Beispiel #1
 public EmonicInterpreter.threadData GetThreads(bool execute)
     if (execute)
         EmonicInterpreter.threadList.Clear();                 // remove all previous elements from the list
         EmonicLineInterpreter.AddCmd("show threads");
     EmonicInterpreter.threadData td = EmonicInterpreter.GetNextThreadLine();
Beispiel #2
            protected override object DoExecute(ScriptingContext context)
                int current_id = -1;

                if (context.Interpreter.HasCurrentThread)
                    current_id = context.Interpreter.CurrentThread.ID;

                bool printed_something = false;

                Process[] processes = context.Interpreter.Processes;
                for (int i = 0; i < processes.Length; i++)
                    context.Print("Process {0}:",

                    Mono.Debugger.Thread[] threads = processes[i].GetThreads();
                    for (int j = 0; j < threads.Length; j++)
                        string prefix = threads[j].ID == current_id ? "(*)" : "   ";
                        context.Print("{0} {1} ({2}:{3:x}) {4}", prefix, threads[j],
                                      threads[j].PID, threads[j].TID, threads[j].State);
                        printed_something = true;

                        EmonicInterpreter.threadData td = new EmonicInterpreter.threadData();
                        td.processNumber  = processes[i].ID;
                        td.PID            = processes[i].MainThread.PID;
                        td.processCmdLine = context.Interpreter.PrintCommandLineArgs(processes[i]);
                        td.threadNumber   = threads[j].ID;
                        if ((threads[j].ThreadFlags & Mono.Debugger.Thread.Flags.Daemon) != 0)
                            td.daemonThread = true;
                            td.daemonThread = false;
                        td.threadState   = threads[j].State != Mono.Debugger.TargetState.Stopped;
                        td.currentThread = threads[j].ID == current_id;
                        td.TID           = threads[j].PID;               // we take the PID of the thread here, not really the TID
                        td.moreData      = j + 1 < threads.Length || i + 1 < processes.Length;


                if (!printed_something)
                    context.Print("No target.");

                    // generate an invalid response
                    EmonicInterpreter.threadData td = new EmonicInterpreter.threadData();
                    td.processNumber  = -1;
                    td.PID            = -1;
                    td.processCmdLine = "";
                    td.threadNumber   = -1;
                    td.daemonThread   = false;
                    td.threadState    = false;
                    td.currentThread  = false;
                    td.TID            = -1;
                    td.moreData       = false;
Beispiel #3
            protected override object DoExecute(ScriptingContext context)
                int current_id = -1;
                if (context.Interpreter.HasCurrentThread)
                    current_id = context.Interpreter.CurrentThread.ID;

                bool printed_something = false;
                Process[] processes = context.Interpreter.Processes;
                for (int i=0; i<processes.Length; i++) {
                    context.Print ("Process {0}:",
                                   context.Interpreter.PrintProcess (processes[i]));

                    Mono.Debugger.Thread[] threads = processes[i].GetThreads();
                    for (int j=0; j<threads.Length; j++) {
                        string prefix = threads[j].ID == current_id ? "(*)" : "   ";
                        context.Print ("{0} {1} ({2}:{3:x}) {4}", prefix, threads[j],
                                       threads[j].PID, threads[j].TID, threads[j].State);
                        printed_something = true;

                        EmonicInterpreter.threadData td = new EmonicInterpreter.threadData();
                        td.processNumber = processes[i].ID;
                        td.PID = processes[i].MainThread.PID;
                        td.processCmdLine = context.Interpreter.PrintCommandLineArgs(processes[i]);
                        td.threadNumber = threads[j].ID;
                        if ((threads[j].ThreadFlags & Mono.Debugger.Thread.Flags.Daemon) != 0)
                            td.daemonThread = true;
                            td.daemonThread = false;
                        td.threadState = threads[j].State != Mono.Debugger.TargetState.Stopped;
                        td.currentThread = threads[j].ID == current_id;
                        td.TID = threads[j].PID; // we take the PID of the thread here, not really the TID
                        td.moreData = j+1<threads.Length || i+1<processes.Length;


                if (!printed_something) {
                    context.Print ("No target.");

                    // generate an invalid response
                    EmonicInterpreter.threadData td = new EmonicInterpreter.threadData();
                    td.processNumber = -1;
                    td.PID = -1;
                    td.processCmdLine = "";
                    td.threadNumber = -1;
                    td.daemonThread = false;
                    td.threadState = false;
                    td.currentThread = false;
                    td.TID = -1;
                    td.moreData = false;
                return null;