         JArray       users     = (JArray)data;
         UserDataInfo loginData = new UserDataInfo();
         if (users.Count > 0)
             foreach (JObject user in users)
                 if (user["currentOSUId"].ToString() == user["loggedInOSUId"].ToString())
                     loginData.EmotivId = user["username"].ToString();
                     DateTime lastLoginTime = user.Value <DateTime>("lastLoginTime");
                     loginData.LastLoginTime = Utils.ISODateTimeToEpocTime(lastLoginTime);
         GetUserLoginDone(this, loginData);
     else if (method == "hasAccessRight")
         bool hasAccessRight = (bool)data["accessGranted"];
         HasAccessRightOK(this, hasAccessRight);
     else if (method == "requestAccess")
         bool hasAccessRight = (bool)data["accessGranted"];
         ORequestAccessDone(this, hasAccessRight);
     else if (method == "generateNewToken")
         string cortexToken = data["cortexToken"].ToString();
         RefreshTokenOK(this, cortexToken);
     else if (method == "getLicenseInfo")
         License lic = new License(data["license"]);
         GetLicenseInfoDone(this, lic);
     else if (method == "getUserInformation")
     else if (method == "authorize")
         string token = (string)data["cortexToken"];
         if (data["warning"] != null)
             JObject warning        = (JObject)data["warning"];
             string  warningMessage = warning["message"].ToString();
             UnityEngine.Debug.Log("User has not accepted eula. Please accept EULA on EMOTIV App to proceed.");
             EULANotAccepted(this, warningMessage);
         AuthorizeOK(this, token);
     else if (method == "createSession")
         string  sessionId = (string)data["id"];
         string  status    = (string)data["status"];
         string  appId     = (string)data["appId"];
         JObject headset   = (JObject)data["headset"];
         string  headsetId = headset["id"].ToString();
         CreateSessionOK(this, new SessionEventArgs(sessionId, status, appId, headsetId));
     else if (method == "updateSession")
         string  sessionId = (string)data["id"];
         string  status    = (string)data["status"];
         string  appId     = (string)data["appId"];
         JObject headset   = (JObject)data["headset"];
         string  headsetId = headset["id"].ToString();
         UpdateSessionOK(this, new SessionEventArgs(sessionId, status, appId, headsetId));
     else if (method == "createRecord")
         Record record = new Record((JObject)data["record"]);
         CreateRecordOK(this, record);
     else if (method == "stopRecord")
         Record record = new Record((JObject)data["record"]);
         StopRecordOK(this, record);
     else if (method == "updateRecord")
         Record record = new Record((JObject)data);
         UpdateRecordOK(this, record);
     else if (method == "queryRecords")
         int           count       = (int)data["count"];
         JArray        records     = (JArray)data["records"];
         List <Record> recordLists = new List <Record>();
         foreach (JObject ele in records)
             recordLists.Add(new Record(ele));
         QueryRecordsDone(this, recordLists);
     else if (method == "deleteRecord")
         JArray successList = (JArray)data["success"];
         JArray failList    = (JArray)data["failure"];
         DeleteRecordsDone(this, new MultipleResultEventArgs(successList, failList));
     else if (method == "unsubscribe")
         JArray successList = (JArray)data["success"];
         JArray failList    = (JArray)data["failure"];
         UnSubscribeDataDone(this, new MultipleResultEventArgs(successList, failList));
     else if (method == "subscribe")
         // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("################subscribe: ");
         JArray successList = (JArray)data["success"];
         JArray failList    = (JArray)data["failure"];
         SubscribeDataDone(this, new MultipleResultEventArgs(successList, failList));
     else if (method == "injectMarker")
         JObject marker = (JObject)data["marker"];
         InjectMarkerOK(this, marker);
     else if (method == "updateMarker")
         JObject marker = (JObject)data["marker"];
         UpdateMarkerOK(this, marker);
     else if (method == "getDetectionInfo")
         GetDetectionInfoDone(this, (JObject)data);
     else if (method == "getCurrentProfile")
         if (data["name"] == null)
             GetCurrentProfileDone(this, "");
             GetCurrentProfileDone(this, (string)data["name"]);
     else if (method == "setupProfile")
         string action      = (string)data["action"];
         string profileName = (string)data["name"];
         if (action == "create")
             CreateProfileOK(this, profileName);
         else if (action == "load")
             LoadProfileOK(this, profileName);
         else if (action == "save")
             SaveProfileOK(this, profileName);
         else if (action == "unload")
             UnloadProfileDone(this, true);
         else if (action == "rename")
             RenameProfileOK(this, profileName);
         else if (action == "delete")
             DeleteProfileOK(this, profileName);
     else if (method == "queryProfile")
         QueryProfileOK(this, (JArray)data);
     else if (method == "training")
         TrainingOK(this, (JObject)data);
     else if (method == "getTrainingTime")
         GetTrainingTimeDone(this, (double)data["time"]);
Beispiel #6
        private void OnGetUserLoginDone(object sender, UserDataInfo loginData)
            // if emotivId is not empty -> has login user
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(loginData.EmotivId))
                // stop timer
                if (_waitUserLoginTimer != null && _waitUserLoginTimer.Enabled)

                // save emotivId
                lock (_locker) _emotivId = loginData.EmotivId;

                double lastLoginTime = loginData.LastLoginTime;
                // notify change sate
                ConnectServiceStateChanged(this, ConnectToCortexStates.Authorizing);

                // If app version different saved app version
                if (!Utils.IsSameAppVersion(Config.AppVersion))
                    // re authorize again
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("There are new version of App. Need to re-authorize.");
                // load cortexToken
                UserDataInfo tokenInfo     = LoadToken();
                string       savedEmotivId = tokenInfo.EmotivId;
                double       savedTime     = tokenInfo.LastLoginTime;

                // Re-Authorize if saved emotivId different logged in emotivId
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(savedEmotivId) ||
                    savedEmotivId != loginData.EmotivId)
                    // re authorize again
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("There are new logging user. Need to re-authorize.");
                if (lastLoginTime >= savedTime)
                    UnityEngine.Debug.Log("User has just re-logined. Need to re-authorize.");

                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Refresh token for next using.");
                // genereate new token
                bool checkEmotivAppRequire = true; // require to check emotiv apps installed or not
                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                checkEmotivAppRequire = false;
                // check EmotivApp has installed
                if (Utils.CheckEmotivAppInstalled(Config.EmotivAppsPath, checkEmotivAppRequire))
                    ConnectServiceStateChanged(this, ConnectToCortexStates.Login_notYet);
                    // EMOTIVApp not found
                    ConnectServiceStateChanged(this, ConnectToCortexStates.EmotivApp_NotFound);
                // start waiting user login

                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("You must login via EMOTIV App before working with Cortex");