Beispiel #1
        private bool CheckMaterialCustomField(DataTable Exceldt, string ColName, int MaterialId, string CustomFieldValue)
            CommonCodeMgr common = new CommonCodeMgr();
            CustomFieldMgr customFieldMgr = new CustomFieldMgr();
            MaterialMgr materialMgr = new MaterialMgr();
            MaterialCustomFieldMgr materialCustomFieldMgr = new MaterialCustomFieldMgr();

            TypeCustomField customField = new TypeCustomField();
            TypeMaterialCustomField materialCustomField = new TypeMaterialCustomField();

            SigmaResultType mResult = new SigmaResultType();
            SigmaResultType cResult = new SigmaResultType();

            DataSet CustomFiledSD = materialCustomFieldMgr.ListMaterialCustomFieldByFieldName(ColName);

            if (CustomFiledSD.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)  // CustomField Table 동일 FieldName이 있으면 MaterialCustomField Table 입력
                DataRow CustomFiledSR = CustomFiledSD.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                materialCustomField.MaterialId = MaterialId;
                materialCustomField.CustomFieldId = Convert.ToInt32(CustomFiledSR["CustomFieldId"].ToString());
                materialCustomField.Value = CustomFieldValue;
                materialCustomField.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;

                mResult = materialMgr.AddMaterialCustomField(materialCustomField);
            else // CustomField Table & MaterialCustomField Table 에 입력
                customField.FieldName = ColName;
                customField.IsDisplayable = "Y";
                customField.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;

                cResult = customFieldMgr.AddCustomField(customField);

                if (cResult.IsSuccessful)
                    materialCustomField.MaterialId = MaterialId;
                    materialCustomField.CustomFieldId = cResult.ScalarValue;
                    materialCustomField.Value = CustomFieldValue;
                    materialCustomField.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;

                    mResult = materialMgr.AddMaterialCustomField(materialCustomField);

            return mResult.IsSuccessful;
Beispiel #2
        public SigmaResultType ImportCivilMto(DataTable Exceldt, string filePath, string exportfilepath)
            #region Set  Basic

            CommonCodeMgr common = new CommonCodeMgr();
            SigmaResultType SigmaResult = new SigmaResultType();
            DataLoaderCivil loader = new DataLoaderCivil();
            Export2Excel ExportExcel = new Export2Excel();
            TypeComponent cmpt = new TypeComponent();
            TypeMaterial mtr = new TypeMaterial();
            TypeComponentCustomField ccf = new TypeComponentCustomField();
            TypeMaterialCustomField mcf = new TypeMaterialCustomField();
            TypeImportHistory ImportHistory = new TypeImportHistory();
            TypeComponentReferenceDrawing crd = new TypeComponentReferenceDrawing();
            ComponentMgr comMgr = new ComponentMgr();
            MaterialMgr mtrMgr = new MaterialMgr();
            ImportHistoryMgr HistoryMgr = new ImportHistoryMgr();
            ComponentCustomFieldMgr CCFMgr = new ComponentCustomFieldMgr();
            MaterialCustomFieldMgr MCFMgr = new MaterialCustomFieldMgr();
            TypeComponentProgress cmptPro = new TypeComponentProgress();
            ComponentProgressMgr cmpProMgr = new ComponentProgressMgr();
            CommonCodeMgr ComCodeMgr = new CommonCodeMgr();
            ComponentReferenceDrawingMgr crdMgr = new ComponentReferenceDrawingMgr();

            int Failcnt = 0;
            int ImportHistoryId = -1;
            int HisCnt = 0;
            int ComponentID = -1;

            if (Exceldt.Rows.Count > 0)
                loader = MTOImportHelper.GetDataLoaderCivilOrdinal(Exceldt);
                SigmaResult.IsSuccessful = false;
                SigmaResult.ErrorMessage = "no record from file.";

            //Set TagNumber Name
            DataTable TmGroupDt = SetTagNumber(Exceldt);
            //Make Err Table
            DataTable ErrDataTable =  SetErrTable(Exceldt);

            #region Get Common Data From DB
            string FileName  = Path.GetFileName(filePath).ToString();

            //Get CWP Table
            //DataTable CwpdDt = common.GetCommonCode("*", "cwp", "");
            DataTable CwpdDt = common.GetCWP();
            SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(CwpdDt, "CWP"); //Err?

            //Get UOM Table
            string UOMWhere = "Where CodeCategory = 'UOM' ";
            DataTable UOMDt = common.GetCommonCode("*", "SigmaCode", UOMWhere);
            SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(UOMDt, "SigmaCode Table UOM");

            //Get Material Table
            string MtrWhere = "where DisciplineCode = 'DISCIPLINE_CIVIL'";
            DataTable MtrDt = common.GetCommonCode("*", "Material", MtrWhere);
            SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(MtrDt, "Material");

            //Get CostCode Table
            DataTable CostCodeDt = common.GetCommonCode("CostCodeId, CostCode", "CostCode", "");
            SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(CostCodeDt, "CostCode");

            //Get Discipline(SigmaCode Table)
            string DisciplineWhere = "where CodeCategory = 'DISCIPLINE' AND CodeName = 'Civil'";
            DataTable DisciplineDt = common.GetCommonCode("code", "SigmaCode", DisciplineWhere);
            SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(DisciplineDt, "SigmaCode Table DISCIPLINE");

            //Get TaskCatogory
            DataTable TaskCategoryDt = common.GetCommonCode("*", "TaskCategory", "where DisciplineCode = 'DISCIPLINE_CIVIL'");
            SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(TaskCategoryDt, "TaskCategory");
            int taskCategoryCnt = TaskCategoryDt.Rows.Count;
            int cnt1 = int.Parse(TaskCategoryDt.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            int cnt2 = int.Parse(TaskCategoryDt.Rows[taskCategoryCnt - 1][0].ToString());
            string where = "WHERE TaskCategoryId between " + cnt1 + " AND  " + cnt2;

            //Get TaskType
            DataTable TaskTypeDt = common.GetCommonCode("*", "TaskType", where);
            SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(TaskTypeDt, "TaskCategory");

            //StepRow의 Data 없는 경우 [progressStep Table 에서 ProgressStepId = 13|| Name = default progress의  Weight 값으로 처리]
            DataRow[] defaultStepRow = new DataTable().Select();// common.GetCommonCode("*", "ProgressStep", " Where Name = 'default progress'").Select();


            //Set Composite Data
            DataTable CompoDt = CheckCompositeData(Exceldt);

            foreach (DataRow r in Exceldt.Rows)
                #region  Validation Data
                DataRow[] CwpRow = null; DataRow[] TaskCategoryRow = null; DataRow[] TaskTypeRow = null; DataRow[] CostCodeRow = null;
                DataRow[] StepRow = null; DataRow[] UOMRow = null; DataRow[] MtrRow = null; DataRow[] comMaterRow = null;
                string MtrName = string.Empty;   int TaskCategoryId = 0;  int TaskTyeId = 0;    int CostCodeid = 0;
                decimal ComQty = 0; string MultiQty = "N"; string TagNumber = string.Empty;
                string compositeMateral = string.Empty; decimal EstimatedManhour = 0; string EngTagNumber = string.Empty;

                List<TypeComponentProgress> listComponentProgress = new List<TypeComponentProgress>();

                //get Drawing Info
                DataTable DrawDt = common.GetCwpDrawing(r[loader.Ord_Drawing].ToString(), (r[loader.Ord_Revision].ToString()));
                SigmaResult = SetErrMassage(DrawDt, r[loader.Ord_Drawing].ToString());
                //get Choice UOM info
                string SelectUOMWhere = "CodeName = '" + r[loader.Ord_UOM] + "' OR CodeShortName = '" + r[loader.Ord_UOM] + "'";

                //Get CostCode Info
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_CostCode].ToString().Trim())) CostCodeRow = CostCodeDt.Select("CostCode = '" + r[loader.Ord_CostCode].ToString() + "'");
                if (CostCodeRow != null && CostCodeRow.Length > 0) CostCodeid = Convert.ToInt32(CostCodeRow[0][0].ToString());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_CWP].ToString().Trim()))CwpRow = CwpdDt.Select("CwpName = '" + r[loader.Ord_CWP].ToString() + "'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_TaskCategory].ToString().Trim())) TaskCategoryRow = TaskCategoryDt.Select("TaskCategoryName = '" + r[loader.Ord_TaskCategory] + "'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_TaskType].ToString().Trim())) TaskTypeRow = TaskTypeDt.Select("TaskTypeName = '" + r[loader.Ord_TaskType] + "'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_MaterialDescription].ToString().Trim()))MtrName = r[loader.Ord_MaterialDescription].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_EngTagNumber].ToString().Trim())) EngTagNumber = r[loader.Ord_EngTagNumber].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_UOM].ToString().Trim())) UOMRow = UOMDt.Select(SelectUOMWhere);
                if(TaskCategoryRow != null && TaskCategoryRow.Length > 0 )TaskCategoryId = int.Parse(TaskCategoryRow[0][0].ToString());
                if(TaskTypeRow != null && TaskTypeRow.Length > 0 )TaskTyeId = int.Parse(TaskTypeRow[0][0].ToString());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_AssoCompoMaterial].ToString().Trim())) compositeMateral = r[loader.Ord_AssoCompoMaterial].ToString();

                string MtrNameWhere = " AND Description = '" + MtrName + "'";

                //Check Exist material name
                if (TaskCategoryRow.Length > 0 && TaskTypeRow.Length > 0)
                    MtrRow = MtrDt.Select("TaskCategoryId = '" + TaskCategoryRow[0][0] + "' " +
                                    "AND TaskTypeId = '" + TaskTypeRow[0][0] + "' " + MtrNameWhere);

                if(UOMRow.Length > 0)
                    UOMRow = MtrDt.Select("TaskCategoryId = '" + TaskCategoryRow[0][0] + "' " +
                                    "AND TaskTypeId = '" + TaskTypeRow[0][0] + "' AND UomCode = '" +UOMRow[0][0] + "'");

                //MaterialDescription & AssociatedComposite Material Description
                if (compositeMateral != string.Empty)
                    comMaterRow = CompoDt.Select("MaterialDescription ='" + compositeMateral + "'");


                #region Set ProgressStep
                //Check ProgressStep Table
                StepRow = common.GetProgressStepByTaskCategoryTaskType(TaskCategoryId, TaskTyeId).Select();
                ComQty = Convert.ToDecimal(r[loader.Ord_Qty]);

                if (StepRow.Length != 0)
                    foreach (DataRow Step in StepRow)
                        TypeComponentProgress obj = new TypeComponentProgress();
                        MultiQty = Step["IsMultipliable"].ToString();

                        if (MultiQty == "Y") // ProgressStep > IsMultipliable(MultipliedByQty) = "Y"
                            obj.EstimatedManhours = (Convert.ToDecimal(Step["Weight"]) / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(MtrRow.Length > 0 ? MtrRow[0]["Manhours"] : 0) * ComQty;//Manhours*weight*Qty
                            obj.ProgressStepId = int.Parse(Step["ProgressStepId"].ToString());
                            obj.EstimatedManhours = (Convert.ToDecimal(Step["Weight"]) / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(MtrRow.Length > 0 ? MtrRow[0]["Manhours"] : 0) * ComQty;//Manhours*weight*Qty 2014.3.31  임시 IsMultipliable 구분 없도록
                            obj.ProgressStepId = int.Parse(Step["ProgressStepId"].ToString());
                        EstimatedManhour = EstimatedManhour + obj.EstimatedManhours;
                    TypeComponentProgress obj = new TypeComponentProgress();
                    obj.EstimatedManhours = (defaultStepRow.Length > 0 ? Convert.ToDecimal(defaultStepRow[0]["weight"]) : 100) * ComQty;
                    obj.ProgressStepId = defaultStepRow.Length > 0 ? int.Parse(defaultStepRow[0]["ProgressStepId"].ToString()) : 0;
                    EstimatedManhour = EstimatedManhour + obj.EstimatedManhours;


                #region 1. Set ImportHistory(SuccessCount/FailCount)
                //ImportHistoryId 값 구하기 위해
                if (HisCnt == 0)
                    SigmaResultType AddResult = AddImportHistory(0, 0, FileName, "MTO");
                    ImportHistoryId = Convert.ToInt32(AddResult.ScalarValue);
                    HisCnt = 1;// ImportHistory Table 한번만 입력

                #region 2.  Set ErrDataTable

            if (CwpRow.Length == 0 || CwpRow == null)
                ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "The drawing type of [CWP] doesn’t exist. ";
                Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;
            else if (DrawDt.Rows.Count == 0)
                ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "The drawing type of [Drawing Number] doesn’t exist. ";
                Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;
            else if (TaskCategoryDt.Rows.Count == 0 || TaskCategoryRow.Length == 0)
                ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "There is no item in the library to match up with the value of [" + r[loader.Ord_TaskCategory].ToString() + "]";
                Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;
            else if (TaskTypeDt.Rows.Count == 0 || TaskTypeRow.Length == 0)
                ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "There is no item in the library to match up with the value of [" + r[loader.Ord_TaskType].ToString() + "]";
                Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;
            else if (MtrRow == null || MtrRow.Length == 0)
                ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "There is no item in the library to match up with the value of [" + r[loader.Ord_MaterialDescription].ToString() + "]";
                Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;
            else if (UOMRow == null || UOMRow.Length == 0)
                ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "There is no item in the library to match up with the value of [" + r[loader.Ord_UOM].ToString() + "]";
                Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;
            //else if (CostCodeRow == null || CostCodeRow.Length == 0)
            //    ErrDataTable.Rows.Add(r.ItemArray);
            //    ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "There is no item in the library to match up with the value of [" + r[loader.Ord_CostCode].ToString() + "]";
            //    Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;
            //else if (comMaterRow != null && comMaterRow.Length == 0)
            //    ErrDataTable.Rows.Add(r.ItemArray);
            //    ErrDataTable.Rows[ErrDataTable.Rows.Count - 1]["Fail Reason"] = "There is no item in the library to match up with the value of [" + compositeMateral + "]";
            //    Failcnt = Failcnt + 1;

                #region 3. Set & Save Component

                    #region 3.1 Set Tag Number

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r[loader.Ord_TagNumber].ToString().Trim()))
                    TagNumber = r[loader.Ord_TagNumber].ToString().Trim();
                    string name = string.Empty;

                    if (MtrName.Length > 3)
                        name = MtrName.Substring(0, MtrName.Length);

                    if ((comMaterRow != null && comMaterRow.Length > 0) || MtrName.Contains("Composite")) //Composite data가 있으면 TagNumber : CO-drawing number-sequence number
                        TagNumber = MTOImportHelper.GetCreateTagNumber(TmGroupDt, r[loader.Ord_Drawing].ToString().Trim(), "CO");
                        TagNumber = MTOImportHelper.GetCreateTagNumber(TmGroupDt, r[loader.Ord_Drawing].ToString().Trim(), string.Empty);//drawing number-sequence number

                cmpt.CwpId = int.Parse(CwpRow[0][0].ToString());
                cmpt.DrawingId = Convert.ToInt32(DrawDt.Rows[DrawDt.Rows.Count - 1]["DrawingId"]);
                cmpt.MaterialId = Convert.ToInt32(MtrRow[0][0]);//metarial table data 있어야 함
                cmpt.TagNumber = TagNumber;
                cmpt.Qty = ComQty;
                cmpt.ScheduledWorkItemId = 0;
                cmpt.IsoLineNo = 0;
                cmpt.EstimatedManhour = EstimatedManhour;// Material의 manhours * Qty
                cmpt.ImportHistoryId = ImportHistoryId;
                cmpt.Description = MtrName;//Material Name
                cmpt.EngTagNumber = EngTagNumber;
                cmpt.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;
                SigmaResult = comMgr.AddComponent(cmpt);
                ComponentID = SigmaResult.ScalarValue;//for ComponentCustomField insert

                #region 4.Set & Save ComponentReferenceDrawing
                crd.ComponentId = ComponentID;
                crd.DrawingId = int.Parse(DrawDt.Rows[0]["DrawingId"].ToString());
                crd.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;
                SigmaResult = crdMgr.AddComponentReferenceDrawing(crd);

                #region 5. Set & Save ComponetCustomField[StructureNumber]

                if (r[loader.Ord_StructureNumber].ToString() != null)
                    string FieldName = "Structure Number";
                    string ColumnValue = r[loader.Ord_StructureNumber].ToString();
                    string FieldWhere = "WHERE FieldName = '" + FieldName.Replace(" ","") + "'";
                    int customFieldId = 0;
                    DataRow[] customFieldRow = common.GetCommonCode("*", "CustomField", FieldWhere).Select();

                    if (customFieldRow.Count() > 0)
                        customFieldId = int.Parse(customFieldRow[0]["CustomFieldId"].ToString());
                        TypeCustomField rtn = new TypeCustomField();
                        rtn.FieldName = FieldName;
                        rtn.IsDisplayable = "Y";
                        CustomFieldMgr customFieldMtr = new CustomFieldMgr();
                        rtn = customFieldMtr.GetCustomField(rtn);
                        customFieldId = rtn.CustomFieldId;

                    ccf.CustomFieldId = customFieldId;
                    ccf.ComponentId = ComponentID;
                    ccf.Value = r[loader.Ord_StructureNumber].ToString();
                    ccf.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;
                    SigmaResult = CCFMgr.AddComponentCustomField(ccf);


                #region 6. Set & Save ComponentProgress
                listComponentProgress.ForEach(x => x.ComponentId = ComponentID);
                listComponentProgress.ForEach(x => x.IsCompleted = "N");
                listComponentProgress.ForEach(x => x.AmountInstalled = 0);
                listComponentProgress.ForEach(x => x.SigmaOperation = "C");
                SigmaResult = cmpProMgr.MultiComponentProgress(listComponentProgress);

                #region 7. CustomField = "UD_" 인 경우[ComponentCustomField Table]
                //Excel 항목중에 "UD-"로 시작하는 것에 대해서 Validation 처리
                for (int i = 0; i < Exceldt.Columns.Count; i++)
                    if (Exceldt.Columns[i].ToString().Substring(0, 3).ToUpper() == "UD_")
                        string RowValue = r.ItemArray.GetValue(i).ToString();
                        SigmaResult.IsSuccessful = CheckCustomField(Exceldt, Exceldt.Columns[i].ToString().Trim(), ComponentID, RowValue);

            #region 8. Update Fail Count/Success Count(ImportHistory Table)
            Failcnt = Failcnt++;
            int iTotalCnt = Exceldt.Rows.Count;
            int iSuccessCnt = iTotalCnt - Failcnt;
            ImportHistory.ImportCategory = "MTO";
            ImportHistory.ImportedFileName = FileName;
            ImportHistory.ImportedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            ImportHistory.TotalCount = iTotalCnt;
            ImportHistory.SuccessCount = iSuccessCnt;
            ImportHistory.FailCount = Failcnt;
            ImportHistory.UpdatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;
            ImportHistory.ImportHistoryId = ImportHistoryId;
            SigmaResult = HistoryMgr.UpdateImportHistory(ImportHistory);


            //ConvertExcel file && CSV file
            Export2Excel.ConvertExcelfromData(ErrDataTable, ImportHistoryId.ToString()+".xlsx", exportfilepath);
            Export2Excel.ConvertCSVFile(ErrDataTable, ImportHistoryId.ToString()+".csv", exportfilepath);

            return SigmaResult;
Beispiel #3
        private bool CheckEquipmentCustomField(DataTable Exceldt, string ColName, int EquipmentId, string CustomFieldValue)
            CommonCodeMgr common = new CommonCodeMgr();
            CustomFieldMgr customFieldMgr = new CustomFieldMgr();
            EquipmentMgr equipmentMgr = new EquipmentMgr();
            MaterialCustomFieldMgr materialCustomFieldMgr = new MaterialCustomFieldMgr();

            TypeCustomField customField = new TypeCustomField();
            TypeEquipmentCustomField equipmentCustomField = new TypeEquipmentCustomField();

            SigmaResultType mResult = new SigmaResultType();
            SigmaResultType cResult = new SigmaResultType();

            DataSet CustomFiledSD = materialCustomFieldMgr.ListMaterialCustomFieldByFieldName(ColName);
            DataRow CustomFiledSR = CustomFiledSD.Tables[0].Rows[0];

            if (CustomFiledSD.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                equipmentCustomField.EquipmentId = EquipmentId;
                equipmentCustomField.CustomFieldId = Convert.ToInt32(CustomFiledSR["CustomFieldId"].ToString());
                equipmentCustomField.Value = CustomFieldValue;
                equipmentCustomField.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;

                mResult = equipmentMgr.AddEquipmentCustomField(equipmentCustomField);
                customField.FieldName = ColName;
                customField.IsDisplayable = "Y";
                customField.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;

                cResult = customFieldMgr.AddCustomField(customField);

                if (cResult.IsSuccessful)
                    equipmentCustomField.EquipmentId = EquipmentId;
                    equipmentCustomField.CustomFieldId = cResult.ScalarValue;
                    equipmentCustomField.Value = CustomFieldValue;
                    equipmentCustomField.CreatedBy = userinfo.SigmaUserId;

                    mResult = equipmentMgr.AddEquipmentCustomField(equipmentCustomField);

            return mResult.IsSuccessful;
 public SigmaResultType GetMaterialCustomFieldWithCustomField(string materialId)
     SigmaResultType result = new SigmaResultType();
         MaterialCustomFieldMgr materialCustomFieldMgr = new MaterialCustomFieldMgr();
         result = materialCustomFieldMgr.GetMaterialCustomFieldWithCustomField(materialId);
         return result;
     catch (Exception ex)
         // Log Exception
         result.IsSuccessful = false;
         result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
         return result;