private void ShowInternal(int areaIndex)
            if (_areaIndexField == null)
            _areaIndexField.SetValue(this, areaIndex);
            int x;
            int z;

            //begin mod
            FakeGameAreaManager.GetTileXZ(areaIndex, out x, out z);  //This method gets inlined and can't be detoured
            //end mod
            uint num;
            uint num2;
            uint num3;
            uint num4;
            uint num5;

            Singleton <NaturalResourceManager> .instance.GetTileResources(x, z, out num, out num2, out num3, out num4, out num5);

            float num6      = 3686400f;
            float num7      = 1139.0625f;
            float num8      = num6 / num7 * 255f;
            float endValue  = Mathf.Pow(num2 / num8, this.m_OilExponent);
            float endValue2 = Mathf.Pow(num / num8, this.m_OreExponent);
            float endValue3 = Mathf.Pow(num3 / num8, this.m_ForestryExponent);
            float endValue4 = Mathf.Pow(num4 / num8, this.m_FarmingExponent);

            m_OilResources.value       = 0f;
            m_OreResources.value       = 0f;
            m_ForestryResources.value  = 0f;
            m_FertilityResources.value = 0f;
            ValueAnimator.Animate("Oil", delegate(float val)
                m_OilResources.value = val;
            }, new AnimatedFloat(0f, endValue, this.m_InterpolationTime, this.m_InterpolationEasingType));
            ValueAnimator.Animate("Ore", delegate(float val)
                m_OreResources.value = val;
            }, new AnimatedFloat(0f, endValue2, this.m_InterpolationTime, this.m_InterpolationEasingType));
            ValueAnimator.Animate("Forest", delegate(float val)
                m_ForestryResources.value = val;
            }, new AnimatedFloat(0f, endValue3, this.m_InterpolationTime, this.m_InterpolationEasingType));
            ValueAnimator.Animate("Fertility", delegate(float val)
                m_FertilityResources.value = val;
            }, new AnimatedFloat(0f, endValue4, this.m_InterpolationTime, this.m_InterpolationEasingType));
        protected override void OnToolGUI(Event e)
            ToolController toolController = ToolsModifierControl.toolController;
            int            num            = (int)_mouseAreaIndexField.GetValue(this);

            if (toolController.IsInsideUI)
            if (e.type != EventType.MouseDown)
            if (e.button == 0)
                if (num != -1)
                    if ((Object)toolController != (Object)null && (toolController.m_mode & ItemClass.Availability.MapEditor) != ItemClass.Availability.None)
                        //begin mod
                        //end mod
                        int x;
                        int z;
                        //begin mod
                        FakeGameAreaManager.GetTileXZ(num, out x, out z); //This method gets inlined and can't be detoured
                        //end mod
                        if (Singleton <GameAreaManager> .instance.CanUnlock(x, z) || Singleton <GameAreaManager> .instance.IsUnlocked(x, z))
            else if (e.button != 1)
        private void UpdatePanel()
            if (_areaIndexField == null)
            var areaIndex = (int)_areaIndexField.GetValue(this);

            if (areaIndex != -1)
                int x;
                int z;
                //begin mod
                FakeGameAreaManager.GetTileXZ(areaIndex, out x, out z);  //This method gets inlined and can't be detoured
                //end mod
                Vector3 areaPositionSmooth = Singleton <GameAreaManager> .instance.GetAreaPositionSmooth(x, z);

                Vector3 vector  = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(areaPositionSmooth);
                UIView  uIView  = this.component.GetUIView();
                Vector2 vector2 = (!(m_FullscreenContainer != null)) ? uIView.GetScreenResolution() : m_FullscreenContainer.size;
                vector /= uIView.inputScale;
                Vector3 vector3          = this.component.pivot.UpperLeftToTransform(this.component.size, this.component.arbitraryPivotOffset);
                Vector3 relativePosition = uIView.ScreenPointToGUI(vector) + new Vector2(vector3.x, vector3.y);
                if (relativePosition.x < 0f)
                    relativePosition.x = 0f;
                if (relativePosition.y < 0f)
                    relativePosition.y = 0f;
                if (relativePosition.x + this.component.width > vector2.x)
                    relativePosition.x = vector2.x - this.component.width;
                if (relativePosition.y + this.component.height > vector2.y)
                    relativePosition.y = vector2.y - this.component.height;
                this.component.relativePosition = relativePosition;
                uint num;
                uint num2;
                uint num3;
                uint num4;
                uint num5;
                Singleton <NaturalResourceManager> .instance.GetTileResources(x, z, out num, out num2, out num3, out num4, out num5);

                m_OilNoResources.isVisible       = (num2 == 0u);
                m_OreNoResources.isVisible       = (num == 0u);
                m_ForestryNoResources.isVisible  = (num3 == 0u);
                m_FertilityNoResources.isVisible = (num4 == 0u);
                bool flag = num5 != 0u;
                m_Water.tooltip     = ((!flag) ? Locale.Get("AREA_NO_WATER") : Locale.Get("AREA_YES_WATER"));
                m_NoWater.isVisible = !flag;
                int num6;
                int num7;
                Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance.CalculateOutsideConnectionCount(ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport, ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportShip, out num6, out num7);

                int tileNodeCount = Singleton <NetManager> .instance.GetTileNodeCount(x, z, ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport, ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportShip);

                bool flag2 = (num6 == 0 && num7 == 0) || tileNodeCount == 0;
                m_Ship.tooltip      = ((!flag2) ? Locale.Get("AREA_YES_SHIPCONNECTION") : Locale.Get("AREA_NO_SHIPCONNECTION"));
                m_NoShip.isVisible  = flag2;
                m_InShip.isVisible  = (num6 > 0 && tileNodeCount > 0);
                m_OutShip.isVisible = (num7 > 0 && tileNodeCount > 0);
                Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance.CalculateOutsideConnectionCount(ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport, ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportTrain, out num6, out num7);

                tileNodeCount = Singleton <NetManager> .instance.GetTileNodeCount(x, z, ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport, ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportTrain);

                bool flag3 = (num6 == 0 && num7 == 0) || tileNodeCount == 0;
                m_Train.tooltip      = ((!flag3) ? Locale.Get("AREA_YES_TRAINCONNECTION") : Locale.Get("AREA_NO_TRAINCONNECTION"));
                m_NoTrain.isVisible  = flag3;
                m_InTrain.isVisible  = (num6 > 0 && tileNodeCount > 0);
                m_OutTrain.isVisible = (num7 > 0 && tileNodeCount > 0);
                Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance.CalculateOutsideConnectionCount(ItemClass.Service.PublicTransport, ItemClass.SubService.PublicTransportPlane, out num6, out num7);

                bool flag4 = num6 == 0 && num7 == 0;
                m_Plane.tooltip      = ((!flag4) ? Locale.Get("AREA_YES_PLANECONNECTION") : Locale.Get("AREA_NO_PLANECONNECTION"));
                m_NoPlane.isVisible  = flag4;
                m_InPlane.isVisible  = (num6 > 0);
                m_OutPlane.isVisible = (num7 > 0);
                Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance.CalculateOutsideConnectionCount(ItemClass.Service.Road, ItemClass.SubService.None, out num6, out num7);

                tileNodeCount = Singleton <NetManager> .instance.GetTileNodeCount(x, z, ItemClass.Service.Road, ItemClass.SubService.None);

                bool flag5 = (num6 == 0 && num7 == 0) || tileNodeCount == 0;
                m_Highway.tooltip      = ((!flag5) ? Locale.Get("AREA_YES_HIGHWAYCONNECTION") : Locale.Get("AREA_NO_HIGHWAYCONNECTION"));
                m_NoHighway.isVisible  = flag5;
                m_InHighway.isVisible  = (num6 > 0 && tileNodeCount > 0);
                m_OutHighway.isVisible = (num7 > 0 && tileNodeCount > 0);
                float num8         = 3686400f;
                float num9         = 1139.0625f;
                float num10        = num8 / num9 * 255f;
                float tileFlatness = Singleton <TerrainManager> .instance.GetTileFlatness(x, z);

                float num11 = tileFlatness * (num10 - num5) / num10;
                int   num12 = Singleton <GameAreaManager> .instance.CalculateTilePrice(num, num2, num3, num4, num5, !flag5, !flag3, !flag2, !flag4, tileFlatness);

                m_BuildableArea.text = StringUtils.SafeFormat(Locale.Get("AREA_BUILDABLE"), (object)StringUtils.SafeFormat(Locale.Get("VALUE_PERCENTAGE"), (object)Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(num11 * 100f), 100))));
                m_Price.text         = (num12 / 100).ToString(Settings.moneyFormat, LocaleManager.cultureInfo);
                bool flag6 = Singleton <GameAreaManager> .instance.IsUnlocked(x, z);

                m_Title.text = Locale.Get((!flag6) ? "AREA_NEWTILE" : "AREA_OWNEDTILE");
                m_PurchasePanel.isVisible = !flag6;
                m_PurchasePanel.isEnabled = (Singleton <EconomyManager> .instance.PeekResource(EconomyManager.Resource.LandPrice, num12) == num12);
                float value  = Mathf.Pow(num2 / num10, this.m_OilExponent);
                float value2 = Mathf.Pow(num / num10, this.m_OreExponent);
                float value3 = Mathf.Pow(num3 / num10, this.m_ForestryExponent);
                float value4 = Mathf.Pow(num4 / num10, this.m_FarmingExponent);
                if (!ValueAnimator.IsAnimating("Oil"))
                    m_OilResources.value = value;
                if (!ValueAnimator.IsAnimating("Ore"))
                    m_OreResources.value = value2;
                if (!ValueAnimator.IsAnimating("Forest"))
                    m_ForestryResources.value = value3;
                if (!ValueAnimator.IsAnimating("Fertility"))
                    m_FertilityResources.value = value4;