Beispiel #1
        public BaseSearchModel GetResultsFullTextSearch(SearchFilters filters, GridDescriptor request, IMaterialsContextUow context)
            BaseSearchModel model = new BaseSearchModel();
            IQueryable <SampleMaterialModel> resultMat = null;

            int    cnt;
            var    commandText       = "SELECT ID FROM [fn_FullTextSearch] ({0},{1});";
            string cleanSearchString = RemoveCharacters(filters.filter);
            string searchStringWS    = RemoveCharactersWS(filters.filter);

            var         parameters = new object[] { searchStringWS, cleanSearchString };
            IList <int> results    = context.FullTextSearch.SqlQuery <int>(commandText, parameters).ToList();

            resultMat = context.FullTextSearch.GetMaterialsByFullTextSearch(false, filters.filter).Select(m => new SampleMaterialModel()
                Id = m.Id, Name = m.material_designation, TypeName = m.material_type, TypeId = m.type_ID, GroupName = m.material_group, GroupId = m.group_ID, ClassName = m.material_class, ClassId = m.class_ID, SubClassName = m.material_subClass, SubClassId = m.subClass_ID, UNS = m.UNS, CAS_RN = m.CAS_RN

            HttpContext.Current.Session["ClassificationRecordsCount"] = results;
            cnt = results.Count;
            model.ListOfMaterials = PagerSearch <SampleMaterialModel>(request.Pager, resultMat, cnt).ToList();

            model.Descriptor      = request;
            model.Filter          = new SearchResultsCondition();
            model.Filter.FullText = filters.filter;

Beispiel #2
        public BaseSearchModel GetResults(SearchFilters filters, GridDescriptor request, IMaterialsContextUow context, string classificationIds, AdvSearchFiltersAll advFilters)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(classificationIds) && HttpContext.Current.Session["ClassificationIds"] != "")
                classificationIds = (string)HttpContext.Current.Session["ClassificationIds"];

            BaseSearchModel model = new BaseSearchModel();

            if (filters.filter == null)
                filters.filter = "";

            IEnumerable <FullTextSearch>   results           = null;
            IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> taxonomyResults   = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
            IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> taxonomyResultsL1 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
            IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> taxonomyResultsL2 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
            IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> taxonomyResultsL3 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
            IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> taxonomyResultsL4 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
            IEnumerable <int> taxonomyResultIds = new List <int>();
            IList <int>       typeIds           = new List <int>();
            IList <int>       classIds          = new List <int>();
            IList <int>       subclassIds       = new List <int>();
            IList <int>       groupIds          = new List <int>();

            IList <int> resultIds = null;

            if (filters.filter != "")
                results   = context.FullTextSearch.GetMaterialsByFullTextSearch(false, filters.filter);
                resultIds = context.FullTextSearch.GetMaterialsIdsByFullTextSearch(filters.filter).ToList();
                if ((filters.FromBrowse && filters.ClasificationId != 0))
                    taxonomyResults = context.MaterialTaxonomyAll.AllAsNoTracking;
                    results         = context.FullTextSearch.AllAsNoTracking;
                    //resultIds = context.FullTextSearch.AllAsNoTracking.Select(c => c.Id).ToList();
                    resultIds = null;
                    results   = new HashSet <FullTextSearch>();
                    resultIds = null;

            IList <string> allIds = new List <string>();
            IList <int>    classificationSelection = new List <int>();

            if (classificationIds != null && classificationIds.Length > 0)
                allIds = classificationIds.Split(',').ToList();

                typeIds     = new List <int>();
                classIds    = new List <int>();
                subclassIds = new List <int>();
                groupIds    = new List <int>();
                IList <int> propIds = new List <int>();

                foreach (var item in allIds)
                    if (item.Contains("TYPE"))
                        typeIds.Add(Int32.Parse(item.Replace("TYPE_", "")));
                    if (item.Contains("SUBCLASS"))
                        classIds.Add(Int32.Parse(item.Replace("SUBCLASS_", "")));
                    if (item.Contains("CLASS") && !item.Contains("SUBCLASS"))
                        groupIds.Add(Int32.Parse(item.Replace("CLASS_", "")));
                    if (item.Contains("GROUP"))
                        subclassIds.Add(Int32.Parse(item.Replace("GROUP_", "")));
                    if (item.Contains("PROPERTY"))
                        propIds.Add(Int32.Parse(item.Replace("PROPERTY_", "")));

                 * Idem u bazu u MaterialTaxonomy i tamo za materijale koje imam u resultsu radim where po kriterijumima za classificationIds
                 * i to sto dobijem radim INTERSECT sa results od gore, a ovaj results ispod komentarisem
                taxonomyResults   = context.MaterialTaxonomyAll.AllAsNoTracking.Where(t => resultIds.Contains(t.ID));
                taxonomyResultsL1 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
                taxonomyResultsL2 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
                taxonomyResultsL3 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
                taxonomyResultsL4 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();

                taxonomyResultIds = new List <int>();
                if (typeIds.Count > 0)
                    taxonomyResultsL1 = taxonomyResults.Where(l1 => l1.Level1 != null && typeIds.Contains((int)l1.Level1));

                if (groupIds.Count > 0)
                    taxonomyResultsL2 = taxonomyResults.Where(l2 => l2.Level2 != null && groupIds.Contains((int)l2.Level2));

                if (classIds.Count > 0)
                    taxonomyResultsL3 = taxonomyResults.Where(l3 => l3.Level3 != null && classIds.Contains((int)l3.Level3));

                if (subclassIds.Count > 0)
                    taxonomyResultsL4 = taxonomyResults.Where(l4 => l4.Level4 != null && subclassIds.Contains((int)l4.Level4));

                taxonomyResultIds = taxonomyResultsL1.Select(i1 => i1.ID).ToList()
                                    .Union(taxonomyResultsL2.Select(i2 => i2.ID).ToList())
                                    .Union(taxonomyResultsL3.Select(i3 => i3.ID).ToList())
                                    .Union(taxonomyResultsL4.Select(i4 => i4.ID).ToList());

                IList <int> intersectIds = resultIds.Intersect(taxonomyResultIds).Distinct().ToList();
                results = results.Where(r => intersectIds.Contains(r.Id));

                //results = results.Where(m => (typeIds.Count > 0 && m.type_ID != null && typeIds.Contains((int)m.type_ID))
                //    || (classIds.Count > 0 && m.class_ID != null && classIds.Contains((int)m.class_ID))
                //    || (groupIds.Count > 0 && m.group_ID != null && groupIds.Contains((int)m.group_ID))
                //    || (subclassIds.Count > 0 && m.subClass_ID != null && subclassIds.Contains((int)m.subClass_ID))
                //    );

                if (propIds.Count > 0)
                    results = results.Where(r => r.prop_IDs != null && CheckIDs(r.prop_IDs, propIds));

                classificationSelection = typeIds.Concat(classIds).Concat(groupIds).Concat(subclassIds).Concat(propIds).ToList();
                resultIds = null;
            if (filters.FromBrowse)
                if (filters.ClasificationId != 0)
                    switch (filters.ClasificationTypeId)
                    case 1:
                        results         = results.Where(m => m.type_ID == filters.ClasificationId);
                        taxonomyResults = taxonomyResults.Where(m => m.Level1 == filters.ClasificationId);

                    case 2:
                        results         = results.Where(m => m.group_ID == filters.ClasificationId);
                        taxonomyResults = taxonomyResults.Where(m => m.Level2 == filters.ClasificationId);

                    case 3:
                        results         = results.Where(m => m.class_ID == filters.ClasificationId);
                        taxonomyResults = taxonomyResults.Where(m => m.Level3 == filters.ClasificationId);

                    case 4:
                        results         = results.Where(m => m.subClass_ID == filters.ClasificationId);
                        taxonomyResults = taxonomyResults.Where(m => m.Level4 == filters.ClasificationId);


                    resultIds = null;

            HttpContext.Current.Session["ClassificationSelection"] = classificationSelection;

            //  Inlude source filters
            if (filters.Source != null && filters.Source != "")
                int sourceId;
                int?sourceDatabookId = null;

                if (filters.Source != "0")
                    IList <string> allSourceIds = filters.Source.Split(',').ToList();
                    if (allSourceIds.Count > 1)
                        sourceId         = allSourceIds[0] != "" ? int.Parse(allSourceIds[0]) : 0;
                        sourceDatabookId = allSourceIds[1] != "" ? int.Parse(allSourceIds[1]) : 0;
                        sourceId = allSourceIds[0] != "" ? int.Parse(allSourceIds[0]) : 0;
                    sourceId         = 0;
                    sourceDatabookId = null;

                if (sourceId != 0)
                    results   = results.Where(m => m.source_IDs != null && m.source_IDs.Contains(string.Concat(",", sourceId.ToString(), ",")));
                    resultIds = null;

                if (sourceDatabookId != null && sourceDatabookId != 0)
                    results   = results.Where(m => m.databook_IDs != null && m.databook_IDs.Contains(string.Concat(",", sourceDatabookId.ToString(), ",")));
                    resultIds = null;

            //// Inlude column filters
            SearchFilterColumnsAll columnFilters = (SearchFilterColumnsAll)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SearchFilterColumnsAll"];

            if (columnFilters != null)
                foreach (SearchFilterColumns f in columnFilters.AllFilters.Where(c => c.Filter != null && c.Filter.Trim() != ""))
                    string oneFilter = f.Filter.Trim().ToUpper();
                    if (f.Name == "Material Name")
                        results   = results.Where(m => m.material_designation != null && m.material_designation.ToUpper().Contains(oneFilter));
                        resultIds = null;
                    else if (f.Name == "Type")
                        results   = results.Where(m => m.material_type != null && m.material_type.ToUpper().Contains(oneFilter));
                        resultIds = null;
                    else if (f.Name == "Class")
                        results   = results.Where(m => m.material_group != null && m.material_group.ToUpper().Contains(oneFilter));
                        resultIds = null;
                    else if (f.Name == "Subclass")
                        results   = results.Where(m => m.material_class != null && m.material_class.ToUpper().Contains(oneFilter));
                        resultIds = null;
                    else if (f.Name == "Group")
                        results   = results.Where(m => m.material_subClass != null && m.material_subClass.ToUpper().Contains(oneFilter));
                        resultIds = null;
                    else if (f.Name == "UNS No.")
                        results   = results.Where(m => m.UNS != null && m.UNS.ToUpper().Contains(oneFilter));
                        resultIds = null;
                    else if (f.Name == "CAS RN")
                        results   = results.Where(m => m.CAS_RN != null && m.CAS_RN.ToUpper().Contains(oneFilter));
                        resultIds = null;

            /*adv search*/

            if (advFilters != null && advFilters.AllFilters != null && advFilters.AllFilters.Count > 0)
                string sessionId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["TotalMateriaSession"].ToString();
                IQueryable <EquivalentProperty> propIds = context.EquivalentProperties.AllAsNoTracking;
                IQueryable <EquivalentMaterial> matIds  = context.EquivalentMaterials.AllAsNoTracking;

                IEnumerable <int> materialIds = context.AdvSearchResults.GetMaterialsByAdvancedSearch(false, advFilters, sessionId, propIds, matIds);

                IEnumerable <int> matVisibleIds = results.Select(n => n.Id);
                materialIds = materialIds.Where(n => matVisibleIds.Contains(n));
                IEnumerable <int> resTM = context.FullTextSearch.GetMaterialsByMaterialIds(materialIds).Select(n => n.Id);

                results   = results.Where(n => resTM.Contains(n.Id));
                resultIds = null;

            // Eval query and prepare final results
            if (filters.FromBrowse)
                // From taxonomy table
                IList <int> tmpList = null;

                if (resultIds == null)
                    tmpList = taxonomyResults.Select(m => m.ID).Distinct().ToList();
                    tmpList = resultIds.Distinct().ToList();

                HttpContext.Current.Session["ClassificationRecordsCount"] = tmpList;

                if (request.Sort.PropertyName == "Name")
                    IList <SampleMaterialModel> retListTemp = taxonomyResults
                                                              .OrderBy(l => l.ID)
                                                              .ThenBy(l1 => l1.Level1Name)
                                                              .ThenByDescending(l4 => l4.Level4Name)
                                                              .ThenByDescending(l3 => l3.Level3Name)
                                                              .ThenByDescending(l2 => l2.Level2Name)
                                                              .Select(m => new SampleMaterialModel()
                        Id           = m.ID,
                        Name         = m.MaterialName,
                        TypeName     = m.Level1Name,
                        GroupName    = m.Level2Name,
                        ClassName    = m.Level3Name,
                        SubClassName = m.Level4Name,
                        UNS          = null,
                        CAS_RN       = null

                    IList <SampleMaterialModel> retList = new List <SampleMaterialModel>();
                    foreach (int matId in tmpList)
                        SampleMaterialModel mResult = retListTemp.Where(r => r.Id == matId).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (mResult != null)
                            retList.Add(new SampleMaterialModel()
                                Id           = mResult.Id,
                                Name         = mResult.Name,
                                TypeName     = mResult.TypeName,
                                GroupName    = mResult.GroupName,
                                ClassName    = mResult.ClassName,
                                SubClassName = mResult.SubClassName

                    model.ListOfMaterials = PagerSearch <SampleMaterialModel>(request.Pager, retList.AsQueryable(), tmpList.Count).ToList();
                    model.ListOfMaterials = taxonomyResults.AsQueryable().Slice(request).Select(m => new SampleMaterialModel()
                        Id           = m.ID,
                        Name         = m.MaterialName,
                        TypeName     = m.Level1Name,
                        GroupName    = m.Level2Name,
                        ClassName    = m.Level3Name,
                        SubClassName = m.Level4Name,
                        UNS          = null,
                        CAS_RN       = null
                IList <int> tmpList = null;
                if (resultIds == null)
                    tmpList = results.Select(m => m.Id).ToList();
                    tmpList = resultIds;
                HttpContext.Current.Session["ClassificationRecordsCount"] = tmpList;

                if (request.Sort.PropertyName == "Name")
                    // If search is not "by taxonomy' use FullTextSearch, else use materialTaxonomy table
                    if (typeIds.Count() == 0 && groupIds.Count() == 0 && classIds.Count == 0 && subclassIds.Count() == 0)
                        IQueryable <SampleMaterialModel> retList = results.Select(m => new SampleMaterialModel()
                            Id           = m.Id,
                            Name         = m.material_designation,
                            TypeName     = m.material_type,
                            GroupName    = m.material_group,
                            ClassName    = m.material_class,
                            SubClassName = m.material_subClass,
                            UNS          = m.UNS,
                            CAS_RN       = m.CAS_RN

                        model.ListOfMaterials = PagerSearch <SampleMaterialModel>(request.Pager, retList, tmpList.Count).ToList();
                        IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> tr  = context.MaterialTaxonomyAll.AllAsNoTracking;
                        IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> tr1 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
                        IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> tr2 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
                        IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> tr3 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
                        IEnumerable <MaterialTaxonomy> tr4 = new List <MaterialTaxonomy>();
                        if (typeIds.Count > 0)
                            tr1 = tr.Where(l1 => l1.Level1 != null && typeIds.Contains((int)l1.Level1));
                        if (groupIds.Count > 0)
                            tr2 = tr.Where(l2 => l2.Level2 != null && groupIds.Contains((int)l2.Level2));
                        if (classIds.Count > 0)
                            tr3 = tr.Where(l3 => l3.Level3 != null && classIds.Contains((int)l3.Level3));
                        if (subclassIds.Count > 0)
                            tr4 = tr.Where(l4 => l4.Level4 != null && subclassIds.Contains((int)l4.Level4));

                        IList <Tuple <int, string, string, string, string, string> > trs = tr1.Select(i1 => new Tuple <int, string, string, string, string, string>(i1.ID, i1.MaterialName, i1.Level1Name, i1.Level2Name, i1.Level3Name, i1.Level4Name))
                                                                                           .Union(tr2.Select(i2 => new Tuple <int, string, string, string, string, string>(i2.ID, i2.MaterialName, i2.Level1Name, i2.Level2Name, i2.Level3Name, i2.Level4Name)))
                                                                                           .Union(tr3.Select(i3 => new Tuple <int, string, string, string, string, string>(i3.ID, i3.MaterialName, i3.Level1Name, i3.Level2Name, i3.Level3Name, i3.Level4Name)))
                                                                                           .Union(tr4.Select(i4 => new Tuple <int, string, string, string, string, string>(i4.ID, i4.MaterialName, i4.Level1Name, i4.Level2Name, i4.Level3Name, i4.Level4Name)))

                        IList <SampleMaterialModel> retListTemp = trs
                                                                  .OrderBy(l => l.Item1)
                                                                  .ThenBy(l1 => l1.Item3)
                                                                  .ThenByDescending(l4 => l4.Item6)
                                                                  .ThenByDescending(l3 => l3.Item5)
                                                                  .ThenByDescending(l2 => l2.Item4)
                                                                  .Select(m => new SampleMaterialModel()
                            Id           = m.Item1,
                            Name         = m.Item2,
                            TypeName     = m.Item3,
                            GroupName    = m.Item4,
                            ClassName    = m.Item5,
                            SubClassName = m.Item6,
                            UNS          = null,
                            CAS_RN       = null

                        IList <SampleMaterialModel> retList = new List <SampleMaterialModel>();
                        foreach (int matId in tmpList)
                            SampleMaterialModel mResult = retListTemp.Where(r => r.Id == matId).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (mResult != null)
                                retList.Add(new SampleMaterialModel()
                                    Id           = mResult.Id,
                                    Name         = mResult.Name,
                                    TypeName     = mResult.TypeName,
                                    GroupName    = mResult.GroupName,
                                    ClassName    = mResult.ClassName,
                                    SubClassName = mResult.SubClassName

                        model.ListOfMaterials = PagerSearch <SampleMaterialModel>(request.Pager, retList.AsQueryable(), tmpList.Count).ToList();
                    model.ListOfMaterials = results.AsQueryable().Slice(request).Select(m => new SampleMaterialModel()
                        Id           = m.Id,
                        Name         = m.material_designation,
                        TypeName     = m.material_type,
                        GroupName    = m.material_group,
                        ClassName    = m.material_class,
                        SubClassName = m.material_subClass,
                        UNS          = m.UNS,
                        CAS_RN       = m.CAS_RN

            model.Descriptor = request;

            model.Filter          = new SearchResultsCondition();
            model.Filter.FullText = filters.filter;
            if (classificationSelection.Count > 0)
                HttpContext.Current.Session["NodeNames"] = context.Trees.GetTreeNodesNames(classificationSelection);
                HttpContext.Current.Session["NodeNames"] = new Dictionary <int, string>();