Beispiel #1
        public static HistoryList LoadHistory(EDJournalClass journalmonitor, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress,
                                              string NetLogPath       = null,
                                              bool ForceNetLogReload  = false,
                                              bool ForceJournalReload = false,
                                              int CurrentCommander    = Int32.MinValue,
                                              bool Keepuievents       = true)
            HistoryList hist = new HistoryList();
            EDCommander cmdr = null;

            if (CurrentCommander >= 0)
                cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(CurrentCommander);
                journalmonitor.ParseJournalFiles(() => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), forceReload: ForceJournalReload);   // Parse files stop monitor..

                if (NetLogPath != null)
                    string errstr = null;
                    NetLogClass.ParseFiles(NetLogPath, out errstr, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.DefaultMapColour, () => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), ForceNetLogReload, currentcmdrid: CurrentCommander);

            reportProgress(-1, "Resolving systems");

            List <JournalEntry> jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander).OrderBy(x => x.EventTimeUTC).ThenBy(x => x.Id).ToList();

            List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> > jlistUpdated = new List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> >();

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
                HistoryEntry prev  = null;
                JournalEntry jprev = null;

                foreach (JournalEntry je in jlist)
                    if (MergeEntries(jprev, je))                                                                             // if we merge.. we may have updated info, so reprint.
                        jprev.FillInformation(out prev.EventSummary, out prev.EventDescription, out prev.EventDetailedInfo); // need to keep this up to date..

                    if (je.IsUIEvent && !Keepuievents)              // filter out any UI events
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Filter out " + je.EventTypeStr + " on " + je.EventTimeLocal.ToString());

                    bool         journalupdate = false;
                    HistoryEntry he            = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, prev, out journalupdate, conn, cmdr);

                    prev  = he;
                    jprev = je;


                    if (journalupdate)
                        jlistUpdated.Add(new Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry>(je, he));
                        Debug.WriteLine("Queued update requested {0} {1}", he.System.EDSMID, he.System.Name);

            if (jlistUpdated.Count > 0)
                reportProgress(-1, "Updating journal entries");

                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> jehe in jlistUpdated)
                            JournalEntry je = jehe.Item1;
                            HistoryEntry he = jehe.Item2;

                            double dist        = (je is JournalFSDJump) ? (je as JournalFSDJump).JumpDist : 0;
                            bool   updatecoord = (je is JournalLocOrJump) ? (!(je as JournalLocOrJump).HasCoordinate && he.System.HasCoordinate) : false;

                            Debug.WriteLine("Push update {0} {1} to JE {2} HE {3}", he.System.EDSMID, he.System.Name, je.Id, he.Indexno);
                            JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(je.Id, he.System, updatecoord, dist, conn, txn);


            // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database

            hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander;

            hist.ProcessUserHistoryListEntries(h => h.ToList());      // here, we update the DBs in HistoryEntry and any global DBs in historylist

Beispiel #2
        public static HistoryList LoadHistory(EDJournalClass journalmonitor, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress, string NetLogPath = null, bool ForceNetLogReload = false, bool ForceJournalReload = false, bool CheckEdsm = false, int CurrentCommander = Int32.MinValue)
            HistoryList hist = new HistoryList();
            EDCommander cmdr = null;

            if (CurrentCommander >= 0)
                cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(CurrentCommander);
                journalmonitor.ParseJournalFiles(() => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), forceReload: ForceJournalReload);   // Parse files stop monitor..

                if (NetLogPath != null)
                    string errstr = null;
                    NetLogClass.ParseFiles(NetLogPath, out errstr, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.DefaultMapColour, () => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), ForceNetLogReload, currentcmdrid: CurrentCommander);

            reportProgress(-1, "Resolving systems");

            List <JournalEntry> jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander).OrderBy(x => x.EventTimeUTC).ThenBy(x => x.Id).ToList();
            List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> > jlistUpdated = new List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> >();

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
                HistoryEntry prev = null;
                foreach (JournalEntry inje in jlist)
                    foreach (JournalEntry je in hist.ProcessJournalEntry(inje))
                        bool         journalupdate = false;
                        HistoryEntry he            = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, prev, CheckEdsm, out journalupdate, conn, cmdr);

                        prev = he;


                        if (journalupdate)
                            jlistUpdated.Add(new Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry>(je, he));

            if (jlistUpdated.Count > 0)
                reportProgress(-1, "Updating journal entries");

                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> jehe in jlistUpdated)
                            JournalEntry   je   = jehe.Item1;
                            HistoryEntry   he   = jehe.Item2;
                            JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump;
                            if (jfsd != null)
                                JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(jfsd.Id, he.System, !jfsd.HasCoordinate && he.System.HasCoordinate, jfsd.JumpDist, conn, txn);


            // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database

            hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander;

            hist.ProcessUserHistoryListEntries(h => h.ToList());      // here, we update the DBs in HistoryEntry and any global DBs in historylist

            hist.SendEDSMStatusInfo(hist.GetLast, true);

Beispiel #3
        private JournalReaderEntry ProcessLine(string line, bool resetOnError)
            int cmdrid = -2;        //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown

            if (TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value;
                // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU says commander {0} at {1}", cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Name));

            if (line.Length == 0)

            JObject      jo = null;
            JournalEntry je = null;

                jo = JObject.Parse(line);
                je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(jo);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}");

                if (resetOnError)

            if (je == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}");

            bool toosoon = false;

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Fileheader)
                JournalEvents.JournalFileheader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileheader)je;

                if ((header.Beta && !EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.DisableBetaCommanderCheck) || EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.ForceBetaOnCommander) // if beta, and not disabled, or force beta
                    TravelLogUnit.type |= 0x8000;

                if (header.Part > 1)
                    JournalEvents.JournalContinued contd = JournalEntry.GetLast <JournalEvents.JournalContinued>(je.EventTimeUTC.AddSeconds(1), e => e.Part == header.Part);

                    // Carry commander over from previous log if it ends with a Continued event.
                    if (contd != null && Math.Abs(header.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(contd.EventTimeUTC).TotalSeconds) < 5 && contd.CommanderId >= 0)
                        TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = contd.CommanderId;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame)
                string newname = (je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame).LoadGameCommander;

                if ((TravelLogUnit.type & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
                    newname = "[BETA] " + newname;

                EDCommander commander = EDCommander.GetCommander(newname);

                if (commander == null)
                    commander = EDCommander.GetListCommanders().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders == 1 && commander != null && commander.Name == "Jameson (Default)")
                        commander.Name     = newname;
                        commander.EdsmName = newname;
                        EDCommander.Update(new List <EDCommander> {
                        }, false);
                        commander = EDCommander.Create(newname, null, EDJournalClass.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path) ? "" : TravelLogUnit.Path);

                cmdrid = commander.Nr;

                if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                    TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid));
            else if (je is ISystemStationEntry && ((ISystemStationEntry)je).IsTrainingEvent)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Training detected:\n{line}");

            if (je is IAdditionalFiles)
                if ((je as IAdditionalFiles).ReadAdditionalFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), ref jo) == false)     // if failed

            if (je is JournalEvents.JournalShipyard)                // when going into shipyard
                toosoon      = lastshipyard != null && lastshipyard.Yard.Equals((je as JournalEvents.JournalShipyard).Yard);
                lastshipyard = je as JournalEvents.JournalShipyard;
            else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips)        // when going into shipyard
                toosoon = laststoredships != null && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredships.ShipsHere, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips).ShipsHere) &&
                          CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredships.ShipsRemote, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips).ShipsRemote);
                laststoredships = je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips;
            else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules)      // when going into outfitting
                toosoon           = laststoredmodules != null && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredmodules.ModuleItems, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules).ModuleItems);
                laststoredmodules = je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules;
            else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting)         // when doing into outfitting
                toosoon        = lastoutfitting != null && lastoutfitting.ItemList.Equals((je as JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting).ItemList);
                lastoutfitting = je as JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting;
            else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalMarket)
                toosoon    = lastmarket != null && lastmarket.Equals(je as JournalEvents.JournalMarket);
                lastmarket = je as JournalEvents.JournalMarket;
            else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalUndocked || je is JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame)             // undocked, Load Game, repeats are cleared
                lastshipyard      = null;
                laststoredmodules = null;
                lastoutfitting    = null;
                laststoredmodules = null;
                laststoredships   = null;

            if (toosoon)                                                // if seeing repeats, remove
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Remove as dup " + je.EventTypeStr);

            je.TLUId       = (int);
            je.CommanderId = cmdrid;

            return(new JournalReaderEntry {
                JournalEntry = je, Json = jo
        private JournalReaderEntry ProcessLine(string line, bool resetOnError)
            int cmdrid = -2;        //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown

            if (TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value;
                // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU says commander {0} at {1}", cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Name));

            if (line.Length == 0)

            JObject      jo = null;
            JournalEntry je = null;

                jo = JObject.Parse(line);
                je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(jo);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}");

                if (resetOnError)

            if (je == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}");

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Fileheader)
                JournalEvents.JournalFileheader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileheader)je;

                if (header.Beta && !disable_beta_commander_check)
                    TravelLogUnit.type |= 0x8000;

                if (header.Part > 1)
                    JournalEvents.JournalContinued contd = JournalEntry.GetLast <JournalEvents.JournalContinued>(je.EventTimeUTC.AddSeconds(1), e => e.Part == header.Part);

                    // Carry commander over from previous log if it ends with a Continued event.
                    if (contd != null && Math.Abs(header.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(contd.EventTimeUTC).TotalSeconds) < 5 && contd.CommanderId >= 0)
                        TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = contd.CommanderId;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame)
                string newname = (je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame).LoadGameCommander;

                if ((TravelLogUnit.type & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
                    newname = "[BETA] " + newname;

                EDCommander _commander = EDCommander.GetCommander(newname);

                if (_commander == null)
                    _commander = EDCommander.GetAll().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders == 1 && _commander != null && _commander.Name == "Jameson (Default)")
                        _commander.Name     = newname;
                        _commander.EdsmName = newname;
                        EDCommander.Update(new List <EDCommander> {
                        }, false);
                        _commander = EDCommander.Create(newname, null, EDJournalClass.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path) ? "" : TravelLogUnit.Path);

                cmdrid = _commander.Nr;

                if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                    TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid));
            else if (je is ISystemStationEntry && ((ISystemStationEntry)je).IsTrainingEvent)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Training detected:\n{line}");

            if (je is IAdditionalFiles)
                if ((je as IAdditionalFiles).ReadAdditionalFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), ref jo) == false)     // if failed

            je.TLUId       = (int);
            je.CommanderId = cmdrid;

            return(new JournalReaderEntry {
                JournalEntry = je, Json = jo