Contains the detailed information for image property generation
 static void Main(string[] args)
     // should have 5 arguments though subscription_id_source, path_to_pub_settings_source,
     // destination_account_name, destination_account_key, vhd_blob_path
     // 1. test the copy of the image from source to destination account
     // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
     string subscription_id_source = args[0];
     // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
     var certificate_source = new PublishSettingsExtractor(args[1]).AddPublishSettingsToPersonalMachineStore();
     // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
     string account_name_destination = args[2];
     // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
     string account_key_destination = args[3];
     // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
     string source_image_path = args[4];
     var properties = new ImageProperties()
         OperatingSystem = PlatformType.Linux,
         Description = "Test from Azure Fluent Management",
         ShowInGui = false,
         IsPremium = true
     var client = new ImageManagementClient(subscription_id_source, certificate_source);
     var imageList = client.ImageList;
     imageList.ForEach(image => Console.WriteLine(image.Label));
     Console.WriteLine("Image sparkius exists: {0}", client.Exists("sparkius1"));
     //client.CopyAndRegisterImageInNewSubscription(account_name_destination, account_key_destination, null,
     //    "elastaimage", "sparkius", source_image_path, properties);
 /// <summary>
 ///   Registers a virtual machine image for either Linux or Windowss     
 ///  </summary>
 internal RegisterImageCommand(ImageProperties properties)
     AdditionalHeaders["x-ms-version"] = "2012-08-01";
     OperationId = "images";
     ServiceType = "services";
     HttpVerb = HttpVerbPost;
     properties.PublishedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
     properties.IsPremium = properties.IsPremium.HasValue && properties.IsPremium.Value;
     properties.ShowInGui = properties.ShowInGui.HasValue && properties.ShowInGui.Value;
     Properties = properties;
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to copy or register an image from one subscription to another
        /// </summary>
        public void CopyAndRegisterImageInNewSubscription(ImageProperties imageProperties, bool copyImageOnlyIfNotExists = true)
            // by default we won't copy the image if it exists
            // TODO: need to check this implementation as the index is confusing
            int index = imageProperties.Version;
            if (Exists(GetFormattedImageName(imageProperties.ImageNameRoot, imageProperties.Version, false)) && copyImageOnlyIfNotExists)
            RaiseClientUpdate(5, "Checked for formatted image existence");
            // get the storage account to copy to and the blob
            var storageAccountClient = new StorageClient(SubscriptionId, ManagementCertificate);
            var destinationAccountKeys = storageAccountClient.GetStorageAccountKeys(imageProperties.DestinationAccountName);
            var storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(new StorageCredentials(imageProperties.DestinationAccountName, destinationAccountKeys[0]), true);
            var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            // list all of the containers in the blob - if they are not present then create a new one
            // create this container if it doesn't exist as this will contain the blob which will be registered as the image
            var containerReference = blobClient.GetContainerReference(imageProperties.DestinationAccountContainer);
            // make sure that this image name dis a .vhd
            //imageName = imageName.EndsWith(".vhd") ? imageName + ".vhd" : imageName;
            var blobImage = containerReference.GetPageBlobReference(GetFormattedImageName(imageProperties.ImageNameRoot, index, true));
            while (blobImage.Exists())
                // eventually we'll find a name we don't have!
                blobImage = containerReference.GetPageBlobReference(GetFormattedImageName(imageProperties.ImageNameRoot, ++index, true));
            RaiseClientUpdate(8, "Checked to see whether images exist with index " + index);
            // create a SAS from the source account for the image
            if (imageProperties.SourceAccountName != null && imageProperties.SourceAccountKey != null)
                var client = new StorageClient(imageProperties.SourceAccountName, imageProperties.SourceAccountKey);
                imageProperties.ImageCopyLocation = client.GetSaSFromBlobUri(imageProperties.ImageCopyLocation);
                RaiseClientUpdate(10, "Calculated SaS blob uri");
                blobImage.StartCopyFromBlob(new Uri(imageProperties.ImageCopyLocation));
                double percentCopied = 0;
                while (blobImage.CopyState.Status != CopyStatus.Success && blobImage.CopyState.Status != CopyStatus.Failed)
                    blobImage = (CloudPageBlob)containerReference.GetBlobReferenceFromServer(GetFormattedImageName(imageProperties.ImageNameRoot, index, true));

                    if (blobImage.CopyState.BytesCopied == null || blobImage.CopyState.TotalBytes == null)
                    // wait one second until we have the copy status working properly
                    double innerPercent = Math.Round(((double)blobImage.CopyState.BytesCopied.Value / (double)blobImage.CopyState.TotalBytes.Value) * 70) + 10;
                    if (innerPercent != percentCopied)
                        RaiseClientUpdate(Convert.ToInt32(innerPercent), "Copied part of image file to blob storage");
                    percentCopied = innerPercent;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception is: ", ex.ToString());
            // use the copy blob API to copy the image across

            // when the copy process is complete we want to register the image
            imageProperties.Name = imageProperties.Label = GetFormattedImageName(imageProperties.ImageNameRoot, index, false);
            imageProperties.MediaLink = blobImage.Uri.ToString();
            var registerImageCommand = new RegisterImageCommand(imageProperties)
                SubscriptionId = SubscriptionId,
                Certificate = ManagementCertificate
            RaiseClientUpdate(100, "Completed registration of image into target account");
        internal override void Parse()
             * <Images xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
            IEnumerable<XElement> rootElements = Document.Element(GetSchema() + "Images")
                .Elements(GetSchema() + "OSImage");
            foreach (XElement osDetail in rootElements)
                //if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "MediaLink") == null)
                //    continue;

                //if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "MediaLink").Value == String.Empty)
                //    continue;

                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "ImageFamily") != null)
                    if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "ImageFamily").Value.Contains("RightScale"))
                var imageProperties = new ImageProperties();
                // get the affinity group if it exists
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Description") != null)
                    imageProperties.Description = osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Description").Value;
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Name") != null)
                    imageProperties.Name = osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Name").Value;
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Label") != null)
                    imageProperties.Label = osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Label").Value;
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Eula") != null)
                    imageProperties.Eula = osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "Eula").Value;
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "ImageFamily") != null)
                    imageProperties.ImageFamily = osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "ImageFamily").Value;
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "IsPremium") != null)
                    imageProperties.IsPremium = bool.Parse(osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "IsPremium").Value);
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "ShowInGui") != null)
                    imageProperties.ShowInGui = bool.Parse(osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "ShowInGui").Value);
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "MediaLink") != null)
                    imageProperties.MediaLink = osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "MediaLink").Value;
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "OS") != null)
                    imageProperties.OperatingSystem = (PlatformType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PlatformType), osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "OS").Value);
                if (osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "PublishedDate") != null)
                    imageProperties.PublishedDate = DateTime.Parse(osDetail.Element(GetSchema() + "PublishedDate").Value);
