public LifetimeServiceHost(IHostApplicationLifetime lifetime)
            lifetime.ApplicationStarted.Register(() =>
                App.Instance.IsReady = true;

                BridgeConnector.Log("ASP.NET Core host has fully started.");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Use a Electron support for this .NET Core Project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">The builder.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IWebHostBuilder UseElectron(this IWebHostBuilder builder, string[] args)
            foreach (string argument in args)
                if (argument.ToUpper().Contains("ELECTRONPORT"))
                    BridgeSettings.SocketPort = argument.ToUpper().Replace("/ELECTRONPORT=", "");
                    BridgeConnector.Log("Use Electron Port: " + BridgeSettings.SocketPort);
                else if (argument.ToUpper().Contains("ELECTRONWEBPORT"))
                    BridgeSettings.WebPort = argument.ToUpper().Replace("/ELECTRONWEBPORT=", "");

            if (HybridSupport.IsElectronActive)
                builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
                    services.AddHostedService <LifetimeServiceHost>();

                // check for the content folder if its exists in base director otherwise no need to include
                // It was used before because we are publishing the project which copies everything to bin folder and contentroot wwwroot was folder there.
                // now we have implemented the live reload if app is run using /watch then we need to use the default project path.
                if (Directory.Exists($"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}\\wwwroot"))
                    .UseUrls("http://localhost:" + BridgeSettings.WebPort);
                    builder.UseUrls("http://localhost:" + BridgeSettings.WebPort);
