GetExteriorAngleDegree() public method

Get the exterior angle between this line and otherLine
public GetExteriorAngleDegree ( LineSegment2DF otherLine ) : double
otherLine LineSegment2DF The other line
return double
        private void AddToFlowVectorImage(Image<Bgr, byte> flowVectorImage, LineSegment2DF flowVector)
            var bgr = new HsvToBgrConverter(flowVector.GetExteriorAngleDegree(UnitVectorOfX), 1, 1).Convert();

            flowVectorImage.Draw(flowVector, bgr, 1);
Beispiel #2
 public void TestLine()
     PointF p1 = new PointF(0, 0);
      PointF p2 = new PointF(1, 0);
      PointF p3 = new PointF(0, 1);
      LineSegment2DF l1 = new LineSegment2DF(p1, p2);
      LineSegment2DF l2 = new LineSegment2DF(p1, p3);
      double angle = l1.GetExteriorAngleDegree(l2);
      Assert.AreEqual(angle, 90.0);
Beispiel #3
        public static Transformation ApplyRansac(Dictionary<PointF, PointF> c, int nbMaxIteration = 200, int nbSuffisantInliers = 10000)
            int nbTentative = 0;
            int maxInliers = 0;
            var best = new Transformation();

            var matchs = new Dictionary<PointF, PointF>();
            int nbMatch = c.Count;
            int nbCombi = (nbMatch * nbMatch - 1) / 2;
            int nbMin = Math.Min(nbCombi, nbMaxIteration);

            var tirages = new List<Point>();

            if (nbCombi < 200000)
                for (int i = 0; i < nbMatch; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nbMatch; j++)
                        if (i > j)
                            tirages.Add(new Point(i, j));
                var rand = new Random();
                while (tirages.Count < 1000)
                    var rand1 = rand.Next(nbMatch);
                    var rand2 = rand.Next(nbMatch);
                    var randCoord = new Point(rand1, rand2);
                    if (!tirages.Contains(randCoord))

            while (nbTentative < nbMin)
                var nbInliers = 0;

                var rand = new Random();
                int rando = rand.Next(tirages.Count);
                int rand1 = tirages[rando].X;
                int rand2 = tirages[rando].Y;
                PointF p1 = c.Keys.ElementAt(rand1);
                PointF p2 = c.Keys.ElementAt(rand2);
                var lineFromSource = new LineSegment2DF(p1, p2);
                var lineFromPattern = new LineSegment2DF(c[p1], c[p2]);

                if (lineFromPattern.Length < 5 || lineFromSource.Length < 5)

                matchs.Add(p1, c[p1]);
                matchs.Add(p2, c[p2]);

                float translationX = lineFromSource.P1.X - lineFromPattern.P1.X;
                float translationY = lineFromSource.P1.Y - lineFromPattern.P1.Y;
                double scale = lineFromSource.Length / lineFromPattern.Length;

                if (scale > 4 || scale < 0.2)

                double rotation = lineFromSource.GetExteriorAngleDegree(lineFromPattern);

                var matRot = new Matrix<float>(2, 3);
                CvInvoke.cv2DRotationMatrix(lineFromPattern.P1, rotation, scale, matRot.Ptr);

                for (int i = 0; i < nbMatch; i++)
                    if (i == rand1 || i == rand2)

                    bool skip = false;
                    foreach (var match in matchs.Keys)
                        var distValid1 = new LineSegment2DF(match, c.Keys.ElementAt(i));
                        var distValid2 = new LineSegment2DF(c[match], c[c.Keys.ElementAt(i)]);

                        if (distValid1.Length < 5 || distValid2.Length < 5)
                            skip = true;

                    if (skip)

                    PointF pi = c.Keys.ElementAt(i);
                    var point1 = new Matrix<float>(3, 1)
                        [0, 0] = pi.X,